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Please Help Me !![editar]

I am looking for official Sponsors, Partners, Investors, Documentary Filmmakers, Channels and Cinema for the production of 2 Documentaries. Wanted! In Toronto Ontario Canada: 1-Private Detective, 2- Latino lawyer specialized in Wills, Inheritance and Inheritance 3- Personnel interested as General Assistant in Commercial Management and Legal Procedures. 4- Producers and Directors of Documentaries, Channels and Cinema. 5-Journalists WhatsApp+53 5013 4242 Work plan : 1- Process, Manage a family inheritance left by a deceased Canadian Citizen Mr. Jovan Sekosan to his Cuban Citizen Wife Mrs. Noraima Á. In Testament drafted (September 26, 2008) before her marriage in Cuba (November 19, 2008). 2- Processing the Production and Making of Documentaries 1- Documentary "Please, Help Me! (15 years of waiting for Will and Family Inheritance Claim from Havana Cuba, in Toronto Ontario Canada) (discusión) 15:24 5 jul 2023 (UTC)[responder]

Please Help Me URGENTLY ![editar]

Raúl Oviedo from Havana Cuba . To forward and share with:

  • Journalists
  • Private detective
  • Newspapers
  • Channels and Television Programs Specialized in solving Cases like these.
  • Lawyers

We authorize you to share this information Mr. Attorney Jenny Cevallos Haro I want to share with you my Work and Business Projects We are looking for official Sponsors, Investor Partners, Documentary Filmmakers, Channels and Cinema. Lawyers, Private Detective and more. For the solution of 2 Cases that we investigate And that we prepare documentary in 2 Documentaries in planning Raúl Oviedo from Havana Cuba WhatsApp + 53 50134242 Interest of Work Contact, Advice, Legal Representation, Commercial Management Advertising, Promotion, Marketing, Production and Realization of Documentaries Channels and Cinema, Official Sponsors, Partners, Investors. Production Plan for 2 Cuban Documentaries, based on real and lived events. 1- Documentary "Please, Help Me! (Case of a Will and Family Inheritance Claim, for more than 15 years, of a Cuban woman married to a Canadian Citizen) 2- " Mr President Biden , my name is Guillermo , Sorry " ( Case of a Cuban deported from the United States , in 1997 , protagonist of the Documentary " The Excludables Cubans " by the Puerto Rican journalist Estela Bravo , who for 27 years , more He has never heard from his Wife and his 2 children, requesting Pardon, to return to the United States, to be reunited with his family, which he left there) Raúl Oviedo from Havana Cuba. WhatsApp number: + 53 5013 4242 __________________________ Script of the Documentary "Please, Help Me!! Havana, Cuba... Sunday June 11, 2023. Interview with Mrs. Noraima Ávila Benítez. Good morning, Mrs. Noraima, I am going to carry out a personal Interview with your Request, Acceptance and Authorization, after the call made to me by a relative of yours, where his most used, strong, repeated several times and insistent words were "PLEASE , HELP ME!", from that moment this Documentary arises in my mind that I named "PLEASE HELP ME!", in correspondence with those words of his relative. I thank her for her interest, collaboration, trust and her authorization to document her Family Inheritance Claim case against a drafted Will made by her Husband Jovan Sekosan, Canadian Citizen, for the making of this Documentary. My first Documentary, that is, my First Feature. Documentary based on real events, about his current legal and legal situation of the Will and Family Inheritance Claim that he has been claiming, managing and requesting for around 15 years, resulting in no 15-year wait for the solution of his case. I reiterate my thanks and we hope to be able to collaborate with the solution of the same. Ms. Noraima, we will start by asking you: 1- What is the reason why you contacted us? 2- How did you meet your Husband Jovan Sekosan, a Canadian Citizen, and in what year? 3- How many visits to Cuba, how many times was Mr. Jovan Sekosan in Cuba? 4- What health condition was Mr. Jovan Sekosan in when you met him? 5- On what date does he decide to marry you? 6-When does he decide, on what date does he make his Will, leaving her as the main and sole Heir of all his patrimonial assets, properties, bank accounts and others? 7- Mrs. Noraima and You as the Wife of the Canadian Citizen, Mr. Jovan Sekosan.. Did he receive any type of financial aid, any pension, any monthly payments? 8- How much did you receive monthly? 9- From what year and until what date did you receive this financial aid? 10-Do you know how much he was, how much he received as a pension, as a pensioner in Canada? 11- For what reasons and motives that you know, Mr. Jovan Sekosan, your Husband decided to marry you and make it in writing, in front of Witnesses and the Lawyer of the Specialized Law Firm of your City, leaving you as the main and only Heir to all your Heritage assets ? 12- For how many years before the marriage and the signing of the Will, did you know that these were his intentions with you? 13- How did you feel when you found out about these intentions, how did you take it? 14- Mrs. Noraima...Due to her husband's advanced age and suffering, he stops coming to Cuba to visit her once more, like so many other times before, Mr. Jovan Sekosan is admitted to a Health Center, to be answered... The question is: Did you lose contact with him at any time during the period of admission, medical care and recovery of his health at said Center? 15- Mrs. Noraima, did you receive information at some point from the Health Center, to inform you about the state of Health of his Husband? 16- Within all his efforts made in all these years. I ask him: Have you ever and/or how many times made the arrangements to travel and take care of him as Mr. Jovan Sekosan's Wife, at the Health Center where he received medical attention? 17- What did they answer him those 5 times, that he showed up at the Canadian Embassy? 18- How did you feel and do you feel about the impossibility of being able to take care of him, in the last years of his life? 19- Did you ever process the Family Inheritance Claim in Cuba? 20- Have you obtained any satisfactory results from those procedures carried out in Cuba? 21- Mrs. Noraima, due to the advanced age and suffering of his Husband, Mr. Jovan Sekosan... Do you lose some contact and communication to find out about his possible death? In what year, did you stop knowing, of his Husband, Mr. Jovan Sekosan? 22- What management do you carry out, to find out about the State of Health or possible death of him? 23- What management do these Friends of yours carry out from the United States? 