Categoría:Libros de botánica de Reino Unido del siglo XIX
Páginas en la categoría «Libros de botánica de Reino Unido del siglo XIX»
Esta categoría contiene las siguientes 55 páginas:
- A Botanical Materia Medica
- A Catalogue of the Plants Growing in Bombay and its Vicinity
- A Century of Ferns
- A Description of the Genus Pinus
- A General History of the Dichlamydeous Plants
- A Hand-book to the Flora of Ceylon
- A Natural Arrangement of British Plants
- A Natural System of Botany
- A Numerical List of Dried Specimens
- A Retail List of New, Beautiful and Rare Plants
- A sketch of the vegetation of the Swan River Colony
- A Voyage to Terra Australis
- Agriculturalist's Manual
- Amaryllidaceae, an attempt to arrange the Monocotyledonous Orders
- An appendix
- An Encyclopaedia of Plants
- An Encyclopaedia of Plants (ed. 2)
- An Encyclopaedia of Plants (new edition, 1855)
- An Introduction to the Natural System of Botany
- Annals of Botany
- Arboretum et Fruticetum Britannicum
- Catalogue of Indian Plants
- Catalogue of the African Plants collected by Dr. F. Welwitsch in 1853-61
- Catalogue of the Ferns in the Royal Gardens of Kew
- Catalogus Muscorum
- Chloris Melvilliana
- Collectanea botanica
- Commelynaceae et Cyrtandraceae Bengalenses
- Commentationes de Leguminosarum Generibus
- Companion to the Botanical Magazine
- Compositae Indicae
- Contributions to the Botany of India
- Cybele Britannica