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Usuario:Ric.torres97/Comisión de Ciudadanos por los Derechos Humanos

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La Comisión de Ciudadanos por los Derechos Humanos (CCDH) es una organización sin fines de lucro cuya misión es "erradicar abusos cometidos bajo el pretexto de la salud mental y promulgar protecciones de pacientes y consumidores."[1]​ Ha sido descrito por críticos como un grupo líder de cienciología que hace campaña contra la psiquiatría y psiquiatras.[2][3][4][5][6][7][8][9]​ Fue establecida en 1969 por la Iglesia de la Cienciologia y el psiquiatra Thomas Szasz,[10][11][12]​, con cuartel general en Los Angeles, California.[13]

La organización sostiene que las enfermedades mentales no son enfermedades médicas y que el uso de medicacición psiquiátrica es una práctica destructiva y fraudulenta.[14]​ La organización liga psiquiatría o psiquiatras con tiroteo escolar, asesinato masivo, eugenesia y terrorismo.[15][16][17]

Criticismo de psiquiatría[editar]

Las vistas en psiquiatría de la CCDH son una reflección del criticismo de psiquiatría de Thomas Szasz.[18][19]​ La CCDH defiende que no hay evidencia biológica para sustentar las teorías psiquiátricas de los desórdenes mentales.[cita requerida]

Esfuerzos para reforma psiquiátrica[editar]

La CCDH logró una victoria temprana en un caso de Pennsylvania de 1969 involucrando a Victor Győry, un refugiado húngaro, quien hubo sido internado a un hospital psiquiátrico contra su voluntad en abril de ese año.[20][21]​ Los oficiales de policía que internaron a Győry dijeron que hubo intentado suicidarse.[21]​ Doctores del Hospital de Haverford State, sin darse cuenta que Győry hablaba muy poco inglés y que estaba intentado dirigirse hacia ellos en húngaro, lo juzgaron de "incoherente" y lo diagnosicaron como un esquizofrénico paranoide.[22]​ El hospital negó la petición de Győry por representación legal y le administró drogas y terapia electroconvulsiva contra su voluntad por un período de tres meses.[20][21][23]​ Un ayudante del hospital eventualmente notificó a la CCDH, quien, bajo una iniciativa liderada por Szasz y el abogado John Joseph Matonis, tomó el caso a corte y aseguró la liberación de Győry.[21]

La CCDH continuó presionando por una reforma legislativa en materia de salud mental, tales como la preservación de archivosde computadora detallados de pacientes involuntariamente internados y sus familias y "experimentación de drugas" sin el consentimiento de los pacientes.[19][21]​ La CCDH pediría típicamente una visita de un hosítal psiquiátrico, expediría un reporte público basado en testimonios de pacientes y otros recursos y presionaría por investigaciones legales y reforma.[21]​ Su enfoque temprano fue en procedimientos de internamiento involuntario.[21]

Desde entonces, el grupo ha organizado campañas en los medios contra varios psiquiatras, organizaciones psiquiátricas y compañías farmacéuticas, incluyendo Eli Lilly, la fabricante de Prozac. One campaña se dice que ha causado una gran caída en ventas de Prozac, causando daño comercial considerable a la compañía.[24]

El grupo hizo campaña contra el uso de Ritalin para el tratamiento de trastorno por déficit de atención con hiperactividad, un trastorno el cual la organización descarta como no existente.[25][26][27]​ La campaña fue parte de las demandas colectivas de Ritalin contra Novartis (el fabricante de Ritalin), CHADD (Niños y Adultos con Déficit de Atención con Hiperactividad, por sus siglas en inglés) y la Asociación Estadounidense de Psiquiatría (APA, pos sus siglas en inglés); todas estas cinco demandas fueron descartadas en 2002.[cita requerida]

E 2003, la CCDH presentó un reporte con el título "The Silent Death of America's Children" (La Silenciosa Muerte de los Niños de América) a la Comisión de Nueva Libertad para la Salud Mental, con historias de casos de varias docenas de pacientes psiquiátricos menores de edad quienes hubieron muerto como resultado de tratamientos con psicoactivos y medidas de contención en los 1990s e inicios de los 2000s.[28]

