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Discusión:Antigua Gran Bulgaria

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De Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre
(Redirigido desde «Discusión:Primitiva Gran Bulgaria»)

bulgarians are not turks.

bulgarian parliament passed a law anyone who uses the term turk will have problem with european law.

the term turk needs to be replaced with huns or xiongnu.

reference --the link above. — El comentario anterior sin firmar es obra de Piachpia (disc.contribsbloq). --Technopat (discusión) 10:08 17 may 2014 (UTC)[responder]

bulgaria 165-681 AD


CHAPTER CXX the oldest documents about Bulgaria and Kubrat are from the chronics of JOhn of Nikiu in early 600 AD: 47. And when the inhabitants of Byzantium heard this news, they said: 'This project is concerned with Kubratos, chief of the Huns, the nephew of Organa, who was baptized in the city of Constantinople, and received into the Christian community in his childhood and had grown up in the imperial palace.' CHAPTER LXXXIX 74. But immediately on his return to the emperor, the latter removed him from his command, and appointed in his room another general, named Cyril, of the province of Illyria. 75. And he also gave battle to Vitalian, and there was great slaughter on both sides. Cyril the general retired into the city named Odyssus, and stayed there while Vitalian withdrew into the province of Bulgaria.

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