24- Mrs. Noraima... How did you feel when you learned of the death of your Husband Jovan Sekosan? As a result of the impotence, the constant refusals to travel, the lack of economic and technological resources or in writing of his Husband Mr. Jovan Sekosan, since his advanced age, suffering and many other factors against that happened... How did you feel when you learned of his death? 25- Mrs. Noraima, within all your efforts.. Do you carry out, pay and sign a Contract of..... In the System of Collective Law Firms and/or Specialized Law Firm here in Cuba, in the Year 2022, the closest management dates? And you receive a copy of the Contract document from......... Where are you informed that the Specialized Law Firm manages your Will and Family Inheritance Claim through a Canadian Correspondent, not an official Lawyer in Canada? .......After efforts made by the Canadian Correspondent in Toronto Ontario Canada , You receive Documents from the Canadian Correspondent , requesting YOUR SIGNATURE , to receive an economic amount X , which your Husband Mr. Jovan Sekosan Canadian Citizen has in Accounts Banking at a TD Canada Trust Bank Branch in Toronto Ontario Canada. What was your reaction to this Request to sign said Documents? 26- What was the reaction of the Canadian Correspondent, who is not a Lawyer in Canada?... To make this issue clear... 27- What were the reasons why you did not want to sign said Documents? 28-Ms. Noraima, in the Documents delivered by the BES and its Canadian Correspondent.. Did they include Patrimonial Assets , House , Cars , Clothes , Company Shares , etc , etc ? 29- Mrs. Noraima, her Husband Mr. Jovan Sekosan .. Did she tell you in conversations, did she explain to him about his Properties, Patrimonial Assets, and the rest of the things that He left her through a Will, as the Sole and main Heir, for after her death? 30- Mrs. Noraima, after receiving the Documents sent by the BES and its Canadian Correspondent according to the Contract of....... And her refusal to sign them, for not agreeing and not obtaining reasons on all the rest of the Patrimonial Assets, Properties, etc, how her Husband Mr. Jovan Sekosan left her at the time of making the Will as the Sole and main Heiress... Have you communicated with the BES of Havana Cuba? 31- How have you been treated and what response have you received? 32- Mrs. Noraima... Have you tried to communicate again with the Canadian Correspondent (not an official Lawyer in Canada), who appears in the Contract of... Made by the BES of Havana Cuba? 33- What has he answered? 34- Mrs. Noraima, have you tried to find, hire, manage other Lawyers in Canada? 35- How many Canadian Lawyers have you sent Emails, phone calls or some kind of call for Help, Advice and Legal Help? 36- What results have you had with these Lawyer contacts? 37- Mrs. Noraima, how was and has been your Life process, during all the time that you have managed and processed the travel permit, the exit Visa, the impossibility of caring for your Husband, your advanced age and suffering, the lack of communication transitory due to limited economic and technological resources, the Claim of the Will and Inheritance and the long wait for the solution of your case? Tell me about every moment.. 38- How did you feel before so many denials and negative processes for you? 39- How do you think or did his husband Mr. Jovan Sekosan tell you, how did he feel, not being able to have her by his side, in the last years of his life? 40- Mrs. Noraima, tell me about all his expenses and obligations that he had when he had to sell all his Patrimonial Assets acquired again, to cover his personal expenses and possible travel and stay expenses in Canada? 41- Mrs. Noraima, do you still have Hopes, Thoughts, Ideas, Plans and Opinion on the subject of being able to solve your case, one day? 42- Within all these long processes and complexities of his Claim, has his Life ever affected you? 43- Have you ever lost hope of solving your case, of being able to obtain and recover your rights as the main and sole Heir of the family inheritance left to you by your Husband, Mr. Jovan Sekosan, a Canadian Citizen, through a legally drafted and certified Will? 44- Mrs. Noraima... Let's think positively for a few minutes... Let's think that all your case has been legally resolved, see now as the Owner of all the Patrimonial Assets, left to you by your Husband Mr. Jovan Sekosan Canadian Citizen, Patrimonial Assets already under his legal power.... Let's think that his Will and Family Inheritance Claim was attended, managed, advised, defended and resolved by a Canadian Lawyer, who still in 15 years has not been able, nor managed to find, after so many steps taken and so much waiting time... I ask What do you plan to do from then on ? 45- Mrs. Noraima... You must excuse me now... I want to ask you one... Or several personal questions that are very intense, very sentimental, very intimate, for my tastes, my way of being a human being and in my opinion. But I also believe that "It is worth" to know and share with whom will see this Documentary "Please, Help Me!, I imagine they were missing to say and explain... Can you allow me? 45.1- Did you miss your Husband, in all these years of waiting? 45.2- Do you still miss him? 45.3- How was it and is it for you to know that he passed away?... Despite the fact that you could never find out in time, as you would have wanted to know, as you also wanted to have taken care of him in the last years of Life, impossible to know because of the 5 times Denied at the Embassy of Canada in Cuba and all the rest of the legal procedures and obstacles found in these 15 years of waiting and Last Claims of the Will and the family inheritance left to you by your Husband Mr. Jovan Sekosan under a drafted and certified Testament ...I repeat the question... How did it turn out and do you find it to know of his death? 45.5- If you could go back, go back a few moments... Let's say on December 29, 2008, the day of your marriage and signed by your Husband Mr. Jovan Sekosan Canadian Citizen, what would you say and/or what was missing for say ? 45.6- And if we would go back to the moments in which your Husband at the Airport on his return, on his last trip to Canada, what did he say and/or what did he not say? 45.7- If we go back to the moment in which, for the 5th time, she is Denied to travel to take care of him at the Health Center, where he was hospitalized for his treatments and recovery, what would you tell him and/or could he never tell him? 45.8- If we go back to the moment when you receive the letter signed by your Husband, Mr. Jovan Sekosan, informing him of your admission and medical treatment, which he had planned and inviting you to visit him, through the purchase of the flight ticket, which he planned for you... What did you tell him and / or what could you not tell him ? 