En 2004, la CCDH patrocinó un un proyecto de ley exigiendo a doctores proveer pacientes con información sobre los efectos secundarios de una medicación antes de prescribir algún psicoactivo, mientras también ordenando la firma de un tutor legal.[12]​ Opositores del proyecto argumentaron que estos procedimientos adicionales podrían discriminar contra pacientes mentalmente enfermos al retrasar el tratamiento.[12]

El proyecto atrajo un extenso desacuerdo de parte del cuerpo médico, incluyendo al Departamento de Salud Mental de Massachusetts,quien se opuso con el argumento de que comprometía el consentimiento informado.[12]​ La Sociedad Psiquiátrica de Massachusetts también se opuso al proyecto, creyendo que interferiría con la relación doctor-paciente.[12]

El 5 de octubre de 2006, Día Nacional de Detección de Salud Mental en los Estados Unidos de América, la CCDH cercó fuera de Riverside Community Care en Wakefield, Massachusetts, sosteniendo un rally de protesta contra la d

On 5 October 2006, National Mental Health Screening Day, the CCHR picketed outside of Riverside Community Care in Wakefield, Massachusetts, holding a protest rally against mental health screening. According to journalist Gary Band in the Wakefield Observer, "The protest fell somewhat flat because Riverside has not conducted these screenings since 2001."[29]

"Psychiatry: An Industry of Death" museum[editar]

In December 2005, CCHR opened the "Psychiatry: An Industry of Death" Museum on Sunset Boulevard in Hollywood, California. The museum has displays alleging psychiatry's long-standing "master plan" for world domination, Adolf Hitler's central role in the plan,[30]​ and in the words of reporter Andrew Gumbel, "a display holding psychiatry to blame for the deaths of Ernest Hemingway, Del Shannon, Billie Holiday, and Kurt Cobain..."[30][31]

Chelmsford Hospital and DST[editar]

From 1988 to 1990 the Australian government held the Chelmsford royal commission inquiry into Deep Sleep Therapy (DST). For a decade prior, the CCHR had been pushing for an investigation of the Chelmsford Private Hospital in New South Wales, and its head, Dr. Harry Bailey, who had been practising DST from 1963 to 1979.[32]​ Honorable Justice John (J. P.) Slattery, Royal Commissioner, is quoted as stating that the CCHR "contributed considerably to advance the cause of the Chelmsford patients in their campaign for an open inquiry into the hospital."[cita requerida] The inquiry discovered that deep sleep therapy had killed 24 patients, not counting patients who had killed themselves, and close to a thousand had suffered brain damage.[33]​ Of the former patients, 152 received reparations from a fund totaling in excess of 5 million dollars.[34]

Chelmsford Hospital was forced to close in 1990, and two of its psychiatric staff were made to face charges in 1992.[35]​ Dr. Bailey himself stepped down in 1979 due to the CCHR's protest campaign, and committed suicide by drug overdose in 1985, the night before he was subpoenaed to appear in court.[36]​ His suicide note read, in part: "Let it be known that the Scientologists and the forces of madness have won."[37]

Relación con Cienciología[editar]

The organization is sponsored by the Church of Scientology.[38][39]​ In 1993, the US Internal Revenue Service granted CCHR tax exemption as part of an agreement with the Church of Scientology International and Religious Technology Center (RTC) under which the RTC took responsibility for CCHR's tax liabilities.[40]

CCHR's relationship with the Church of Scientology is mediated through the church's Office of Special Affairs (OSA).[41]​ Critics of Scientology have charged that CCHR is merely a front group for the church.[42]

Controversias y criticismos[editar]

In 1988, the CCHR claimed that Professor Sir Martin Roth of Newcastle University had used LSD in tests on mental patients in the 1960s.[43]​ The statements were publicised in the Newcastle Times newspaper, which was ordered by an English court to pay "very substantial" libel damages to Roth after the court found that CCHR's claims were "highly defamatory" and "utterly false."[43]

