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De Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre

How to create a Wikipedia article


Wikipedia is known as one of the most useful places to get information, but also many people that want to upload content and information on the web don't know or are confused about the policies and rules of the company for publishing new contents. Here, you can see most of the rules and conditions that Wikipedia requires in order to submit a new article.

Writing and formatting rules


In all the new Wikipedia articles, an the edits of created Wikipedia pages, you must folow some rules to make that your article appears in the Wikipedia official webpage.

Format and Syntax Rules


A good Wikipedia article should start with an introductory section to give the first amount of information that summarizes the entire article. This introductory paragraph must not have a big amount of lines.

You should follow the language and sintax rules of the dialect that you are writing in. It must also hold encyclopedic structure, this means that each paragraph must include a main idea, it must use short sentences and the correct way of using them. Avoid using too many links. The use of the punctuation marks are also a fundamental pillar for the creation of a document. You should use punctuation in the correct way.

The sections must always begin with an article title and then an introduction, respecting the orthography , it is important that the introduction does not have a section header. When the article has at least four paragraphs, it is recommended to divide it into sections and put a capital letter in the first letter of the title or when it is a proper name. In the titles of sections you should use lowercase, except on the first letter, you shouldn't use bold, italic or external links and you should not use links.

Capital letters rules


The first words of some sentences must begin with a capital letter, such as titles, names of dignity in Spanish: king, pope, duke, president and minister are written with a lower case, due to their condition of common names. The links are also written in lowercase and not only digital but also in books, pictures, musical pieces, etc....

Size rules


The side of the letter in Wikipedia should not modify the Wikipedia font, although if you are going to change it, it cannot be less than 80% or more than 120%. It’s very important to follow these rules, because the whole aspect of the article depends on it.

Bold and Italic Rules


Bold is used to highlight the words if these are titles for web pages or articles and the use of Italics is normally used for foreign words, latinisms words and other words that do not adapt to the spanish language like for example: Manuel is eating “enchiladas”  while drinking “mate”. There are also specific capital letters that use the italics.

Size and Hard spaces Rules


The side of the letter in Wikipedia should not modify the Wikipedia font, although if you are going to change it, it cannot be less than 80% or more than 120%. It’s very important to follow these rules, because the whole aspect of the article depends on it. And the In the  hard spaces is recommended to avoid end-of-line scrolling of elements that may be inelegant at the beginning of a new line.

Paragraph separation


For clearness and aesthetic reasons, it is compulsory to leave one blank line between paragraphs that have a minimum of  two sentences. If you don’t leave that white line, the article will look too compact, and it wouldn’t be as nice. In the case of having a non-numerical list, you have to put it consecutively without spaces.

Points and references


When references are adjacent to a punctuation mark, such as a comma or period, a space should be placed after the punctuation mark, with no intervening space, as how, another important thing to know is the rules of the courtesy, professional and affiliation treatments that avoid the use of courtesy addresses such as Mr., Mrs., Mr., Mrs., Your Majesty, Your Excellency, Your Most Illustrious, Your Eminence, Your Holiness, etc. It should be written in a clear and explicit way, avoiding the use of acronyms or contractions. Such as Dr., Eng., Ph.D., M.D., etc. Instead you should write Doctor, English, Philosophy Doctor, etc…

Trademarks and sponsorships


You must take care when using trademarks or sponsor names, as these may violate the neutral point of view or that is being sponsored. Trademarks must be written in capital letters: I bought a Ferrari, but when they do not refer to the brand itself, it is written in lowercase. Must take precedence over the principle of "most used name" regardless of the possible official status of such names.



Quotation marks are a spelling mark to emphasize the message of a sentence. There are different quotation marks among them the Spanish quotation marks which is like this (« ») and in English is ("") but there’s another that is  (‘ ’) that is the simple one.



The day is expressed first, followed by the month and the year, the day and the year are written with numbers while the month is indicated with its name, always with a lowercase initial. When including a certain date, it should not refer to the season of the year in which the event takes place.

Centuries will be written in Roman numerals; should never be written in lowercase letters. Years before our era will be written using the abbreviation a. c. Decades are noted under the forms. Periods are noted separated by a hyphen and without spaces even when additional or non-numeric data is included. In case of doubtful dates, the year can be placed between question marks.



You must use the units for the International System. For example, when talking about distance you must use meters, and when talking about force you must use Newtons. Sexigesimal grades are written with a circle next to the up right corner: 88º. Is used in the same way, to indicate fracionary numbers:  88º21’69,120’’. Parallels and meridians are written without leaving spaces between the number and the grade symbol, and there will be a hard space between the grade symbol and the cardinal points. It’s in the same way with geographic coordinates.



Separation of thousands and decimal signs. The use of thousand separators is considered incorrect, and instead, to facilitate understanding, it should be separated into three digits by means of hard spaces, both in whole numbers and decimals. Example: 10 254 215. This rule does not apply if the integer or decimal part has only 4 digits, since in this case there is no reading difficulty.