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Penguin Books[editar]

Penguin Books es una editorial británica fundada en 1935 por Allen Lane, con la intención de suministrar literatura de calidad a precios tan asequibles como, en la época, un paquete de cigarrillos, y que fueran vendidos no sólo en librerías, sino también en estaciones ferroviarias y en tiendas en general. Sus productos más emblemáticos son sus libros de bolsillo, publicados por primera vez en el año de fundación de la empresa, aunque inicialmente sólo como un sello editorial de Bodley Head.

Penguin Books tiene su sede oficial en la Ciudad de Westminster, en Londres, Inglaterra,[1][2]​ Actualmente, Penguin Books es el principal sello editorial del grupo internacional Penguin Group (propriedad de Pearson PLC), y es la principal editorial del Reino Unido, Australia, Nueva Zelanda, Irlanda e India.

En 1961 creó la colección Penguin Modern Classics con el objetivo de dar a los grandes escritores modernos una categoría semejante a la de un Homero o un Dickens. Hay seis autores de lengua española incuidos en este prestigioso club: Jorge Luis Borges, Federico García Lorca, Gabriel García Márquez, Pablo Neruda, Octavio Paz y Javier Marías.[3]


Enlaces externos[editar]

Moore and O'Neill also took the main characters Mina Murray and Allan 60 years in the future out of fear that the Victorian era was already waning in interest. Because many of the characters used in the Black Dossier are not in the public domain Moore became more creative in alluding to the characters identities but never directly revealing who they were. For example the character of "Jimmy" is a thinly veiled reference to James Bond; hints to this include owning Campion Bond's cigarette case and lighter, his preference for Vodka Martinis, having a scar from the novels, as well as owning James Bond trademark Walther PPK with 007 engraved on it. The names of other characters are shortened or otherwise changed to mask their origins: Mrs. Peel from the Avengers uses her maiden name throughout the graphic novel, and Billy Bunter is only referred to by his first name.

A DC press release confirmed it would not be released outside the United States "due to international copyright concerns and related issues".[5] This was not an issue with previous volumes, as the Victorian setting meant that the majority of characters that were used were from works no longer under copyright.