The group has implied that the September 11 attacks were influenced by psychiatrists.[30]​ Hubbard, who headed the Church of Scientology, claimed psychiatrists caused decline in the universe eons ago.[44]

Jan Eastgate, President of the CCHR and winner of the Church of Scientology Freedom Medal for her work on human rights, has been implicated in covering up the sexual abuse of an 11-year-old girl in the Australian branch of the church.[45][46]​ Eastgate was head of the Australian CCHR at the time and the girl was abused by her Scientologist stepfather between the ages of 8 and 11 years. Eastgate, who denied the allegations, labelling them "egregiously false",[45]​ was arrested on 30 March 2011 on charges of perverting the course of justice but later released on conditional bail.[47]

9/11 conspiracy theory[editar]

In the immediate aftermath of the September 11 attacks, CCHR promulgated a conspiracy theory assigning responsibility for the attacks to Ayman al-Zawahiri, alleging that as Osama bin Laden's personal psychiatrist, he was the principal mastermind behind the attacks and had brainwashed bin Laden using pain, drugs and hypnosis.[48]


Retired neurologist Dr. Fred Baughman has served as a medical expert for the CCHR.[49]​ Although psychiatrist Peter Breggin worked with CCHR from 1972, he later dissociated himself from the organization in 1974 as a result of his disagreements with actions taken by the Church of Scientology.[50]

Marie L. Thompson, writing in the 2006 book Mental Illness, commented that the CCHR has been a "highly effective activist organisation", which by 2005 was represented by 133 chapters in 34 countries.[51]


CCHR have produced a number of documentaries promoting their view of modern psychiatry. These include Making A Killing, Prescription for Violence, The Marketing of Madness, Dead Wrong and Psychiatry: An Industry of Death which was made to accompany the CCHR's museum of the same name.

The Marketing of Madness: Are We All Insane?[editar]

The Marketing of Madness is a documentary which alleges that the mental health industry is an unscientific field driven solely by the profit motive, to the detriment of patients.

One of the interviewees is Claudia Keyworth, an advocate of 'Bio-Energetic medicine' who believes that healing is best accomplished using the "energy field of the human body".[52]​ On the topic of mental illness, she asserts: "they say you have a chemical imbalance of serotonin and dopamine, but there's never been a study to prove that, ever."

However, a substantial volume of research does support the prevailing view among experts, which is that chemical imbalances do in fact play a role in various mental disorders (see also Biology of depression, and Causes of mental disorders).[53][54][55][56]

The documentary claims that psychiatrists have convinced the public that normal negative human experiences are mental illnesses.

An example used in the movie is the assertion that psychiatrists seek to label typical shyness as a "social anxiety disorder".

However, patients are diagnosed with a social anxiety disorder only at debilitating levels, where there is an "intense fear in social situations".[57]​ Unlike a shy individual, a person diagnosed with social anxiety disorder is likely to suffer from symptoms such as nausea, stammering, and panic attacks.

Véase también[editar]