45.9- What did you tell him and/or could you not tell him... When you had to sell everything, your Patrimonial Assets, for and because you thought that it could be used for travel and stay expenses, as well as to open a Bank Account that could demand it at the Canadian Embassy in Cuba as a Guarantee of Permanence, such as for your personal expenses in Canada, as for the care of your Husband, losing everything, with nothing left at present? 45.10- What would you do, the day you can fly and visit Toronto Ontario Canada? Answer : Going directly from the airport to his burial place, I would take him a bouquet of Red Roses, just the way he liked them and I would talk to him for hours and hours, everything that I could and could not tell him and explain to you... It would be like recover my Life, his existence, all his Love, the Affection that he professed me, and thousands of Forgiveness and Apologies that he deserves as a Human Being, Man and Husband that he deserves and that he was and continues to be in my Soul, Thought and Heart. Mrs. Noraima...For now it seems to me that we should stop the Interview for a while...We deserve it for so much tension, mixed feelings, past stories, current problems and desire for legal achievements, triumphs, solution of your case and our meaning de Esperanzas...We will return at the necessary opportunity and moment... To be continued Thank you for your Patience, Nice Attention, Trust and Authorization to document your personal situations, your internal forces and share your true story so suffered ..... We will continue.... __________________________

Script of the Documentary " Mr President Biden , my name is Guillermo , Perdón "

Havana, Cuba Sunday June 18, 2023. " Father's Day " Script of the Documentary "Mr President Biden, my name is Guillermo, Perdón ". Good morning, Greetings to you my Friend Mr. Guillermo, first of all, I want to thank you for your Acceptance to finally make this my 2nd Documentary, based on your past, on your real History, lived and also why not, suffered as a Human Being , around 26 years ago. I have been for more than 10 years, requesting, begging, imploring, suggesting, advising and presenting this Documentary Project, to narrate, tell and share his personal story, his anecdotes, experiences and I could not do it, I have always said that for achieve something in life, you only need "Health, Time and Patience". Thank God Health we both have Time ( the more than 10 years that I have waited , to be able to make a documentary of your History , as a Deportee from the United States ) , the long awaited moment arrived , planned , thought by both and the Great Patience, that we have had each other, which is the essential fruit of today, to be able to make this Documentary "Mr President Biden, my name is Guillermo, Perdón ." The Interview that we will carry out will be full of Doubts to be clarified, Curiosities, Long-awaited answers, Release of Emotions, Mixed Feelings, Unforgettable Memories and many Questions that I have been asking myself personally, for more than 10 years, that I have requested this Interview ; I could say that since 1997, the year in which I was able to see the Documentary " The Excludables Cubans " by the Puerto Rican journalist Estela Bravo, where you were one of the protagonists of it, among so many Cuban deportees, who were participants, witnesses and protagonists as well. Documentary that I have seen , like many others , with so many true Stories told by Human Beings , that have been drilling , penetrating , encouraging , surprising , feeding my Curiosity , my Dreams , Ideas , Knowledge and motivating my craving for documentary Real Stories of Human Beings, Stories that are worth documentary, investigate and share with the World. Once again , Thank you Mr Guillermo , we have been friends for many years , I was very interested in meeting you , establishing this friendship that we have , despite the fact that I actually met you in 1997 , when I saw you for the first time , in the Documentary " Los Excludibles Cubanos " by the Puerto Rican journalist Estela Bravo , in the scenes of when you got out of a Moskovich car , which brought you back to our Barrio del Cerro and you were received by family , neighbors and friends . From that moment, being able to meet you was born in me, I remember that I always addressed you in the English language, as if challenging you, learning more and more, thanks to your free class-hours, proving to myself my little knowledge of the English language and we cultivated our current friendship, which we have and we get along very well and I also appreciate your always kind attention, your very good education, your treatment and your justified somewhat evasive answers, but always with tenderness and very delicate answering me, "... That At the moment he was not interested in a documentary, narrating or sharing something on the subject..." in a possible Documentary in the future. During my constant and insistent requests to tell your Story, in search of your acceptance and authorization to narrate your Experiences in a Documentary, like this one, that we are making after more than 10 years, Thank you, Thank you very much, Mr. Guillermo. Mr. Guillermo, after my explanations, I ask you once again for your Authorization and Acceptance to start with the questions... And I ask you 1- For what reasons did you deny me and/or did you deny yourself, during the last 10 years, the possibility of making this Documentary "Mr President Biden, my name is Guillermo, Sorry" and narrating your own experiences, anecdotes, stories that They did not have space or time to tell in the Documentary " Los Excludibles Cubanos " by the Puerto Rican Journalist Estela Bravo and I do not believe that we have much space and time in this Documentary , since I think that its History needs 5 Documentaries , 5 Chapters more ... I ask him .. Why did you refuse to tell me your Story in a Documentary ? 2- Mr. Guillermo, what motivated you that after 10 years of constant requests, conversations and receiving your courteous and polite way of avoiding the subject, today I have achieved this Interview for your Documentary "Mr President Biden, my name is Guillermo , Sorry " ... His motives? 3- Mr. Guillermo, how and when did you leave Cuba, how old were you? 4- When you arrived in the United States, did you create a family? 5- How old were your children and their names, when you were arrested and processed to be deported to Cuba? Do you still miss them? 6- Were you married and lived with your entire family? 7- The name of your Wife? married time? 8- Where were you, at the time of being arrested? 