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George Francis Atkinson

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George Francis Atkinson
Información personal
Nacimiento 26 de enero de 1854 Ver y modificar los datos en Wikidata
Municipio de Raisinville (condado de Monroe, Míchigan) (Estados Unidos) Ver y modificar los datos en Wikidata
Fallecimiento 14 de noviembre de 1918 Ver y modificar los datos en Wikidata (64 años)
Tacoma (Estados Unidos) Ver y modificar los datos en Wikidata
Causa de muerte Pandemia de gripe de 1918 y gripe Ver y modificar los datos en Wikidata
Nacionalidad Estadounidense
Educado en Universidad Cornell Ver y modificar los datos en Wikidata
Información profesional
Ocupación Botánico, micólogo, fotógrafo y entomólogo Ver y modificar los datos en Wikidata
Área Botánica Ver y modificar los datos en Wikidata
Empleador Universidad Cornell Ver y modificar los datos en Wikidata
Estudiantes doctorales Harry Morton Fitzpatrick, William Henry Long y William Alphonso Murrill Ver y modificar los datos en Wikidata
Abreviatura en botánica G.F.Atk. Ver y modificar los datos en Wikidata
Miembro de Academia Nacional de Ciencias de los Estados Unidos Ver y modificar los datos en Wikidata

George Francis Atkinson (Raisinville, 26 de enero de 1854-Tacoma, 14 de noviembre de 1918) fue un botánico, algólogo, micólogo, entomólogo, ornitólogo, aracnólogo, fotógrafo, y escritor estadounidense.

Era originario de Raisinville, Michigan. Hijo de Joseph Atkinson y Josephine Fish. Estudió en Olivet College desde 1878 a 1883 y en 1885 obtuvo su B.Sc por la Cornell University. Fue conocido por sus contribuciones a los campos de la micología y la botánica.



De 1885 a 1886, fue profesor asistente de entomología y zoólogía, y asociado entre 1886 a 1888 en la Universidad de Carolina del norte. De 1888 a 1889, fue profesor de botánica y zoología en la Universidad de Carolina del Sur, y botánico en la Estación Experimental de la Universidad. De 1889 a 1892 enseñó biología en el Colegio de Agricultura y Mecánica de Alabama; desde 1892 a 1893 profesor asistente de criptogámicas en la Cornell University, y luego asociado (1893–1896), y desde 1896, Jefe del Departamento de Botánica.

Su herbario de especímenes de hongos se guarda en la Cornell Plant Pathology Herbarium (CUP).



Taxones eponímicos



  • Descriptions of some new trapdoor spiders; their nests and food habits. Ent. Amer. 2, pp.109-117, pp.128-137
  • The Cigarette Beetle (Lasioderma serricorne Fab.) J. Elisha Mitchell Soc., 3:68-73
  • Notes on the orchard Scolytus (Scolytus rugulosus Ratz.) J. Elisha Mitchell Soc. 3:74, 75
  • A New Trap-Door Spider. Am. Nat., 22:583-594, pls. 23, 24, 1886; reimpreso en J. Elisha Mitchell Soc. 4:16-26, pls. 23, 24
  • A Family of Young Trap-Door Spiders. Entom. Am. 2:86-92, pl.4, 1886; reimpreso en J. Elisha Mitchell Soc. 4:26-33, pl. 4
  • Descriptions of Some New Trap-Door Spiders, Their Nests and Food Habits. Entom. Amer. 2:109-137, pl. 5, 1886; reimpreso en J. Elisha Mitchell Soc., 4:33-52, y una plancha
