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Discusión:Tarás Shevchenko

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De Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre

I don't speak enough Spanish to write my comment in it, but I do know enough about Spanish to know that Shevchenko's middle name is transliterated incorrectly. The transliteration into English would be 'Hryhorovych', on this page it is spelled 'Grigorovich'. The i's instead of y's is fine I guess, but the g's need to be replaced, the second g should be an h as in english I think, and the first g should perhaps be a j. Like I said, I don't know for sure, but someone please look into this. I have noticed on some other Spanish wiki's about Ukrainian related articles that they use the common muscovian (russian) to English transliteration, or even muscovian words in their original Cyrillic form instead of Ukrainian words. Ukraine is NOT part of the russian federation, and it hasn't been in the same country for 17 years now, this site didn't even exist when it was, so no articles about Ukraine, Ukrainians, or Ukrainian things should use muscovian words except where necessary.— El comentario anterior sin firmar es obra de (disc.contribsbloq).

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