9- How, when and where were you informed that you were in the Deportation Process to Cuba? 10- How many years did you live in the United States? Were you ever in prison, how long and under what criminal charge? 11- You worked, what did you do? 12- Did you have the legal papers for permission to stay in the United States? Did you get to apply for US Citizenship? 13- Mr. Guillermo, have you maintained communication with your Wife and her children since your arrival in Cuba? 14- How long has it been and/or since when have you not heard from your family in the United States? 15- Mr. Guillermo, I want to ask you... Why, what are the reasons and/or motives that you have been incommunicado for so long, without knowing about them? 16- Mr. Guillermo, do you miss your family, the one you left in the United States? Could you say goodbye to them? 17- If we imagine that you have your family in front of you or make a first phone call, that you can re-establish communication with them... What would I tell them? 18- How old should your children be now? 19- Have you dreamed, do you think a lot about the possible moment of your return to the United States, to be reunited with his family? 20- Mr Guillermo... There is the possibility of managing a Pardon, through Lawyers Do you know, have you investigated, are you aware of the possibility of requesting a Pardon, through a Lawyer, to be able to return and see your family one day? 21-Would you be interested in processing the Pardon Request? 22- Do you know, Mr. Guillermo, how to speak English, do you still have what you learned about the language while you were in the United States, in the United States? . Years you lived there? 23- Mr. Guillermo, what did you feel the day you were arrested and processed for deportation to Cuba? ... Tell me about the night they put you on the plane back to Cuba? 24- What sensations did he feel when he saw himself, in mid-flight and upon arrival at the Cuban Airport? 24- How much time was detained between his arrival in Cuba and the image, which I have never erased, the scene of his arrival in a Moskovich car to our Barrio del Cerro? .. Where was he detained in Cuba, all that time? 25- How did he feel when he got home? What relatives did you find , after so many years in the United States ? 26- How could he bear and accept in the days following his arrival, that sudden change in his Life System? 27- Did his health in general affect you in any way, the experience he lived in those moments? 28- Do you have sequelae and/or health effects, after more than 20 years, of what happened? 29- Mr Guillermo...Have you seen the Documentary "The Excludables Cubans" by the Puerto Rican journalist Estela Bravo, where you were one of the main protagonists of it? How many times have you seen it ? Your personal opinion about the Documentary and all its narration? 30- Mr William ... Are you prepared to request and apply for Pardon, to return to the United States? 31- Do you have hopes of being able to achieve this Forgiveness? Would you like to return to the United States at this time? 32- Mr Guillermo, you have had the happiness, the luck, the possibility of being the protagonist of 2 Documentaries, the 1st time was in the Documentary "The Excludables Cubans" by the Puerto Rican Journalist Estela Bravo in 1997-2023, when you were prosecuted in the United States to be deported to his country of origin , our Cuba , 26 years of this today , 26 years that you have never been able to know more about your wife and children , relatives who remained in the United States ; Thanks to my constant and continued insistence , request , request , very friendly conversations , of which I keep very pleasant memories , Thanks to you always with your kind attention and respect , all this for more than 10 years to convince you , you treated me and He has always treated me with great courtesy, sanity and education, despite the fact that he has always responded with justified evasions, thanks to the fact that I have achieved it with the maxim that accompanies me every day, which is: Health, Time and Patience, Today you are the protagonist of this our 2nd Documentary "Mr President Biden, my name is Guillermo, Perdón " For space, informative interest, objectives of the Documentary, provoking more and more Curiosities to those who see us, etc, etc, there will always be topics to explain, things to say, anecdotes to tell, stories to narrate, but I do not want to leave or lose the opportunity for us to do the following , your real and lived History is Incredible , Surprising , not Unique , I know , but very Important , from my point of view , I am going to ask you to prepare yourself , so that you have every possibility of say , talk and vent his mixed feelings in something and looking at the camera tell his family now , what he could not , nor has he been able to tell them in 26 years . Let's start with his Wife..... Now it's your daughter's turn...... We continue with her son ....... Anything else you want to add? Mr Guillermo , my friend , I will never get tired of thanking you for all of the above , Thank you for your internal Forces , for your Love as Husband and Dad , Thank you for your somewhat late interest ( although as the saying and the Cubans say : It is never late, when Happiness is Good), Thank you for your trust and conviction to make our Documentary "Mr President Biden, my name is Guillermo, Perdón " Mr. Guillermo, please, I repeat once more, as it has been, in the last 10 years, I ask you, I ask you, I implore you for the opportunity, happiness, luck and personal need, so that this Documentary is not the only one And the last thing I want to do with you, as the protagonist, there are many, many things and stories to tell, I invite you to prepare the second part of this Documentary, we will call it "Mr President Biden, I am another Guillermo, Thanks" - 2nd part-, one more of the 5 Chapters, which I would like to continue documenting about its real and lived History. Better for me , do not answer me at this precise moment , I like your justified evasive answers , to which I have been getting used to in 10 years . I hope that our Documentary is of some use to you , it helps you to reconquer your Family , that we achieve your full conviction , that you self - solve your current personal , family , legal , legal , sentimental situation , that we are able to initiate the Petition and Application for the Sorry to the Lawyer ........ Of the Law Firm ........ To be continue........ Documentary "Mr President Biden, my name is Guillermo, Perdón " -1st part - (discusión) 15:26 5 jul 2023 (UTC)[responder]

Please Help Me ! Me Paul Whatson[editar]

Raúl Oviedo from Havana Cuba . To forward and share with:

  • Journalists
  • Private detective
  • Newspapers
  • Channels and Television Programs Specialized in solving Cases like these.
