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Bellator militaris
Reino: Animalia
Filo: Chordata
Clase: Actinopterygii
Orden: Scorpaeniformes
Familia: Triglidae
Género: Bellator
D. S. Jordan & Evermann, 1896

Bellator es un género de peces de la familia Triglidae, del orden Scorpaeniformes. Este género marino fue descrito por primera vez en 1896 por David Starr Jordan y Barton Warren Evermann.


Especies reconocidas del género:[1]


  1. Especies de "Bellator". En FishBase. (Rainer Froese y Daniel Pauly, eds.). Consultada en junio de 2017. N.p.: FishBase, 2017.

Lectura recomendada

  • Eschmeyer, William N. 1990. Genera of Recent Fishes. iii + 697.
  • Nelson, Joseph S. 1994. Fishes of the World, Third Edition. xvii + 600.
  • Gilbert, C. H., 1892. Descriptions of thirty-four new species of fishes collected in 1888 and 1889, principally among the Santa Barbara Islands and in the Gulf of California. A: Scientific results of explorations by the U. S. Fish Commission steamer Albatross. Proceedings of the United States National Museum v. 14 (núm. 880): 539-566.
  • Gilbert, C. H., 1897. Descriptions of twenty-two new species of fishes collected by the steamer Albatross, of the United States Fish Commission. Proceedings of the United States National Museum v. 19 (núm. 1115): 437-457, Pls. 49-55.
  • Miller, G. C., 1965. A new species of searobin (Triglidae). Quarterly Journal of the Florida Academy of Sciences v. 28 (núm. 3): 259-266.
  • Jordan, D. S. & Bollman, C. H., 1890. Descriptions of new species of fishes collected at the Galapagos Islands and along the coast of the United States of Colombia, 1887-1888. A: Scientific results of explorations by the U. S. Fish Commission steamer Albatross. Proceedings of the United States National Museum v. 12 (núm. 770): 149-183.

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