  1. «About CCHR». CCHR International. Citizens Commission on Human Rights International. Consultado el 5 July 2013. 
  2. «Industry of Death exhibition on psychiatry walks a fine line». 8 August 2007. Consultado el 23 September 2012. «“A major purpose of Scientology is to destroy psychiatry and replace it with its own pseudo-counselling techniques. And CCHR is one of Scientology’s front-group weapons attempting to achieve that goal,” says Stephen Kent, a University of Alberta sociologist specializing in new religions and cults. Scientology holds that psychiatrists are “cosmic demons,” he says.» 
  3. Kirsten Stewart (2 July 2005). «Scientology's political presence on the rise». The Salt Lake Tribune. Consultado el 23 September 2012. «The church [of Scientology] kept a low profile, paying professional lobbyists to press its cause or relying on CCHR, which skeptics call a front group designed to recruit Scientologists and replace psychiatry with Dianetics.» 
  4. «[ Fence Post ]». Chicago Daily Herald (Letters to the Editor). 4 January 2001. «Dangerous program / In a letter to Fence Post (Dec. 12), Susan Stozewski of the Chicago Church of Scientology attempts to promote a drug rehab program called Narconon. I wish to warn readers that Narconon is a front group for the Church of Scientology. I found from personal experience that Narconon is a sham and is, in fact, a slick device to lure unsuspecting people into Scientology. An acquaintance of mine recently discovered that she had serious liver damage from Narconon's bogus "purification" program and she now cannot get health insurance coverage. Another Scientology front group to beware of is the CCHR or Citizens Commission on Human Rights. The CCHR is using tax-exempt funds in a covert campaign to discredit psychiatric-psychology treatment. The CCHR has an extensive network of agents that are distributing distortions about psychiatric treatment and medications such as Prozac and Ritalin. This is a very dangerous thing and people should be aware that it is going on. / Jim Beebe / Northbrook». 
  5. «U.S. Food and Drug Administration rejects Scientologists' petition». Business Wire (reprinting Eli Lilly press release). 1 August 1991. «The petition sought the removal of Prozac (fluoxetine hydrochloride, Dista) from the market and was filed in October 1990 by the Citizens Commission on Human Rights (CCHR), a Scientology front group. The FDA is to be commended on its careful review of pertinent scientific data, which led to this most recent reaffirmation of the safety and effectiveness of Prozac. From the start, the campaign against Prozac, of which the CCHR petition was a part, has been a dangerous deception. Scientology's disinformation is a menace to the public health as it attempts to frighten patients away from appropriate medical care and safe and effective medicines.» 
  6. «'Church' that yearns for respectability; Business of religion; Scientology». The Times. 23 June 2007. «Hubbard's empire ... Citizens' Commission on Human Rights: assets £4,000; turnover £43,000». 
  7. «The Scientology Church of Hollywood». The Globe and Mail. 11 September 1993. «Scientology's physical presence in Los Angeles and Hollywood is massive. It owns at least seven large buildings, staffed by 2,500 members, and is associated with a wide array of local organizations - "front groups" to their detractors. Some are directly affiliated, like the Citizens' Commission on Human Rights, an anti-psychiatry group, and Author Services, which represents Mr. Hubbard's books and hires actors like Roddy McDowall and Bruce Boxleitner to read the Scientology founder's books on tape. Others have Scientologists on staff and use church methods.» 
  8. «Scientology's War Of Retribution On Deep-sleep Therapy». The Age. 22 April 1991. «Internal documents from the Church of Scientology, the parent organisation of the Citizens Commission on Human Rights, indicate that behind the church's public battle to expose abuses of psychiatric patients lies a hidden plan of retribution.» 