  • A Sketch and Biography of Nicholas Marcellus Hentz. J. Elisha Mitchell Soc., 4:13-15
  • Singular Adaptation in Nest-making by an Ant, Cremastogaster lineolata Say. Am. Nat. 23:770, 771, pl. 26; reimpreso en J. Elisha Mitchell Soc., 4:88, 89, y una plancha
  • Observations on the Female Form of Phengodes laticollis Horn. Am. Nat. 23:853-856, 1 text fig.; reprinted in J. Elisha Mitchell Soc., 4:92-95, y una plancha
  • A Remarkable Case of Phosphorescence in an Earthworm. Am. Nat. 23:773-774; reprinted in J. Elisha Mitchell Soc., 4:89-91, con una nota adicional sobre la fosforescencia de lombrices de tierra
  • Preliminary Catalogue of the Birds of North Carolina, with notes on some of the species. J. Elisha Mitchell Soc. 4:44-87
  • New Instances of Protective Resemblance in Spiders. J. Elisha Mitchell Soc. 5:28-30
  • Note on the Tube-inhabiting Spider, Lycosa fatifera Hentz. J. Elisha Mitchell Soc. 5:30, 31
  • Soaring of the Turkey Vulture (Cathartes aura). J. Elisha Mitchell Soc. 5:59-66
  • Preliminary Note on the Synonymy of Entothrix grande Wolle. Bot. Gaz., 14:292
  • Club Root of Cabbage. Ala. Agr. Exp. sta. Bull. 9 (Sci. Contr. 1)
  • Club Root of Cabbage. S. C. Agr. Exp. Sta. Bull. 4:42
  • A Preliminary Report upon the Life History and Metamorphoses of a Root-Gall Nematode, heterodera radicicola (Greeff) Muell., and the Injuries Caused by It upon the Roots of Various Plants. Ala. Agr. Exp. Sta. Bull. 9 (Sci. Contr. 1: 177-226, pls. 1-6) reimpreso en J. Elisha Mitchell Soc. 6:81-130, pls. 1-6
  • Monograph of the Lemaneaceae of the U. S. Ann. bot., 4:177-229, pls. 7-9
  • Club Root of Cabbage. Am. Gard., 11:237
  • A New Root-Rot Disease of Cotton. Ala. Agr. Exp. Sta. Bull. n. ser. 21:3-11
  • Dry Application of Paris Green and London Purple for the Cotton Worm. Ala. Agr. Exp. Sta. Bull. 17:121-133.
  • A New Ramularia on Cotton. Bot. Gaz., 15:166-168, figs. 1-4.
  • Fig Rust. Agr. J. Montgomery, Ala. pp. 1-3.
  • Some Erysipheae from Carolina and Alabama. J. Elisha Mitchell Soc., 7:61-74, 1 plancha y dos cortes de madera
  • Fig Rust. Agr. J. Extras, pp. 1-3.
  • Black Rust of Cotton, a Preliminary Note. Bot. Gaz., 16:61-65.
  • Anthracnose of Cotton. J. Mycol., 6:173-178, pls. 17, 18.
  • Black Rust of Cotton. Ala. Agr. Exp. Sta. Bull., 27:3-16, pls. 1, 2.
  • Sphaerella gossypina, n. sp., the Perfect Stage of Cercospora gossypina Cooke. bull. Torrey Bot. Club, 18:300, 301, pl. 122
  • On the Structure and Dimorphism of Hypocrea tuberiformis. Bot. Gaz., 16:281-284, pl. 25
  • A New Ravenelia from Alabama. Bot Gaz. 16:313, 314
  • Botany at Experiment Stations. Science, n.s., 20: 328-330
  • Some Cercosporae from Alabama. J. Elisha Mitchell Soc., 8:33-67
  • The Genus Frankia in the United States. Bull. Torrey Bot. Club, 19:171-177, pl. 128
  • Some Diseases of Cotton. Ala. Agr. Exp. Sta. Bull., 41:1-65, figs. 1-25
  • Cryptogamic Botany and Plant Pathology. N.Y. Agr. Exp. Sta. (Cornell) Bull., 49:306-316, pl. 1 & 5 text figs.
