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Usuario:Virum Mundi/Taller/Gymnasium Paulinum

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El Gymnasium Paulinum es un Gymnasium de Münster, Reinano del Norte-Westphalia, Germany, considerado el instituto de educación en activo más antiguo de Alemania (disputando el "título" con Gymnasium *****). EL Gymnasium fue fundado con toda probabilidad en 797,

It was founded in around 797 and is claimed to be the oldest school in Germany.

Early history[edit][editar]

Gymnasium Paulinum was established by Ludger the missionary in 797. He had been instructed by Charlemagne in 793 to preach Christianity in north-western Saxony, and subsequently established a monastery in the centre of the former Frankish stronghold of Mimigernaford (also Mimigardeford or Miningarvard), which was later to be known as Münster. He also established a monastic school for future members of the clergy. In 805, when Ludger was appointed Bishop of Münster, the school became a cathedral school. The new "Schola Paulina" was dedicated to St. Paul.

Latest developments[edit][editar]

On October 9th, 2007 the Gymnasium Paulinum was awarded the title "School of Europe" (Europaschule) as one of the first of 15 schools in the province of North Rhine-Westphalia.

Notable alumni[edit][editar]

  • Heinrich Brüning, Chancellor of Germany from 1930 to 1932
  • Bernhard von Galen, prince-bishop of Münster
  • Johann Glandorp, 16th century humanist, theologian, and scholar
  • Leonard Landois, physiologist
  • Hermann Löns, journalist and writer
  • Josef Pieper, philosopher
  • Hans Tietmeyer, economist

External links[edit][editar]

  • Gymnasium Paulinum