  • Lawyers

We authorize you to share this information Mr. Attorney Jenny Cevallos Haro I want to share with you my Work and Business Projects We are looking for official Sponsors, Investor Partners, Documentary Filmmakers, Channels and Cinema. Lawyers, Private Detective and more. For the solution of 2 Cases that we investigate And that we prepare documentary in 2 Documentaries in planning Raúl Oviedo from Havana Cuba WhatsApp + 53 50134242 Interest of Work Contact, Advice, Legal Representation, Commercial Management Advertising, Promotion, Marketing, Production and Realization of Documentaries Channels and Cinema, Official Sponsors, Partners, Investors. Production Plan for 2 Cuban Documentaries, based on real and lived events. 1- Documentary "Please, Help Me! (Case of a Will and Family Inheritance Claim, for more than 15 years, of a Cuban woman married to a Canadian Citizen) 2- " Mr President Biden , my name is Guillermo , Sorry " ( Case of a Cuban deported from the United States , in 1997 , protagonist of the Documentary " The Excludables Cubans " by the Puerto Rican journalist Estela Bravo , who for 27 years , more He has never heard from his Wife and his 2 children, requesting Pardon, to return to the United States, to be reunited with his family, which he left there) Raúl Oviedo from Havana Cuba. WhatsApp number: + 53 5013 4242 __________________________ Script of the Documentary "Please, Help Me!! Havana, Cuba... Sunday June 11, 2023. Interview with Mrs. Noraima Ávila Benítez. Good morning, Mrs. Noraima, I am going to carry out a personal Interview with your Request, Acceptance and Authorization, after the call made to me by a relative of yours, where his most used, strong, repeated several times and insistent words were "PLEASE , HELP ME!", from that moment this Documentary arises in my mind that I named "PLEASE HELP ME!", in correspondence with those words of his relative. I thank her for her interest, collaboration, trust and her authorization to document her Family Inheritance Claim case against a drafted Will made by her Husband Jovan Sekosan, Canadian Citizen, for the making of this Documentary. My first Documentary, that is, my First Feature. Documentary based on real events, about his current legal and legal situation of the Will and Family Inheritance Claim that he has been claiming, managing and requesting for around 15 years, resulting in no 15-year wait for the solution of his case. I reiterate my thanks and we hope to be able to collaborate with the solution of the same. Ms. Noraima, we will start by asking you: 1- What is the reason why you contacted us? 2- How did you meet your Husband Jovan Sekosan, a Canadian Citizen, and in what year? 3- How many visits to Cuba, how many times was Mr. Jovan Sekosan in Cuba? 4- What health condition was Mr. Jovan Sekosan in when you met him? 5- On what date does he decide to marry you? 6-When does he decide, on what date does he make his Will, leaving her as the main and sole Heir of all his patrimonial assets, properties, bank accounts and others? 7- Mrs. Noraima and You as the Wife of the Canadian Citizen, Mr. Jovan Sekosan.. Did he receive any type of financial aid, any pension, any monthly payments? 8- How much did you receive monthly? 9- From what year and until what date did you receive this financial aid? 10-Do you know how much he was, how much he received as a pension, as a pensioner in Canada? 11- For what reasons and motives that you know, Mr. Jovan Sekosan, your Husband decided to marry you and make it in writing, in front of Witnesses and the Lawyer of the Specialized Law Firm of your City, leaving you as the main and only Heir to all your Heritage assets ? 12- For how many years before the marriage and the signing of the Will, did you know that these were his intentions with you? 13- How did you feel when you found out about these intentions, how did you take it? 14- Mrs. Noraima...Due to her husband's advanced age and suffering, he stops coming to Cuba to visit her once more, like so many other times before, Mr. Jovan Sekosan is admitted to a Health Center, to be answered... The question is: Did you lose contact with him at any time during the period of admission, medical care and recovery of his health at said Center? 15- Mrs. Noraima, did you receive information at some point from the Health Center, to inform you about the state of Health of his Husband? 16- Within all his efforts made in all these years. I ask him: Have you ever and/or how many times made the arrangements to travel and take care of him as Mr. Jovan Sekosan's Wife, at the Health Center where he received medical attention? 17- What did they answer him those 5 times, that he showed up at the Canadian Embassy? 18- How did you feel and do you feel about the impossibility of being able to take care of him, in the last years of his life? 19- Did you ever process the Family Inheritance Claim in Cuba? 20- Have you obtained any satisfactory results from those procedures carried out in Cuba? 21- Mrs. Noraima, due to the advanced age and suffering of his Husband, Mr. Jovan Sekosan... Do you lose some contact and communication to find out about his possible death? In what year, did you stop knowing, of his Husband, Mr. Jovan Sekosan? 22- What management do you carry out, to find out about the State of Health or possible death of him? 23- What management do these Friends of yours carry out from the United States? 24- Mrs. Noraima... How did you feel when you learned of the death of your Husband Jovan Sekosan? As a result of the impotence, the constant refusals to travel, the lack of economic and technological resources or in writing of his Husband Mr. Jovan Sekosan, since his advanced age, suffering and many other factors against that happened... How did you feel when you learned of his death? 25- Mrs. Noraima, within all your efforts.. Do you carry out, pay and sign a Contract of..... In the System of Collective Law Firms and/or Specialized Law Firm here in Cuba, in the Year 2022, the closest management dates? And you receive a copy of the Contract document from......... Where are you informed that the Specialized Law Firm manages your Will and Family Inheritance Claim through a Canadian Correspondent, not an official Lawyer in Canada? .......After efforts made by the Canadian Correspondent in Toronto Ontario Canada , You receive Documents from the Canadian Correspondent , requesting YOUR SIGNATURE , to receive an economic amount X , which your Husband Mr. Jovan Sekosan Canadian Citizen has in Accounts Banking at a TD Canada Trust Bank Branch in Toronto Ontario Canada. What was your reaction to this Request to sign said Documents? 