  • A New Anthracnose of the Privet. N.Y. Agr. Exp. Sta. (Cornell) Bull. 49:306-314
  • Note on the Cercospora of Celery Blight. N.Y. Agr. Exp. Sta. (Cornell) Bull. 49:314-316
  • Some Leaf blights of Cotton: Yellow Leaf Blight. Red Leaf Blight. Ala. Agr. Exp. Sta. Bull. 36:1-32
  • On the Structure and Dimorphism of Hypocrea tuberiformis. Proc. Am. Assoc. Adv. Sci. 40:320
  • An Automatic Device for Rolling culture Tubes of Nutrient Agar-Agar. Bot. Gaz. 17:154-156, pl. 11
  • Method of Obtaining Pure Cultures of Pammel's Fungus of Texas Root Rot of cotton. Bot. Gaz. 18:17-20
  • Carnation Diseases. Am. Florist, 8:720-728, figs. 1-33
  • On the Fungus of Celery Blight. Am. Mo. Micr. J., 14:115, con figura
  • A Study of New Fungus. Am. Mo. Micr. J., 14:121-126, 1 pl. 4 cortes de madera
  • Contribution to the Biology of the Organism Causing Leguminous Tubercles. Bot. Gaz., 18:157-166, 226-237, 257-266, pls. 12-15
  • A New Disease of the Apple. Agr. Sci., 7:348-350, & Proc. Soc. Prom. Agr. Sci. 14º encuentros
  • Dropsical Diseases of Plants. Science, n. s., 22:323-324
  • Oedema of Apple Trees. N.Y. Agr. Exp. Sta. (Cornell) Bull. 61:292-302
  • Oedema of the Tomato. N.Y. Agr. Exp. Sta. (Cornell) Bull. 53:77-108, pls. 1-8
  • Unequal Segmentation and Its Significance in the Primary Division of the Embryo of Ferns. Bull. Torrey Bot. Club, 20:405-408
  • Symbiosis in the Roots of the Ophioglossaceae. Bull. Torrey Bot. Club, 20:356
  • Cryptogamic Botany and Plant Pathology. N. Y. Agr. Exp. Sta. (Cornell) Bull. 61:299-306, figs. 1-4
  • The Extent of the Annulus and the Function of the Different Parts of the Sporangium of Ferns in the Dispersion of Spores. Bull. Torrey Bot. Club, 20:435-437
  • Some Fungi of Blowing Roc, N. C. With H. von Schrenck. J. Elisha Mitchell Soc., 9:95-107
  • Additional Note on Fungi of Blowing Rock, N. C. J. Elisha Mitchell Soc. 10:78
  • Frost Freaks of Herbaceous Plants. Bot. Gaz., 19:40-42
  • Germination of Cerebella Paspali. Bull. Torrey Bot. Club, 21:127
  • The Biology of Ferns. Pp. 1-134. New York
  • A Study of New Fungus. Am. Mo. Micr. J., 14:121-126
  • Germination of the Spores of Cerebella Paspali. Bull. Torrey Bot. Club, 21:127, 128, pl. 183
  • Artificial Cultures of an Entomogenous Fungus. Bot. Gaz., 19:129-135, pls. 14-16
  • Steps Toward a Revision of the Linosporus Species of North American Graminicolous Hypocreaceae. Bull. Torrey Bot. Club, 21:222-225
  • Olpitrichum, a New Genus of Mucedinous Fungi. Bot. Gaz., 19:244, 245, pl. 23
  • Leaf Curl and Plum Pockets: Contribution to the Knowledge of the Prunicolous Exoasceae of the United States. N. Y. Agr. Exp. Sta. (Cornell) Bull., 73:319-351, pls. 1-20
  • Preliminary Note on the Swarm Spores of Pythium and Ceratiomyxa. Bot. Gaz. 19:375-378
  • Completoria complens Lohde. Bot. Gaz., 19:467, 468
  • Notes on Some Exoasceae of the United States. Bull. Torrey Bot. Club, 21:372-380
  • The Exoascaceae of Stone Fruits. Gard. & For., 7:463, 464
  • Microsphaera densissima (Schwein) Peck. Bull. Torrey Bot. Club, 21:528, 529
  • Intelligence Manifested by the Swarm-Spores of rhizophidium globosum (A.Br.) Schroeter. Bot. Gaz., 19:503, 504
  • Additions to the Erysipheae of Alabama. J. Elisha Mitchell Soc. 10:74-76
  • Some Septoriae from Alabama. J. Elisha Mitchell Soc. 10:76-78
  • Damping Off. N. Y. Agr. Exp. Sta. (Cornell) Bull., 94:233-272, pls. 1-6, & one text figure
  • Some Observations on the Development of Colletotrichum lindemuthianum in Artificial Cultures. Bot. Gaz., 20:305-311, pl. 22
  • The Transformation of Sporophyllary to Vegetative Organs. Woods hole Biol. Lec.
