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Proteína con hélices emparejadas anfipáticas SIN3B

Estructura tridimensional de la proteína SIN3B.
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Buscar ortólogos: PDBe, RCSB

 Lista de códigos PDB
Símbolos SIN3B (HGNC: 19354) KIAA0700
Locus Cr. 19 p13.11
Humano Ratón
O75182 n/a
NP_056075 n/a

La proteína con hélices emparejadas anfipáticas Sin3B (SIN3B) es una proteína codificada en humanos por el gen SIN3B.[1][2]



La proteína SIN3B ha demostrado ser capaz de interaccionar con:

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  1. Ishikawa K, Nagase T, Suyama M, Miyajima N, Tanaka A, Kotani H, Nomura N, Ohara O (Dec de 1998). «Prediction of the coding sequences of unidentified human genes. X. The complete sequences of 100 new cDNA clones from brain which can code for large proteins in vitro». DNA Res 5 (3): 169-76. PMID 9734811. 
  2. «Entrez Gene: SIN3B SIN3 homolog B, transcription regulator (yeast)». 
  3. Zhang, Y; Ng H H, Erdjument-Bromage H, Tempst P, Bird A, Reinberg D (Aug. de 1999). «Analysis of the NuRD subunits reveals a histone deacetylase core complex and a connection with DNA methylation». Genes Dev. (UNITED STATES) 13 (15): 1924-35. ISSN 0890-9369. PMID 10444591. 
  4. a b Koipally, J; Renold A; Kim J; Georgopoulos K (Jun. de 1999). «Repression by Ikaros and Aiolos is mediated through histone deacetylase complexes». EMBO J. (ENGLAND) 18 (11): 3090-100. ISSN 0261-4189. PMID 10357820. doi:10.1093/emboj/18.11.3090. 
  5. David, G; Alland L, Hong S H, Wong C W, DePinho R A, Dejean A (mayo. de 1998). «Histone deacetylase associated with mSin3A mediates repression by the acute promyelocytic leukemia-associated PLZF protein». Oncogene (ENGLAND) 16 (19): 2549-56. ISSN 0950-9232. PMID 9627120. doi:10.1038/sj.onc.1202043. 
  6. Alland, Leila; David Gregory, Shen-Li Hong, Potes Jason, Muhle Rebecca, Lee Hye-Chun, Hou Harry, Chen Ken, DePinho Ronald A (Apr. de 2002). «Identification of mammalian Sds3 as an integral component of the Sin3/histone deacetylase corepressor complex». Mol. Cell. Biol. (United States) 22 (8): 2743-50. ISSN 0270-7306. PMID 11909966. 
  7. Koipally, Joseph; Georgopoulos Katia (Aug. de 2002). «A molecular dissection of the repression circuitry of Ikaros». J. Biol. Chem. (United States) 277 (31): 27697-705. ISSN 0021-9258. PMID 12015313. doi:10.1074/jbc.M201694200. 

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