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{{otros usos|RIP}}
'''RIP''' son las siglas de '''R'''outing '''I'''nformation '''P'''rotocol (Protocolo de encaminamiento de información). Es un protocolo de puerta de enlace interna o '''IGP''' ('''I'''nternal '''G'''ateway '''P'''rotocol) utilizado por los [[router]]s (enrutadores), aunque también pueden actuar en equipos, para intercambiar información acerca de redes IP.

== Historia ==
El origen del RIP fue el protocolo de Xerox, el GWINFO. Una versión posterior, fue conocida como routed, distribuida con Berkeley Standard Distribution (BSD) Unix en 1982. RIP evolucionó como un protocolo de enrutamiento de Internet, y otros protocolos propietarios utilizan versiones modificadas de RIP. El protocolo Apple Talk Routing Table Maintenance Protocol (RTMP) y el Banyan VINES Routing Table Protocol (RTP), por ejemplo, están los dos basados en una versión del protocolo de enrutamiento RIP. La última mejora hecha al RIP es la especificación RIP 2, que permite incluir más información en los paquetes RIP y provee un mecanismo de autenticación muy simple.

== RIP ==
=== Versiones RIP ===
En la actualidad existen tres versiones diferentes de RIP, las cuales son:
:'''RIPv1''':No soporta subredes ni [[CIDR]]. Tampoco incluye ningún mecanismo de autentificación de los mensajes. No se usa actualmente. Su especificación está recogida en el RFC 1058.

:'''RIPv2''': Soporta subredes, [[CIDR]] y [[VLSM]]. Soporta autenticación utilizando uno de los siguientes mecanismos: no autentificación, autentificación mediante contraseña, autentificación mediante contraseña codificada mediante [[MD5]] (desarrollado por [[Ronald Rivest]]). Su especificación está recogida en RFC 1723 y en RFC 2453.

:'''RIPng''': RIP para IPv6. Su especificación está recogida en el RFC 2080.

También existe un RIP para [[IPX]], que casualmente lleva el mismo acrónimo, pero no está directamente relacionado con el RIP para redes IP, ad-hoc.

=== Funcionamiento RIP ===

RIP V1 utiliza udp/520 para enviar sus mensajes en propagación Broadcast.
RIP V2 utiliza propagación Multicast
History of the Holy Bible
RIP calcula el camino más corto hacia la red de destino usando el algoritmo del vector de distancias. La distancia o métrica está determinada por el número de saltos de router hasta alcanzar la red de destino.

RIP tiene una [[distancia administrativa]] de 120 (la distancia administrativa indica el grado de confiabilidad de un protocolo de enrutamiento, por ejemplo [[EIGRP]] tiene una distancia administrativa de 90, lo cual indica que a menor valor mejor es el protocolo utilizado)
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What is the history of the Holy Bible?
RIP no es capaz de detectar rutas circulares, por lo que necesita limitar el tamaño de la red a 15 saltos. Cuando la métrica de un destino alcanza el valor de 16, se considera como infinito y el destino es eliminado de la tabla (inalcanzable).

La métrica de un destino se calcula como la métrica comunicada por un vecino más la distancia en alcanzar a ese vecino. Teniendo en cuenta el límite de 15 saltos mencionado anteriormente. Las métricas se actualizan sólo en el caso de que la métrica anunciada más el coste en alcanzar sea estrictamente menor a la almacenada. Sólo se actualizará a una métrica mayor si proviene del enrutador que anunció esa ruta.

Las rutas tienen un tiempo de vida de 180 segundos. Si pasado este tiempo, no se han recibido mensajes que confirmen que esa ruta está activa, se pone inactiva asignándole una métrica de 16 (temporizador de invalidez). Estos 180 segundos, corresponden a 6 intercambios de información. Si pasan 240s de la entrada de la ruta en la tabla de encaminamiento y no se han recibido actualizaciones para esta ruta, se elimina (temporizador de purga).

Unlike any other book ever written, the Holy Bible is compiled of writings that cover a span of about 1400 years and include some 40 writers. Within its pages are 66 books, yet it is considered one book, The Book, The Holy Scriptures, The Word of God. The time period recorded during those 1400 years covers nearly 4000 years of human history and God's revelation of Himself to and through man. The history of the Holy Bible is the history of God's involvement with mankind.
=== Ventajas y desventajas ===
En comparación con otros protocolos de enrutamiento, RIP es más fácil de configurar. Además, es un protocolo abierto, soportado por muchos fabricantes...