  • On the Swarm-Spores of Pythium and Ceratiomyxa. Proc. Am. Assoc. Adv. Sci. 290, 291
  • The Organisms Which Collect Nitrogen for Leguminous Plants. S. Agr. 15 de dic. 15, p. 12
  • Some Tendencies and Problems in the Evolution of Species among Parasitic Fungi. Trans. Mass. Hort. Soc. 94-118
  • Albert N. Prentiss. Bot. Gaz., 21:283-289, pl. 19
  • Albert N. Prentiss. Cornell Mag. 9:19-28
  • The Probable Influence of Disturbed Nutrition on the Evolution of the Vegetative Phase of the Sporophyte. Am. Nat., 30:349-357
  • The Preparation of Material for General Class Use. Bot. Gaz., 23:372-376
  • Experimental Morphology. Proc. Am. Assoc., Adv. Sci. 46:3-23
  • Nectria on Currant Canes. Gard. & For., 10:34
  • Leaf-Spot of Pear. Gard. & For., 10:73, 74
  • Some Fungi from Alabama Collected Chiefly during the Years 1889-1892. Bull. cornell Univ. (Sci.), 3:1-50
  • Studies and Illustrations of Mushroom, I. N. Y. Agr. Exp. Sta. (Cornell) Bull., 138:337-366, figs. 87-112
  • Review of Karl Freiherr von Tubuf. Diseases of Plants induced by Cryptogamic Parasites. (Ed. inglesa de William G. Smith. Longmans, Green & Co. London, New York, Bombay, 1897.) Science n. s. 5:696-699
  • Method of Teaching Botany in the Secondary Schools. Asa Gray Bull. 6:102-106
  • A Provisional Key to the Genera of Hymenomycetes (Mushrooms, Toadstools, etc.). With Bertha Stoneman. Pp. 1-16. Ithaca, N. Y.
  • Mushrooms. For. & Stream, 50:483-486
  • Review of Roland Thaxter. Contribution towards a Monograph of the Laboulbeniaceae (Mem. Am. Acad., n. s., 12:189-429, 26 planchas, 1896), Science, n. s., 7:752, 753
  • Elementary Botany. New York
  • Report upon Some Preliminary Experiments with the Roentgen Rays on Plants. Science, n. s. 7:7-13, pl. 1
  • Studies on Some Mycelium and Fungi from a Coal Mine. Bot. Gaz. 25:107
  • Studies and Illustrations of Mushrooms, 11. N. Y. Agr. Exp. Sta. (Cornell) Bull., 168:491-516, figs. 83-97
  • Studies on reduction in Plants. Bot. Gaz., 28:1-26, pls. 1-6
  • Some Wood-Destroying Fungi. Spec. Rep. Geol. Surv. La., No. 9 (September 1899), 331-338, pls. 56-62.
  • Stink Horn Fungi. The Young Idea, 13:3.
  • Lessons in Botany. Nueva York.
  • Studies of American Fungi. Mushrooms, Edible, Poisonous, etc. (Ithaca, New York, Andrus & Church), pp. 1-275, 223 figs. in text. 76 pls. 4 color, 1900; 2.ª ed., pp. 1-322.
  • Studies of Some Shade Tree and Timber-Destroying Fungi. N. Y. Agr. exp. Sta. (Cornell) Bull. 193:199-235, figs. 56-94.
  • President's Address to the Cornell Chapter of the Sigma Xi, 8 de junio de 1901. Impreso por the Chapter
  • On the Homologies and Probable Origin of the Embryo-Sac. Science, n. s. 13:530-538
  • Tree-Destroying Fungi (Polyporus). Am. Gard. 22:267, 268
  • Frost Blisters, a Peculiar Injury to Fruit Trees—Apple, Pear, and Peach Affected. Am. Gard., 23
  • Studies of Some Tree-Destroying Fungi. Trans. Mass. Hort. Soc., for the year 1901, pp. 109-130
  • Three New Genera of the Higher Fungi. Bot. Gaz. 34:36-42, figs. 1-3
  • Preliminary Note on Two New Genera of Basidiomycetes. J. Mycol. 8:106, 107
  • Preliminary Notes on Some New Species of Fungi. J. Mycol. 8:110-119
  • A New Species of Calostoma. J. Mycol., 9:14-17
  • A New Species of Geaster. Bot. Gaz. 36:303-306, figs. 1, 2
  • The Genus Harpochytrium in the United States. Ann. Mycol. 1:479-502
  • Geaster leptospermus: a Correction. Bot. Gaz. 36:467
  • Note on the Genus Harpochytrium. J. Mycol., 10:3-8, pl. 72 & text figs.