26- What was the reaction of the Canadian Correspondent, who is not a Lawyer in Canada?... To make this issue clear... 27- What were the reasons why you did not want to sign said Documents? 28-Ms. Noraima, in the Documents delivered by the BES and its Canadian Correspondent.. Did they include Patrimonial Assets , House , Cars , Clothes , Company Shares , etc , etc ? 29- Mrs. Noraima, her Husband Mr. Jovan Sekosan .. Did she tell you in conversations, did she explain to him about his Properties, Patrimonial Assets, and the rest of the things that He left her through a Will, as the Sole and main Heir, for after her death? 30- Mrs. Noraima, after receiving the Documents sent by the BES and its Canadian Correspondent according to the Contract of....... And her refusal to sign them, for not agreeing and not obtaining reasons on all the rest of the Patrimonial Assets, Properties, etc, how her Husband Mr. Jovan Sekosan left her at the time of making the Will as the Sole and main Heiress... Have you communicated with the BES of Havana Cuba? 31- How have you been treated and what response have you received? 32- Mrs. Noraima... Have you tried to communicate again with the Canadian Correspondent (not an official Lawyer in Canada), who appears in the Contract of... Made by the BES of Havana Cuba? 33- What has he answered? 34- Mrs. Noraima, have you tried to find, hire, manage other Lawyers in Canada? 35- How many Canadian Lawyers have you sent Emails, phone calls or some kind of call for Help, Advice and Legal Help? 36- What results have you had with these Lawyer contacts? 37- Mrs. Noraima, how was and has been your Life process, during all the time that you have managed and processed the travel permit, the exit Visa, the impossibility of caring for your Husband, your advanced age and suffering, the lack of communication transitory due to limited economic and technological resources, the Claim of the Will and Inheritance and the long wait for the solution of your case? Tell me about every moment.. 38- How did you feel before so many denials and negative processes for you? 39- How do you think or did his husband Mr. Jovan Sekosan tell you, how did he feel, not being able to have her by his side, in the last years of his life? 40- Mrs. Noraima, tell me about all his expenses and obligations that he had when he had to sell all his Patrimonial Assets acquired again, to cover his personal expenses and possible travel and stay expenses in Canada? 41- Mrs. Noraima, do you still have Hopes, Thoughts, Ideas, Plans and Opinion on the subject of being able to solve your case, one day? 42- Within all these long processes and complexities of his Claim, has his Life ever affected you? 43- Have you ever lost hope of solving your case, of being able to obtain and recover your rights as the main and sole Heir of the family inheritance left to you by your Husband, Mr. Jovan Sekosan, a Canadian Citizen, through a legally drafted and certified Will? 44- Mrs. Noraima... Let's think positively for a few minutes... Let's think that all your case has been legally resolved, see now as the Owner of all the Patrimonial Assets, left to you by your Husband Mr. Jovan Sekosan Canadian Citizen, Patrimonial Assets already under his legal power.... Let's think that his Will and Family Inheritance Claim was attended, managed, advised, defended and resolved by a Canadian Lawyer, who still in 15 years has not been able, nor managed to find, after so many steps taken and so much waiting time... I ask What do you plan to do from then on ? 45- Mrs. Noraima... You must excuse me now... I want to ask you one... Or several personal questions that are very intense, very sentimental, very intimate, for my tastes, my way of being a human being and in my opinion. But I also believe that "It is worth" to know and share with whom will see this Documentary "Please, Help Me!, I imagine they were missing to say and explain... Can you allow me? 45.1- Did you miss your Husband, in all these years of waiting? 45.2- Do you still miss him? 45.3- How was it and is it for you to know that he passed away?... Despite the fact that you could never find out in time, as you would have wanted to know, as you also wanted to have taken care of him in the last years of Life, impossible to know because of the 5 times Denied at the Embassy of Canada in Cuba and all the rest of the legal procedures and obstacles found in these 15 years of waiting and Last Claims of the Will and the family inheritance left to you by your Husband Mr. Jovan Sekosan under a drafted and certified Testament ...I repeat the question... How did it turn out and do you find it to know of his death? 45.5- If you could go back, go back a few moments... Let's say on December 29, 2008, the day of your marriage and signed by your Husband Mr. Jovan Sekosan Canadian Citizen, what would you say and/or what was missing for say ? 45.6- And if we would go back to the moments in which your Husband at the Airport on his return, on his last trip to Canada, what did he say and/or what did he not say? 45.7- If we go back to the moment in which, for the 5th time, she is Denied to travel to take care of him at the Health Center, where he was hospitalized for his treatments and recovery, what would you tell him and/or could he never tell him? 45.8- If we go back to the moment when you receive the letter signed by your Husband, Mr. Jovan Sekosan, informing him of your admission and medical treatment, which he had planned and inviting you to visit him, through the purchase of the flight ticket, which he planned for you... What did you tell him and / or what could you not tell him ? 45.9- What did you tell him and/or could you not tell him... When you had to sell everything, your Patrimonial Assets, for and because you thought that it could be used for travel and stay expenses, as well as to open a Bank Account that could demand it at the Canadian Embassy in Cuba as a Guarantee of Permanence, such as for your personal expenses in Canada, as for the care of your Husband, losing everything, with nothing left at present? 