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Usuario:Rodrigo Patiño

De Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre


Living things[editar]

Living things are things that are alive. Plants, animals, and people can be considered as living things. Living things do not need many things to be alive. They basically need air, water, and food. All of the plants, animals, and people need water. In the following images, you will see those living things need water and food to stay alive.

Characteristics of Living things[editar]

Living things move[editar]

here are animals that can swim (fish, whale, shark), some other can fly (bird, eagle, bat), there are others that can jump like (kangaroo, dolphin, frog), and some that can run ( horse, panther, lion). Plants also eminently, presents this movement. Furthermore, it is important to mention that living things move without any help, they move in a controlled and directed way, they only move if they are a pusher by something else.

Watch the following video to see how the mimosa plant reacts to touch.

Camila Suarez from 2nd A in a see think wonder thinking routines activity presented the following arguments: "I think some animals and plants are non-living things because they do not move, trees and worms are a good example. She thinks that because trees are static and worms do not move fast are not living things.

In the same activity, Luis Gonzalez from 2nd C says: " lions are not living things because they do not live in a house for them, and trees are not plants because they are not decorative and do not live in gardens". He relates living with home and mainly with a house, and plants with small ones that are part mainly of houses.

As a conclusion, we determine that context is very important to determine definitions, and that explore is very important to create new definitions exploring new concepts.

Living things grow.[editar]

All the living things grow in a natural way and grow into "adults". Children grow into adults, the same happens with animals when they are babies they grow into adults, and a young plant turns into an adult plant.

If you are interested in how living things grow you have access to this link:

Living things reproduce.[editar]

For all of you could be clear that all living things reproduce their selves and have as a result of new living things. A living thing does not need reproduction to survive, but they need to be reproduced to guarantee the continuity of the species, so it won't be extinct. We can find two types of reproduction.

Sexual Reproduction: Two members of the same species almost always male and female sex cells come at the same time and fertilization takes place.

Asexual Reproduction: This way of reproduction results with no necessity of involving with another species even of the same one. It is common in plants and single cell organisms

As an example, people have babies, plants seeds, cows have calves. Adult chicken lays eggs, and chicks hatch from eggs.

Non- living things[editar]

Basically non-living things are things that are not alive. They do not need air, food or water. They do not move, do not grow, and they do not reproduce.

Characteristics of Non-living Things[editar]

The basic Characteristics of Non-living things are described as following:

  • The most important characteristic of nonliving things is the absence of protoplasm, the fundamental basis of life. For example, cells are absent in stones or any non-living things.
  • Due to the absence of protoplasm, no metabolic activities are possible in the nonliving things.
  • The structural organization like tissue, organ or system is never found in nonliving things.
  • The non-living things usually do not have any definite form or size of their own. Liquids assume the shape of the container. A liquid like water when heated changes into the gaseous state or can be even frozen into the solid state and thus it has no definite form.
  • The movement, if observed, is never automatic but occurs under any other external influence.
  • Another Characteristics of Non-living things is that growth occurs by accretion, i.e. by addition of materials from outside. For example, a crystal in a solution or a snowball may grow larger in size due to the accumulation of particles of its own unit on the outer surface of the original body.
  • The absence of nutrition, excretion, respiration, reproduction, irritability, and adaptation are the characteristics of nonliving things.
  • The unlimited duration of existence or immortality is a vital characteristic of nonliving things.

Taken from:  

Have fun with practice![editar]

First game and Second game[editar]


Hello dear students. As you know this Unit is called the fallen tree. After the different definitions you saw in the post, I would like you to post your personal opinion about this question. Is a fallen tree a living or non - living thing? Do not forget to include words such as: move, grow, reproduction, water, air, food, among others we have worked in the unit. Please answer the question in no more than sixty words.

Type here your answer.