  • Anthracnose of the Grape. N. Y. Agr. Exp. Sta. (Cornell) Press Bull. 1
  • Relation of Plants to Environment (o, Plant Ecology): Outlines of Course of Lectures. Ithaca, N. Y
  • First Studies on Plant Life
  • A New Lemanea from Newfoundland, Lemanea (Sacheria) borealis. Torreya, 4:26
  • Mushroom-Growing for Amateurs. With Robert Shore. N. Y. Agr. Exp. Sta. (Cornell) Bull., 227:415-424, figs. 151-154
  • Life History of Hypocrea alutaceae. Bot. Gaz., 40:401-417, pls. 14-16
  • The Genera Balansia and Dothichloe in the United States, with a Consideration of Their Economic Importance. J. Mycol., 11:248-267, pls. 81-88
  • Outlines for the Observation of Some of the More Common Fungi. PI. World, 8:215-222, 245-255.
  • College Text Book of Botany. New York
  • Profits in Mushroom Culture. Am. Agr., p. 297, 11 de marzo
  • Two New Species Belonging to Naucoria and Stropharia. J. Mycol. 12:193, 194. pl. 91
  • Development of Agaricus campestris. Bot. Gaz. 42:241-264, pls. 7-12
  • A New Entoloma from Central Ohio. J. Mycol. 12:236, 237, pl. 9
  • The Influence of Mushrooms on the Growth of Some Plants. N. Y. Agr. Exp. Sta. (Cornell) Bull. 240:215-234
  • A Mushroom Parasitic on Another Mushroom. Pl. World, 10:121-130, figs. 22-24
  • Preliminary Note on a New Disease of the Cultivated Vetch. Con C. W. Edgerton. Science, n. s. 26:385, 386
  • Protocoronospora, a New Genus of Fungi (Preliminary Note). Con C. W. Edgerton. J. Mycol. 13:185, 186
  • A Parasitic Alga, Rhodochytrium spilanthidis Lagerheim, in North America. Bot. Gaz. 46:299-301
  • Note on the Occurrence of Rhodochytrium spilanthidis Lagerheim in North America. Science, n. s. 28:691, 692
  • Notes on Some New Species of Fungi from the United States. Ann. Mycol. 6:54-62
  • On the Identity of Polyporus applanatus of Europe and North America. Ann. Mycol., 6:179-191, pls. 2-4
  • Observations on Polyporus lucidus Leys. and Some of Its Allies from Europe and North America. Bot. Gaz., 46:321-338, pl. 19, text figs. 1-5
  • A New Poisonous Mushroom. Bot. Gaz., 46:461-463
  • Some Fungus Parasites of Algae. Bot. Gaz., 48:321-338, 8 figs. en texto
  • Some Problems in the Evolution of the Lower Fungi. Ann. Mycol. 7:441-472, texto en figs. 1-20
  • Preliminary Notes on Some New species of Agaricaceae and Clavaria. Ann. Mycol. 7:365-376
  • The Perfect Stage of Leaf-Spot of Pear and Quince. Science, n. s. 30:452
  • A Remarkable Amanita. Bot. Gaz., 48:283-293, texto en figs. 1-8
  • A New Edible Species of Amanita. Science, n. s. 29:944
  • Subterranean Fungi (Review of Ed. Fischer, Zur Morphologie der Hypogaeen. Bot. Zeit., 66:141-168, pl. 6, 1908). Bot. Gaz. 47:76-79
  • A New Genus of Chytrids (revisión de R. F. Griggs, Monochytrium, a New Genus of Chytridiales, Its Life History and Cytology. Ohio Nat. 10:44-54, pls. 3, 4) Bot. Gaz. 49:311, 312
  • Motions Relating to the Rules for Nomenclature of the Fungi Proposed for Action at the Third International Botanical Congress at Brussels, May 14-22, 1910. Ithaca, N. Y.