45.10- What would you do, the day you can fly and visit Toronto Ontario Canada? Answer : Going directly from the airport to his burial place, I would take him a bouquet of Red Roses, just the way he liked them and I would talk to him for hours and hours, everything that I could and could not tell him and explain to you... It would be like recover my Life, his existence, all his Love, the Affection that he professed me, and thousands of Forgiveness and Apologies that he deserves as a Human Being, Man and Husband that he deserves and that he was and continues to be in my Soul, Thought and Heart. Mrs. Noraima...For now it seems to me that we should stop the Interview for a while...We deserve it for so much tension, mixed feelings, past stories, current problems and desire for legal achievements, triumphs, solution of your case and our meaning de Esperanzas...We will return at the necessary opportunity and moment... To be continued Thank you for your Patience, Nice Attention, Trust and Authorization to document your personal situations, your internal forces and share your true story so suffered ..... We will continue.... __________________________

Script of the Documentary " Mr President Biden , my name is Guillermo , Perdón "

Havana, Cuba Sunday June 18, 2023. " Father's Day " Script of the Documentary "Mr President Biden, my name is Guillermo, Perdón ". Good morning, Greetings to you my Friend Mr. Guillermo, first of all, I want to thank you for your Acceptance to finally make this my 2nd Documentary, based on your past, on your real History, lived and also why not, suffered as a Human Being , around 26 years ago. I have been for more than 10 years, requesting, begging, imploring, suggesting, advising and presenting this Documentary Project, to narrate, tell and share his personal story, his anecdotes, experiences and I could not do it, I have always said that for achieve something in life, you only need "Health, Time and Patience". Thank God Health we both have Time ( the more than 10 years that I have waited , to be able to make a documentary of your History , as a Deportee from the United States ) , the long awaited moment arrived , planned , thought by both and the Great Patience, that we have had each other, which is the essential fruit of today, to be able to make this Documentary "Mr President Biden, my name is Guillermo, Perdón ." The Interview that we will carry out will be full of Doubts to be clarified, Curiosities, Long-awaited answers, Release of Emotions, Mixed Feelings, Unforgettable Memories and many Questions that I have been asking myself personally, for more than 10 years, that I have requested this Interview ; I could say that since 1997, the year in which I was able to see the Documentary " The Excludables Cubans " by the Puerto Rican journalist Estela Bravo, where you were one of the protagonists of it, among so many Cuban deportees, who were participants, witnesses and protagonists as well. Documentary that I have seen , like many others , with so many true Stories told by Human Beings , that have been drilling , penetrating , encouraging , surprising , feeding my Curiosity , my Dreams , Ideas , Knowledge and motivating my craving for documentary Real Stories of Human Beings, Stories that are worth documentary, investigate and share with the World. Once again , Thank you Mr Guillermo , we have been friends for many years , I was very interested in meeting you , establishing this friendship that we have , despite the fact that I actually met you in 1997 , when I saw you for the first time , in the Documentary " Los Excludibles Cubanos " by the Puerto Rican journalist Estela Bravo , in the scenes of when you got out of a Moskovich car , which brought you back to our Barrio del Cerro and you were received by family , neighbors and friends . From that moment, being able to meet you was born in me, I remember that I always addressed you in the English language, as if challenging you, learning more and more, thanks to your free class-hours, proving to myself my little knowledge of the English language and we cultivated our current friendship, which we have and we get along very well and I also appreciate your always kind attention, your very good education, your treatment and your justified somewhat evasive answers, but always with tenderness and very delicate answering me, "... That At the moment he was not interested in a documentary, narrating or sharing something on the subject..." in a possible Documentary in the future. During my constant and insistent requests to tell your Story, in search of your acceptance and authorization to narrate your Experiences in a Documentary, like this one, that we are making after more than 10 years, Thank you, Thank you very much, Mr. Guillermo. Mr. Guillermo, after my explanations, I ask you once again for your Authorization and Acceptance to start with the questions... And I ask you 1- For what reasons did you deny me and/or did you deny yourself, during the last 10 years, the possibility of making this Documentary "Mr President Biden, my name is Guillermo, Sorry" and narrating your own experiences, anecdotes, stories that They did not have space or time to tell in the Documentary " Los Excludibles Cubanos " by the Puerto Rican Journalist Estela Bravo and I do not believe that we have much space and time in this Documentary , since I think that its History needs 5 Documentaries , 5 Chapters more ... I ask him .. Why did you refuse to tell me your Story in a Documentary ? 2- Mr. Guillermo, what motivated you that after 10 years of constant requests, conversations and receiving your courteous and polite way of avoiding the subject, today I have achieved this Interview for your Documentary "Mr President Biden, my name is Guillermo , Sorry " ... His motives? 3- Mr. Guillermo, how and when did you leave Cuba, how old were you? 4- When you arrived in the United States, did you create a family? 5- How old were your children and their names, when you were arrested and processed to be deported to Cuba? Do you still miss them? 6- Were you married and lived with your entire family? 7- The name of your Wife? married time? 8- Where were you, at the time of being arrested? 9- How, when and where were you informed that you were in the Deportation Process to Cuba? 10- How many years did you live in the United States? Were you ever in prison, how long and under what criminal charge? 