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Quizás quisiste decir: benages
  • Miniatura para Armadura de placas de acero
    armadura de placas también se protegía con pequeñas placas redondas llamadas besagews que cubrían la zona de las axilas y couters y poleyns con "alas" para proteger…
    19 kB (2509 palabras) - 12:30 25 abr 2024

Resultados de la Wikipedia en inglés.

  • Besagews, also spelled besagues, are a type of rondel designed to protect the armpits, as part of a harness of plate armour. The armpits are the location…
    981 bytes (80 palabras) - 11:18 23 mar 2023
  • cover the armpits.[citation needed] Instead, the gaps may be covered by besagews or simply left bare, exposing the mail beneath. Though the use of spaulders…
    2 kB (219 palabras) - 08:30 18 may 2024
  • steady the jousting lance. In this instance they are commonly known as besagews. They also appear on the back of a type of late medieval helmet known as…
    2 kB (192 palabras) - 18:47 16 abr 2023
  • with gardbraces in Italian and French armour to cover the armpits, or besagews (also known as rondels) which were mostly used in Gothic Armour, couters…
    4 kB (455 palabras) - 16:11 22 oct 2023
  • spellings (such as cowter or couter; bassinet, bascinet or basinet; and besagew or besague) which often reflect a word introduced from French. Generally…
    15 kB (196 palabras) - 21:28 30 ene 2024
  • with gardbraces to cover the armpits as was seen in French armour, or besagews (also known as rondels) which were mostly used in Gothic Armour, rerebraces…
    31 kB (3921 palabras) - 03:14 8 jun 2024
  • late 13th century, the knees were capped, and two circular discs, called besagews were fitted to protect the underarms. A variety of methods for improving…
    49 kB (6201 palabras) - 19:26 30 may 2024