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Usuario discusión:Jorunn

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De Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre
Hola, Jorunn. Te damos la bienvenida a Wikipedia en español
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Wikipedia en español es una enciclopedia de contenido libre que surgió en mayo de 2001; desde entonces se han establecido varios principios definidos por la comunidad. Por favor, tómate un tiempo para explorar los temas siguientes, antes de comenzar a editar en Wikipedia.
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Esperamos que pases buenos momentos en Wikipedia. Gracias por colaborar con la Wikipedia en Español. Cualquier consulta que tengas no dudes en preguntarme aquí. Salu2! Rakela 06:04 13 jul 2007 (CEST)

Gauchito Gil


Please, we would like to know why you deleted a link in Gauchito Gil article. Thanks. Pertile (te leo) 01:19 20 feb 2009 (UTC)[responder]

I removed the link per meta:User:COIBot/XWiki/ because:
  1. it is a link to a blog - blogs are generally not good resources for Wikipedia
  2. it was inserted to five Wikipedia articles during February, all by IPs from the internet provider Prima S.A. - probably someone behind the blog inserted the link themselves. Links should be added to articles by those who write the articles, not by those who own the websites the links go to.
  3. Also I suspect there are copyright issues with some of the material on the website, but that was not my reason for removing the link. --Jorunn (discusión) 15:36 20 feb 2009 (UTC)[responder]

Why is it a blog? It seems to be an informative page, expanding the contents of the article and quite adequate as an external link.

Allow me to say that I feel uncomfortable using here a foreign language to discuss the issue. Certainly I would not edit a Wikipedia I don't understand. I observe that you have also deleted good links from other articles, such as "Estadio Polideportivo Islas Malvinas" (a list of the practised sports) or "Líneas y geoglifos de Nazca y de Pampas de Jumana" (satellite photos and videos). Sure, we could talk about it, but if you can't read the articles, how would you discuss them?--Bostador (discusión) 17:27 20 feb 2009 (UTC)[responder]

The website is hosted on a blog host and it doesn't give any information about who is behind the website. It isn't a reliable source and it isn't of the quality a website linked from Wikipedia should be. When the link to such a website is inserted into multiple Wikipedia articles by the people behind the website I think the link should be removed.
Wikipedia:Enlaces_externos#Qué no debe ser enlazado:
"No son aceptables enlaces a webs autopublicadas, fanzines, páginas web personales, wikis abiertas, blogs, foros de discusión, entre otros, excepto aquellos escritos por personas o entidades de autoridad reconocida en el tema, aquellos cuyo contenido se base en fuentes acreditadas o aquellos que sean citados para verificar información sobre sí mismos."
The link I removed in Estadio Polideportivo Islas Malvinas,, goes to a portal website with lots of ads. The link was pushed here and on the English Wikipedia.
The bot reports I act upon when I remove links here are made to identify cross wiki spam. Sometimes link insertion that might look ok from one wiki doesn't look ok when you see that the same users are inserting the link to many articles over sevral or more wikis. The active reports can be found here: meta:User:COIBot/XWiki
It would be great if you and/or other Spanish speakers became active in reviewing these reports.
Even if I don't understand much Spanish I can sometimes see that a link doesn't belong in an article here, like the one I now came here to remove. Please feel free to review my next edit, and any other I make here. --Jorunn (discusión) 23:40 20 feb 2009 (UTC)[responder]