This 1400-year-period begins with the writings of Moses, the first five books of the Holy Bible. These writings include a time recorded prior to Moses' lifespan. It started out at the actual creation of the cosmos. By the time Moses completes the teachings found in Deuteronomy, we learn about the very beginning of mankind. The final writer was probably John when he was on the Isle of Patmos and wrote the book of the Revelation of Jesus Christ. Between the days of Moses and John, a time period of about 14 centuries transpired, but the Holy Bible covers over 4000 years of history. It has been nearly 2000 years since the last of the writers lived. How could Moses have written about things that occurred before Adam? The same way the prophets could write about things that would occur hundreds and thousands of years later. The writers were penning God's Word under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. God revealed things to them that would have been otherwise unknowable.
Por otra parte, tiene la desventaja que, para determinar la mejor métrica, únicamente toma en cuenta el número de saltos (por cuántos routers o equipos similares pasa la información); no toma en cuenta otros criterios importantes, como por ejemplo ancho de banda de los enlaces.
Por ejemplo, si tenemos una metrica de 2 saltos hasta el destino con un enlace de 64 kbps y una metrica de 3 saltos, pero con un enlace de 2 Mbps, lamentablemente RIP tomara el enlace de menor número de saltos aunque sea el más lento.
Protocolo usado pero con limitaciones.

The Holy Bible is divided into two sections. All that was recorded prior to the birth of Jesus Christ is referred to as the Old Testament. A testament is a written account, proof, evidence, a record of events that took place. The Old Testament covers 39 books (in the Protestant Bible). About four hundred years passed from the writing of the last book in the Old Testament and the birth of Christ. These are referred to as the silent years. Four hundred years in which God did not speak through prophets. Some of the historical events that occurred during that period are recording in the Catholic Douay version of the Bible. These books are referred to as the Apocrypha. They fill in some of the 400 year period between the official canon of the Old Testament and the New Testament. It was the time of the Maccabees.
=== Mensajes RIP ===
==== Tipos de mensajes RIP ====
Los mensajes RIP pueden ser de dos tipos.

The silence was broken by a sudden appearance in the sky of the heavenly host announcing the birth of the promised one. The New Testament begins with the coming of Christ into the world as the prophesied Emmanuel (God with us) in the form of the baby of Mary, Jesus. God took on a body of human flesh. The New Testament is composed of 27 books and ushers in the church age. From the writings of Moses through the prophets and other Old Testament books, God worked exclusively through the children of Israel. Today they are referred to as the Jewish people. But the church opened up God's grace to whosoever would come. This includes non-Jews. It includes Gentiles of all nations and races.
'''Petición''': Enviados por algún enrutador recientemente iniciado que solicita información de los enrutadores vecinos.

The Old Testament points to the coming of the Promised Messiah. Woven through the Old Testament are prophesies concerning Him. The tenth chapter of Hebrews gives a good explanation for how the Old Testament and New Testament are woven from the same cloth. Both are about Christ. One testament looks toward His coming and the other records the fact of His coming into this world, fulfilling every Old Testament prophecy concerning His earthly ministry.
'''Respuesta''': mensajes con la actualización de las tablas de enrutamiento. Existen tres tipos:
:Mensajes ''ordinarios'': Se envían cada 30 segundos. Para indicar que el enlace y la ruta siguen activos.

The Old Testament remained in Hebrew until c.280-150 B.C. when it was translated into Greek at Alexandria, Egypt. This was known as the Septuagint. The next language change occurred when Jerome (c. 383-405 A.D) translated the Holy Bible into the Latin Vulgate. This was used by the clergy for nearly 1000 years.
:Mensajes enviados como ''respuesta'' a mensajes de petición.

The first English translation was completed by John Wycliffe and soon after, King James authorized the English version that has come to be known as the King James Version. This was in 1611.
:Mensajes enviados cuando ''cambia algún coste''. Se envía toda la tabla de routing.

God has preserved the Bible from the first book of Genesis to the final book of Revelation. There are many translations but God has maintained His word faithfully through all the generations of scribes and translators. Jesus made this clear as recorded in Matthew 5:18: "For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled" (KJV). When He spoke this, the New Testament had not begun to be written and the Old Testament was all that existed. He declared that not so much as a stroke of the pen will be altered until all is fulfilled, referring to all prophecies recorded in the Old Testament.
==== Formato de los mensajes RIP =====
Los mensajes tienen una cabecera que incluye el tipo de mensaje y la versión del protocolo RIP, y un máximo de 25 entradas RIP de 20 bytes.

The Bible is the only complete history book. All other history books record only the past. The history of the Holy Bible records the history of mankind from the beginning until the day this earth will pass away and a new heaven and a new earth will appear. It covers humanity from beginning to end. No other history book records future events. Only God possesses such knowledge. He is the Alpha and Omega. The I AM of eternity. The Bible is written in "time" from an eternal perspective. Only the Divine could have created this masterpiece.
Las entradas en RIPv1 contienen la dirección IP de la red de destino y la métrica.