  • Review of A. H. Reginald Buller. Researches on Fungi (1901) Science, n. s. 31:420-424
  • Development and Biology of Armillaria (revisión de C. C. E. Fisher, On the Development of the Fructification of Armillaria mucida Schrad. Ann. Bot., 23:503-507, pl. 35, figs. 1-7. 1909) Bot. Gaz. 49:229
  • Review of Frederic E. Clements. The Genera of Fungi (1909) Bot. Gaz. 49:149-151
  • The Botanical Congress at Brussels. With W. G. Farlow. Science, n. s. 32:104-107, & Bot. Gaz., 50:220-225
  • The Origin and Taxonomic Value of the Veil in Dictyophora and Ithyphallus. Bot. Gaz., 51 :1-20, pls. 1-7, y una fig. en texto
  • Review of Josephine Tilden. Minnesota Algae, I. Science, n. s. 34:82
  • Cystidia of Coprinus (Review of A. H. Reginald Buller. Researches on Fungi, 1909). Bot. Gaz. 51:306, 307
  • Amanita (Review of Rene Ferry, Etude sur les Amanites; les Amanites mortelles: Amanita phalloides, A. Verna, et A. virosa. Rev. Mycol. suppl. 1, 1-96, pls. 1-8, 1911). Bot. Gaz. 53:522, 523
  • The Perfect Stage of the Ascochyta on the Hairy Vetch. Bot. Gaz., 54: 537. 538
  • Gautieria in the Eastern United States. Bot. Gaz., 54:538, 539
  • The Morphology of Zygorhynchus and Its Relation to the Ascomycetes. Science, n. s. 35:151
  • Botany for High Schools. New York
  • Homology of the "Universal Veil" in Agaricus. Mycol. Centralbl., 5:13-18, pls. 1-3
  • The Development of Armillaria mellea. Mycol. Centralbl., 4:113-121, pls. 1, 2
  • The Development of Lepiota clypeolaria. Ann. Mycol., 12:346-356, pls. 13-16
  • The Development of Amanitopsis vaginata. Ann. Mycol., 12:369-392, pls. 17-19
  • The Development of Agaricus arvensis and A. comtulus. Am. J. Bot., 1:3-22, pls. 1, 2
  • Morphology and Development of Agaricus Rodmani. Proc. Am. Phil. Soc. 54:309-343, pls. 7-13
  • Phylogeny and Relationships in the Ascomycetes. Ann. Mo. Bot. Gard. 2:315-376, text figs. 1-9
  • The Specific Identity of Phallus impudicus and Dictyophora duplicata. Science, n. s. 41:171
  • Origin and Development of the Lamellae in Coprinus. Bot. Gaz., 61: 89-130, pls. 5-12
  • The Development of Lepiota cristata and L. seminuda. Mem. N. Y. Bot. Gard. 6:209-228, pls. 21-26
  • Quadruple Hybrids in the F1 Generation from Oenothera nutans and Oe. pycnocarpa with the F2 Generations, and the Back- and Inter- crosses. Genetics, 2: 213-260, texto con figs. 1-14
  • Six Misunderstood Species of Amanita. Mem. Torrey Bot. Club, 17:246-252
  • Selected Cycles in Gymnoconia Peckiana. Am. J. Bot. 5:79-83
  • Charles Horton Peck. Bot. Gaz. 65:103-108, y dos retratos
  • Some New Species of Inocybe. Am. J. Bot., 5:210-218
  • Twin Hybrids from Crosses of Oenothera lamarckiana and franciscana with Oe. pycnocarpa in the F1 and F2. Proc. Am. Phil. Soc. 57:130-143, pls. 1-4
  • The Genus Endogone. Mem. Brooklyn Bot. Gard. 1 :1-17
  • Preliminary Notes on Some New Species of Agarics. Proc. Am. Philos. Soc., 57:354-356
  • The Genus Galerula in North America. Proc. Am. Phil. Soc. 57:357-374.
  • Collybia campanella Peck, and its near relatives in the Eastern United States
  • Relationships within the Rhodosporeae. Bot. Gaz. 67:266-267


  1. WG Farlow, LH Bailey, R Thaxter (1919). «George Francis Atkinson». American Journal of Botany 6 (7): 301-302. JSTOR 2434981. 
  2. Thom, Charles (1956). «George Francis Atkinson 1854-1918». National Academy of Sciences Biographical Memoir. 

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