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Abstract The National Institute for the Adult’s Education (INEA) has created a model of basic education for life and work (MEVyT) with the aim to help young adult people to have a better personal, familiar and social development using some basic skills. From 2002 the INEA is taking actions towards giving the opportunity to the people of taking this model supported on information technologies. One of the leading axis in the MEVyT structure is the sciences axis that comprises social and natural sciences subjects. Through diverse materials learning situations are proposed towards the development of skills and attitudes that make a difference in the health care, environment protection and tolerance. The virtual courses pretend to generate a different approach among the young adults regarding the digital media, taking advantage of the given resources. The use of the forum forecast a collaborative learning momentum, also activities encouraging the exchange of points of view such as surveys and interviews are included. A digital message board is also used and the contact with the professor through e-mail