  9. «Scientology organizations». Charleston Gazette. 10 July 2005. «Scientology operates several drug rehab, education and anti-psychiatry organizations. / · Narconon: The church's drug-rehabilitation program was founded 35 years ago. It has 145 centers in 38 countries. Narconon is based partly on Scientology's belief that drugs accumulate in body fat. / · Crimonon: A prison program founded in 1972 that draws on Scientology principles to rehabilitate prisoners. The program rejects traditional mental-health care. Hubbard believed that Scientology could help rid the planet of crime. / · Citizens Commission on Human Rights (CCHR): Established in 1969 as an anti-psychiatry organization, CCHR promotes Hubbard's teachings against modern psychiatry. It charges that psychiatry has no scientific foundation, that psychiatric drugs cause violent behavior and that chemical imbalances have never been proven.» 
  10. Fink, Max (2004). Ethics in Electroconvulsive Therapy. Philadelphia: Brunner-Routledge. p. 12. ISBN 0-415-94659-X. 
  11. Thompson, Marie (2007). Mental Illness. Westport, Conn: Greenwood Press. p. 96. ISBN 0-313-33565-6. 
  12. a b c d e Benjamin, Gedan. «Bill Would Curtail Presecriptions for Mentally Ill». The Boston Globe. 
  13. "CCHR Chapters Worldwide." Citizens Commission on Human Rights. Retrieved 26 September 2009. "Citizens Commission on Human Rights International 6616 Sunset Blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90028"
  14. Kent, Melissa (18 January 2006). «Strange meeting of minds takes place». The West Australian (Perth). 
  15. Harold Mandel. «CCHR reports on association of psychotropic drugs with violence». CCHR (press release published on «The CCHR is the world's leading mental health wartchdog and has been working tirelessly for decades to investigate hundreds of acts of senseless violence, working alongside investigative reporters, law enforcement, as well as legislative hearings, such as those held in Colorado following the 1999 Columbine massacre. The ringleader of this massacre, Eric Harris, was found to be under the influence of the antidepressant Luvox. ... While there has never been one simple explanation for what drives a human being to commit such shocking acts, all too often the CCHR has uncovered one common denominator in hundreds of cases, prescribed psychotropic drugs, which have been well documented to cause mania, psychosis, violence, suicide and in some cases homicidal ideation. It is a horrible injustice that the general public is not generally being informed about the well documented links which have been shown to exist between psychiatric drugs and violence.» 
  16. «Are drugs to blame for shooting sprees? Letters». Western Daily Press. 31 July 2012. «it is the drugs themselves that can create the very violence or mental incompetence they were supposed to 'treat'. At least 13 of the recent school shootings were committed by those taking or withdrawing from psychiatric drugs. There have been 109 wounded and 58 killed. A hearing into the documented violenceinducing side-effects of psychiatric drugs is long overdue. There is an abundance of evidence, studies, warnings and case histories to support an investigation, one without a predetermined outcome. That means an investigation without pharma funding or pharmafunded 'experts'. ... Brian Daniels National spokesperson Citizens Commission on Human Rights (United Kingdom)». 
  17. Chaos and Terror: Manufactured by Psychiatry
  18. E. Fuller Torrey and Michael B. Knable. (2005). Surviving Manic Depression. New York: Basic Books. p. 295. ISBN 0-465-08664-0. 
  19. a b Scientology's War on Psychiatry," Salon, 1 July 2005
  20. a b Fazio, Marlene (6 January 1970). «Three Hospital Aides Reinstated». Delaware County Daily Times. 
  21. a b c d e f g Ferguson, Larry (5 July 1974). «CCHR Using Publicity to Improve Mental Care». Colorado Springs Gazette Telegraph. 
  22. Richard Ruble (1 June 1975). Christian perspectives on psychology. Ardent Media. pp. 129-. ISBN 978-0-8422-0456-9. Consultado el 4 January 2011. 
  23. Nicholas, Julius (23 July 1969). «Patient Wants Court to Forbid Shock Treatment». Delaware County Daily Times. 
  24. Burton, Thomas M. (19 April 1991). «Anti-Depression Drug Of Eli Lilly Loses Sales After Attack by Sect». Wall Street Journal. 
  25. Suits, Protests Fuel a Campaign Against Psychiatry, Los Angeles Times, 29 June 1990