11- You worked, what did you do? 12- Did you have the legal papers for permission to stay in the United States? Did you get to apply for US Citizenship? 13- Mr. Guillermo, have you maintained communication with your Wife and her children since your arrival in Cuba? 14- How long has it been and/or since when have you not heard from your family in the United States? 15- Mr. Guillermo, I want to ask you... Why, what are the reasons and/or motives that you have been incommunicado for so long, without knowing about them? 16- Mr. Guillermo, do you miss your family, the one you left in the United States? Could you say goodbye to them? 17- If we imagine that you have your family in front of you or make a first phone call, that you can re-establish communication with them... What would I tell them? 18- How old should your children be now? 19- Have you dreamed, do you think a lot about the possible moment of your return to the United States, to be reunited with his family? 20- Mr Guillermo... There is the possibility of managing a Pardon, through Lawyers Do you know, have you investigated, are you aware of the possibility of requesting a Pardon, through a Lawyer, to be able to return and see your family one day? 21-Would you be interested in processing the Pardon Request? 22- Do you know, Mr. Guillermo, how to speak English, do you still have what you learned about the language while you were in the United States, in the United States? . Years you lived there? 23- Mr. Guillermo, what did you feel the day you were arrested and processed for deportation to Cuba? ... Tell me about the night they put you on the plane back to Cuba? 24- What sensations did he feel when he saw himself, in mid-flight and upon arrival at the Cuban Airport? 24- How much time was detained between his arrival in Cuba and the image, which I have never erased, the scene of his arrival in a Moskovich car to our Barrio del Cerro? .. Where was he detained in Cuba, all that time? 25- How did he feel when he got home? What relatives did you find , after so many years in the United States ? 26- How could he bear and accept in the days following his arrival, that sudden change in his Life System? 27- Did his health in general affect you in any way, the experience he lived in those moments? 28- Do you have sequelae and/or health effects, after more than 20 years, of what happened? 29- Mr Guillermo...Have you seen the Documentary "The Excludables Cubans" by the Puerto Rican journalist Estela Bravo, where you were one of the main protagonists of it? How many times have you seen it ? Your personal opinion about the Documentary and all its narration? 30- Mr William ... Are you prepared to request and apply for Pardon, to return to the United States? 31- Do you have hopes of being able to achieve this Forgiveness? Would you like to return to the United States at this time? 32- Mr Guillermo, you have had the happiness, the luck, the possibility of being the protagonist of 2 Documentaries, the 1st time was in the Documentary "The Excludables Cubans" by the Puerto Rican Journalist Estela Bravo in 1997-2023, when you were prosecuted in the United States to be deported to his country of origin , our Cuba , 26 years of this today , 26 years that you have never been able to know more about your wife and children , relatives who remained in the United States ; Thanks to my constant and continued insistence , request , request , very friendly conversations , of which I keep very pleasant memories , Thanks to you always with your kind attention and respect , all this for more than 10 years to convince you , you treated me and He has always treated me with great courtesy, sanity and education, despite the fact that he has always responded with justified evasions, thanks to the fact that I have achieved it with the maxim that accompanies me every day, which is: Health, Time and Patience, Today you are the protagonist of this our 2nd Documentary "Mr President Biden, my name is Guillermo, Perdón " For space, informative interest, objectives of the Documentary, provoking more and more Curiosities to those who see us, etc, etc, there will always be topics to explain, things to say, anecdotes to tell, stories to narrate, but I do not want to leave or lose the opportunity for us to do the following , your real and lived History is Incredible , Surprising , not Unique , I know , but very Important , from my point of view , I am going to ask you to prepare yourself , so that you have every possibility of say , talk and vent his mixed feelings in something and looking at the camera tell his family now , what he could not , nor has he been able to tell them in 26 years . Let's start with his Wife..... Now it's your daughter's turn...... We continue with her son ....... Anything else you want to add? Mr Guillermo , my friend , I will never get tired of thanking you for all of the above , Thank you for your internal Forces , for your Love as Husband and Dad , Thank you for your somewhat late interest ( although as the saying and the Cubans say : It is never late, when Happiness is Good), Thank you for your trust and conviction to make our Documentary "Mr President Biden, my name is Guillermo, Perdón " Mr. Guillermo, please, I repeat once more, as it has been, in the last 10 years, I ask you, I ask you, I implore you for the opportunity, happiness, luck and personal need, so that this Documentary is not the only one And the last thing I want to do with you, as the protagonist, there are many, many things and stories to tell, I invite you to prepare the second part of this Documentary, we will call it "Mr President Biden, I am another Guillermo, Thanks" - 2nd part-, one more of the 5 Chapters, which I would like to continue documenting about its real and lived History. Better for me , do not answer me at this precise moment , I like your justified evasive answers , to which I have been getting used to in 10 years . I hope that our Documentary is of some use to you , it helps you to reconquer your Family , that we achieve your full conviction , that you self - solve your current personal , family , legal , legal , sentimental situation , that we are able to initiate the Petition and Application for the Sorry to the Lawyer ........ Of the Law Firm ........ To be continue........ Documentary "Mr President Biden, my name is Guillermo, Perdón " -1st part - (discusión) 15:27 5 jul 2023 (UTC)[responder]