Learn More about the Holy Bible!
Las entradas. en RIPv2 contienen la dirección IP de la red de destino, su máscara, el siguiente enrutador y la métrica. La autentificación utiliza la primera entrada RIP.

== Véase también ==
Otros protocolos de enrutamiento (o encaminamiento):
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*[[Interior Gateway Protocol|IGP]]

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Revisión del 15:48 8 sep 2009

 History of the Holy Bible  

 You are here: Truth >> Learn More about the Holy Bible! >> History of the Holy Bible

What is the history of the Holy Bible?

Unlike any other book ever written, the Holy Bible is compiled of writings that cover a span of about 1400 years and include some 40 writers. Within its pages are 66 books, yet it is considered one book, The Book, The Holy Scriptures, The Word of God. The time period recorded during those 1400 years covers nearly 4000 years of human history and God's revelation of Himself to and through man. The history of the Holy Bible is the history of God's involvement with mankind.

This 1400-year-period begins with the writings of Moses, the first five books of the Holy Bible. These writings include a time recorded prior to Moses' lifespan. It started out at the actual creation of the cosmos. By the time Moses completes the teachings found in Deuteronomy, we learn about the very beginning of mankind. The final writer was probably John when he was on the Isle of Patmos and wrote the book of the Revelation of Jesus Christ. Between the days of Moses and John, a time period of about 14 centuries transpired, but the Holy Bible covers over 4000 years of history. It has been nearly 2000 years since the last of the writers lived. How could Moses have written about things that occurred before Adam? The same way the prophets could write about things that would occur hundreds and thousands of years later. The writers were penning God's Word under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. God revealed things to them that would have been otherwise unknowable.

The Holy Bible is divided into two sections. All that was recorded prior to the birth of Jesus Christ is referred to as the Old Testament. A testament is a written account, proof, evidence, a record of events that took place. The Old Testament covers 39 books (in the Protestant Bible). About four hundred years passed from the writing of the last book in the Old Testament and the birth of Christ. These are referred to as the silent years. Four hundred years in which God did not speak through prophets. Some of the historical events that occurred during that period are recording in the Catholic Douay version of the Bible. These books are referred to as the Apocrypha. They fill in some of the 400 year period between the official canon of the Old Testament and the New Testament. It was the time of the Maccabees.

The silence was broken by a sudden appearance in the sky of the heavenly host announcing the birth of the promised one. The New Testament begins with the coming of Christ into the world as the prophesied Emmanuel (God with us) in the form of the baby of Mary, Jesus. God took on a body of human flesh. The New Testament is composed of 27 books and ushers in the church age. From the writings of Moses through the prophets and other Old Testament books, God worked exclusively through the children of Israel. Today they are referred to as the Jewish people. But the church opened up God's grace to whosoever would come. This includes non-Jews. It includes Gentiles of all nations and races.

The Old Testament points to the coming of the Promised Messiah. Woven through the Old Testament are prophesies concerning Him. The tenth chapter of Hebrews gives a good explanation for how the Old Testament and New Testament are woven from the same cloth. Both are about Christ. One testament looks toward His coming and the other records the fact of His coming into this world, fulfilling every Old Testament prophecy concerning His earthly ministry.

The Old Testament remained in Hebrew until c.280-150 B.C. when it was translated into Greek at Alexandria, Egypt. This was known as the Septuagint. The next language change occurred when Jerome (c. 383-405 A.D) translated the Holy Bible into the Latin Vulgate. This was used by the clergy for nearly 1000 years.

The first English translation was completed by John Wycliffe and soon after, King James authorized the English version that has come to be known as the King James Version. This was in 1611.

God has preserved the Bible from the first book of Genesis to the final book of Revelation. There are many translations but God has maintained His word faithfully through all the generations of scribes and translators. Jesus made this clear as recorded in Matthew 5:18: "For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled" (KJV). When He spoke this, the New Testament had not begun to be written and the Old Testament was all that existed. He declared that not so much as a stroke of the pen will be altered until all is fulfilled, referring to all prophecies recorded in the Old Testament.

The Bible is the only complete history book. All other history books record only the past. The history of the Holy Bible records the history of mankind from the beginning until the day this earth will pass away and a new heaven and a new earth will appear. It covers humanity from beginning to end. No other history book records future events. Only God possesses such knowledge. He is the Alpha and Omega. The I AM of eternity. The Bible is written in "time" from an eternal perspective. Only the Divine could have created this masterpiece.

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