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Hola, Orland. Te damos la bienvenida a Wikipedia en español
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Esperamos que pases buenos momentos en Wikipedia. Lucien ~ Dialoguemos... 22:59 27 nov 2010 (UTC)[responder]

No eliminar texto[editar]

Por favor, no elimines texto de los artículos. Si no hay fuentes para justificar el redactado, y crees que debe aparecer, añade la plantilla de cita requerida --> {{cr}}. Gracias.--Gilwellian (discusión) 10:14 18 jun 2020 (UTC)[responder]

Hello, Gilwellian. Please note that I can't read spanish.
Concerning Bjæring: I've recently improved the norwegian edition of this article (no:Bjærumfunnet), removing unsourced text, and adding new text - with sources. I've tried to do the same in the english and spanish editions of this article as well.
In norwegian Wikipedia, we have a principle about Wikipedia:Verificabilidad: If you insert text, it is your responsibility to add sources. As for Bjæring, I found no sources that he ever lived, no sources that he was a viking, no sources that he was a king, no sources that he was presidía la corte en Tingvatn, no sources about any reina consorte. If you know any sources in norwegian or spanish, please add them. Or allow me to remove unsourced text.
Se also Discusión:Bjæring. Best wishes, --Orland (discusión) 10:31 18 jun 2020 (UTC)[responder]
Hi Orland. I already read your comments. I'll take a look to your amendment in Norwegian so will update and improve the article a.s.a.p. Thanks!--Gilwellian (discusión) 10:42 18 jun 2020 (UTC)[responder]
That's good news, Gilwellian. I think you will find the facts about the golden sword and the roman spears that were excaveted in 1776 far more interesting than a vague legend about an alledged "king". Bw --Orland (discusión) 10:46 18 jun 2020 (UTC)[responder]

Harald Vikarsson[editar]

I think there is a reading comprehension problem in your edition. No one says that Agder and Telemark are the same territory, the reference indicates that Harald kept Agder and Hordaland under his power, while Neri ruled Telemark and Uplands after Vikar's death. I reiterate, that nothing indicates or can be interpreted as that any of the mentioned territories are the same. If you have doubts, before editing let me know. I'll be pleased to help or clarify concepts.--Gilwellian (discusión) 10:34 24 jun 2020 (UTC)[responder]

The same goes for Dag de Vestmar since nothing indicates or is interpreted to be the same territories, but that he ruled over them. Again it is a problem of misinterpretation or failure in reading comprehension.--Gilwellian (discusión) 10:42 24 jun 2020 (UTC)[responder]
Hedmark and Hordaland are not even close ...
Hello, Gilwellian. This is no problem. All you have to do, is to add sources that these to persons really ruled over Agder. Do you have any such sources? It is not in Heimskringla?
As for Dag, there is no serious evience that he lived (c. 706-770). At best, you could say that he lived in the 8th century. I am very disturbed by the way you give birth years and death years for nordic people living before AD 1000. In my opinion, you are cherrypicking outdated and unserious sources.
Concerning Bodvar Svina Kaunsson, you say that he was un caudillo vikingo de Bergi, Hedmark, rey de Hordaland. This is not according to the source given. He is only mentioned in one dubious source (that no serious historican ever would trust), as great grandson of king Rolf (who was son of a troll and grandson of a god), and 4xgreat grandfather of Horda-Kåre - which is actually a historical person. This is obviously not serious history. And even if we should trust the source given - Bugge, it is only Rolf who are mentioned as king/herse/caudillo of Hedmark, and some of the Bodvars offspring are mentioned as kings of Hordaland. According to Bugge, Bodvar was neither king here nor there. And given norwegian geography, it is hard to imagine someone ruling both Hedmark and Hordaland. Bw --Orland (discusión) 11:28 24 jun 2020 (UTC)[responder]
In many cases, mythology and legend merge with history. I'm just trying to articulate each character, regardless of whether the source is oral tradition or a contemporary historical source. I was not looking for a historical thread, but rather making appropriate reference to the article to justify its presence on Wikipedia. For many characters, the Salt Lake City Mormon Archives helped in a coherently way to understand (with or without errors) many of the family lines. I still keep constant editing as long as I don't alter the rest of the articles, because they are all interconnected in one way or another. On birth dates (circa), I reiterate that it is a way of guiding some coherence to the profile, there are several sources from other editors who have followed the same path scratching such as sagas, legends or protohistory and help to articulate the family lines on websites such as among others. It is not intended to be historically accurate, but to provide sources, despite so dubious they may appear to be. --Gilwellian (discusión) 09:12 29 jun 2020 (UTC)[responder]