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Usuario discusión:Doug (sul)

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Hello, I sent you an e-mail but in case you didn't get it, I have the SUL account "User:Doug" and I'm quite active on a number of projects; I wondered if there was any chance that you would consider changing your user name as then you could have an SUL account and mine would be fully unified. I wouldn't ask except that I have thousands of edits on multiple wikis and I'm an admin on three, so changing my username now would be a complicated matter. I created this account for the sole purpose of asking. Thank you for considering. (and I apologize for English though from the name I'm guessing you speak it too.) ;-)--El Doug (discusión) 21:46 4 ago 2011 (UTC)[responder]

Muy buenas. Si estás de acuerdo con cambiar tu nombre para que la persona de aquí arriba pueda usurparlo, es necesario que indiques en la wiki tu consentimiento. :) Lo ideal sería que pusieras un mensaje en WP:CNU, solicitando el cambio de nombre por otro de tu elección, el que tú quieras, y comentando que lo dejas libre para que lo pueda usar otro usuario. Para poner la solicitud solo tienes que seguir las instrucciones que se indican en la página. Te mando esta misma info por email también. Un saludo Raystorm is here 16:18 21 ago 2011 (UTC)[responder]
       Normal  0      21      false  false  false    ES-AR  X-NONE  X-NONE

Hello Doug Hello Doug, Hello Raystorm, once again, I apologize for my English; I’ve just read your new e-mail Doug. I find this procedure unnecessary; it will take too much time to do something quite simple; my contributions are only a few, although I’d like to keep them, I find the time and procedures involved in changing my user name are unnecessary, so I will quit this project for a while. I will give you my password so you can claim Doug (es) as yours.

I will sent you an e-mail with that info.

Good luck!

  • Thank you very much, I didn't actually use your password. But your message here was enough to show a Burócratas that you agreed to the change. You can now reset your password. Gracias!--Doug (discusión) 19:54 26 ago 2011 (UTC)[responder]