  26. Hawleshka, Danylo (10 de mayo de 2006). «A new war over Ritalin». Consultado el 7 February 2009. 
  27. Kennedy Takes Aim at Ritalin Provision, Roll Call, 7 May 2003
  28. Marie L. Thompson (December 2006). Mental Illness. Greenwood Publishing Group. p. 97. ISBN 978-0-313-33565-5. Consultado el 4 January 2011. 
  30. a b c Andrew Gumbel, "Scientology vs. Science," Further there are displays blaming psychiatrists for terrorism and 9/11. Los Angeles City Beat, 12 January 2006 Error en la cita: Etiqueta <ref> no válida; el nombre «gumbel» está definido varias veces con contenidos diferentes
  31. "Showbiz Tonight," CNN, 20 December 2005
  32. [1] Australian Dictionary of Biography-Bailey, Harry Richard, pp 48-49, Melbourne University Press
  33. [2] Chelmsford Private Hospital Patient Compensation-New South Wales Parliament-22 April 1991
  34. [3] 'Inside 60 Minutes'
  35. [4] Walton v. Gardiner, Herron and McDonald (1993)
  36. [5] Australian Dictionary of Biography, Bailey, Harry Richard, pp 48-49, Melbourne University Press
  37. The Melbourne Age, 22 April 1991.
  38. «"Rubbish", says Dr Alexander Leaf, chief of medicine at the ECT cut in California». New Scientist 75: 535. July 1977. 
  39. Valerie L. Love; Edna D. Copeland (1992). Attention Without Tension: A Teacher's Handbook on Attention Disorders (ADHD and ADD). Atlanta, Ga: Resurgens Press. p. 114. ISBN 0-929519-10-8. 
  40. Touretzky, Dave. «CoS / IRS Closing Agreement». Operation Clambake. Consultado el 24 September 2012. 
  41. Stephen A. Kent, "The Globalization of Scientology: Influence, Control and Opposition in Transnational Markets," Religion, v. 29, n. 2, April 1999, p.147-169
  42. «Scientology faces wave of cyber attacks». Cape Times. 4 March 2008. «LOS ANGELES: “We were born. We grew up. We escaped.” So reads the motto of, a website launched last week by three young women raised in the Church of Scientology who are speaking out against the religion. Their website accuses the church of physical abuse, denying some children a proper education and alienating members from their families. One of the women behind the site, Jenna Miscavige Hill, is the niece of David Miscavige, the head of the church, and Kendra Wiseman is the daughter of Bruce Wiseman, president of the Citizens’ Commission on Human Rights, a Scientology-sponsored organisation opposed to the practice of psychiatry.» 
  43. a b «Prof's Libel Victory Over LSD Claims». Northern Echo. 22 June 1990. 
  44. Hubbard Communications Office Bulletin 26 August 1982, "Pain and Sex". Cited in Atack, Jon (1990). A Piece of Blue Sky. New York, NY: Carol Publishing Group. ISBN 0-8184-0499-X. , p. 288. "are the sole cause of decline in this universe ..."
  45. a b "Top Scientologist 'covered up sex abuse'". Australian Broadcasting Corporation. 20 May 2010
  46. "Scientologist Jan Eastgate accused of covering up abuse". 20 May 2010
  47. Steve Cannane (30 de mayo de 2011). «Senior scientologist arrested over lie claims». Lateline ( Consultado el 30 de mayo de 2011. 
  48. Chaos and Terror: Manufactured by Psychiatry
  49. PBS - frontline: medicating kids: interviews: fred baughman
  51. Marie L. Thompson (December 2006). Mental Illness. Greenwood Publishing Group. p. 96. ISBN 978-0-313-33565-5. Consultado el 10 January 2011. 
  52. Doctor Claudia Heals website, especially the Home and About Us pages
  53. «Disruption of gene interaction linked to schizophrenia». St. Jude Children's Research Hospital. Consultado el 6 July 2006. 
  54. Lieberman, J.A.; JM Kane; J. Alvir (1997). «Provocative tests with psychostimulant drugs in schizophrenia». Psychopharmacology (Berl). 91 (4): 415-433. PMID 2884687. doi:10.1007/BF00216006. 
  55. Nutt DJ (2008). «Relationship of neurotransmitters to the symptoms of major depressive disorder». Journal of Clinical Psychiatry. 69 Suppl E1: 4-7. PMID 18494537. 
  56. Rossetti ZL, Lai M, Hmaidan Y, Gessa GL (1993). «Depletion of mesolimbic dopamine during behavioral despair: partial reversal by chronic imipramine». Eur. J. Pharmacol. 242 (3): 313-5. PMID 8281997. doi:10.1016/0014-2999(93)90257-I. 
  57. «Webmd. Mental Health: Social Anxiety Disorder». Consultado el 14 April 2010. 

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