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Textos sagrados de varias religiones:

Religión o movimiento Texto Observaciones
Ásatrú Poeta Edda especialmente el Hávamál
Joven Edda fila 2-2
Ayyavazhi Akilattirattu Ammanai  
Arul Nool  
Fe Bahá'í Kitáb-i-Aqdas 111
muchos otrosescritos incluyendo otros de otras creencias
Budismo Tipitaka o Canon Pali
otros textos budistas
Cristianismo Biblia obscrist
Mormonismo Libro de Mormón
Perla de Gran Precio
Doctrine and Covenants
Espiritismo Spirits Book
Book of Mediums
Gospel According to Spiritism
Heaven and Hell
Genesis According to Spiritism
Discordianismo Principia Discordia no es seguido por todas ls sectas.
Apocrypha Discordia this may not be true for every sect.
Religión Etrusca Pyrgi Tablets
Tabula Cortonensis
Liber Linteus
Cippus Perusinus
Falun Gong Zhuan Falun obscrist
Hinduismo Śruti
Rig Veda
Sama Veda
Yajur Veda
Atharva Veda
Bhagavad Gītā
Puranas (List)
Sutras (List)
Ashtavakra Gita
Gherand Samhita
Gita Govinda
Hatha Yoga Pradipika
Islam Corán
Al-Hadith (sayings and doings of Prophet Muhammad)
Jainismo Tattvartha Sutra
Judaísmo Tanakh (Biblia Hebrea)
Mandaeanismo Ginza Rba
Maniqueísmo Arzhang
Religiones New Age
Un Curso De Milagros (ACIM, por sus siglas en inglés ) Varias religiones New Age may regard any of the following texts as inspired:
Conversaciones con Dios
El Libro de Urantia
Movimiento Rastafari Biblia
Holy Piby
Kebra Negast
Los discursos de Haile Selassie I
Royal Parchment Scroll of Black Supremacy
Samaritanism Pentateuco Samaritano
Sikhismo Guru Granth Sahib
Dasam Granth Sahib


Nihon Shoki or Nihingi
SubGenius Book of the SubGenius
Swedenborgianismo Biblia
escritos de Emanuel Swedenborg
Some also consider a number of posthumously published manuscripts of Swedenborg to also be sacred.
Taoismo Tao Te King
I Ching
Chuang Tzu
Thelema The Holy Books of Thelema specially Liber Al vel Legis
Iglesia de la Unificación Divine Principle
Wolli Hesul Explanation of the Divine Principle)
Wolli Kangron (Exposition of the Divine Principle)
Zoroastrismo Katha (The Gathas of Zarathushtra)
  • Primary:
    • The Zend-Avesta collection of texts:
      • The Yasna, the primary liturgical collection, includes the Gathas.
      • The Visparad, a collection of supplements to the Yasna.
      • The Yashts, hymns in honor of the divinities.
      • The Vendidad, describes the various forms of evil spirits and ways to confound them.
      • shorter texts and prayers, the five Nyaishes ("worship, praise"), the Sirozeh and the Afringans (blessings).
  • Secondary:
    • The Dēnkard (middle Persian, 'Acts of Religion'),
    • The Bundahishn, (middle Persian, 'Original Creation')
    • The Mainog-i-Khirad (middle Persian, 'Spirit of Wisdom')
    • The Arda Viraf Namak (middle Persian, 'The Book of Arda Viraf')
    • The Zartushtnamah (modern Persian, 'Book of Zoroaster')
    • The Sad-dar (modern Persian, 'Hundred Doors', or 'Hundred Chapters')
    • The Rivayats (modern Persian, traditional treatises).
  • For general use by the laity:
    • The Zend (lit. commentaries), various commentaries on and translations of the Avesta.
    • The Khordeh Avesta, a collection of everyday prayers from the Avesta.