Nota: Después de guardar, debes refrescar la caché de tu navegador para ver los cambios. Internet Explorer: mantén presionada Ctrl mientras pulsas Actualizar. Firefox: mientras presionas Mayús pulsas el botón Actualizar, (o presiona Ctrl-Shift-R). Los usuarios de Google Chrome y Safari pueden simplemente pulsar el botón Recargar. Para más detalles e instrucciones acerca de otros exploradores, véase Ayuda:Cómo limpiar la caché.
* ProveIt is a smart and simple reference manager for Wikipedia (and any other MediaWiki wiki)
* Documentation at
* Copyright 2008-2011 Georgia Tech Research Corporation, Atlanta, GA 30332-0415, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
* Copyright 2011- Matthew Flaschen
* Rewritten, internationalized, improved and maintained by Sophivorus since 2014
* ProveIt is available under the GNU Free Documentation License (,
* the Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License 3.0 (
* and the GNU General Public License 2 (
window.ProveIt = {
* Template data of the templates
* Populated on ProveIt.realInit()
* @type {Object} Map from template name to template data
templateData: {},
* Convenience method to get a ProveIt configuration option
* Configuration options are set from the loader of the wiki, not here
* @param {string} key Option key without the "proveit-" prefix
* @return {string} Option value
getOption: function ( key ) {
return mw.config.get( 'proveit-' + key );
* Convenience method to get a ProveIt interface message
* Interface messages are set on ProveIt.init()
* @param {string} key Message key without the "proveit-" prefix
* @return {string} Message value
getMessage: function ( key ) {
// eslint-disable-next-line mediawiki/msg-doc
return mw.message( 'proveit-' + key );
* Convenience method to detect the current editor
* @return {string|null} Name of the current editor ('core', 'wikieditor', 'codemirror' or '2017') or null if it's not supported
getEditor: function () {
if ( && ve.init && && ) {
if ( === 'source' ) {
return '2017'; // 2017 wikitext editor
return; // Visual editor
var action = mw.config.get( 'wgAction' );
if ( action === 'edit' || action === 'submit' ) {
if ( mw.user.options.get( 'usebetatoolbar' ) === 1 ) {
if ( $( '.CodeMirror' ).length ) {
return 'codemirror';
return 'wikieditor'; // WikiEditor
return 'core'; // Core editor
* Convenience method to get the wikitext of the current page
* @return {string} Wikitext of the current page
getWikitext: function () {
return $( '#wpTextbox1' ).textSelection( 'getContents' );
* Initialization script
init: function () {
// Remove any previous instance
$( '#proveit' ).remove();
// Only continue on wikitext pages
var contentModel = mw.config.get( 'wgPageContentModel' );
if ( contentModel !== 'wikitext' ) {
// Only continue on supported namespaces
var namespace = mw.config.get( 'wgNamespaceNumber' ),
namespaces = ProveIt.getOption( 'namespaces' );
if ( namespaces && namespaces.indexOf( namespace ) === -1 ) {
// Only continue on supported editors
if ( !ProveIt.getEditor() ) {
// Add the basic GUI
// Remove ProveIt when switching out from the source editor
mw.hook( 've.deactivationComplete' ).add( function () {
$( '#proveit' ).remove();
} );
// When previewing, re-add the ProveIt tag (T154357)
if ( mw.config.get( 'wgAction' ) === 'submit' ) {
var currentSummary = $( '#wpSummary' ).val(),
proveitSummary = ProveIt.getOption( 'summary' );
if ( proveitSummary && currentSummary.indexOf( proveitSummary ) > -1 ) {
* Build the basic GUI and add it to the DOM
buildGUI: function () {
// Define the basic elements
var $gui = $( '<div>' ).attr( 'id', 'proveit' ),
$header = $( '<div>' ).attr( 'id', 'proveit-header' ),
$body = $( '<div>' ).attr( 'id', 'proveit-body' ),
$footer = $( '<div>' ).attr( 'id', 'proveit-footer' ),
$logo = $( '<span>' ).attr( 'id', 'proveit-logo' ),
$logoText = $( '<span>' ).attr( 'id', 'proveit-logo-text' ).text( 'P' ),
$logoLeftBracket = $( '<span>' ).addClass( 'proveit-logo-bracket' ).text( '[' ),
$logoRightBracket = $( '<span>' ).addClass( 'proveit-logo-bracket' ).text( ']' );
// Put everything together and add it to the DOM
$logo.append( $logoLeftBracket, $logoText, $logoRightBracket );
$header.append( $logo );
$gui.append( $header, $body, $footer );
$( 'body' ).append( $gui );
// Make the GUI draggable
$gui.draggable( {
handle: $header,
containment: 'window',
start: function () {
$gui.css( { right: 'auto', bottom: 'auto' } );
} );
// Toggle the GUI when the logo is clicked
var minimized = true;
$logo.on( 'click', function () {
if ( minimized ) {
minimized = false;
$( '#proveit-logo-text' ).text( 'ProveIt' );
$( '#proveit-header button, #proveit-body, #proveit-footer' ).show();
if ( $.isEmptyObject( ProveIt.templateData ) ) {
} else if ( $( '#proveit-list' ).length ) {
ProveIt.buildList(); // Make sure the list is updated
} else {
minimized = true;
$( '#proveit-logo-text' ).text( 'P' );
$( '#proveit-header button, #proveit-body, #proveit-footer' ).hide();
$gui.css( { top: 'auto', left: 'auto', right: 0, bottom: 0 } ); // Reset the position of the gadget
} );
* Get the template data, redirects and interface messages, then build the reference list
realInit: function () {
$( '#proveit-logo-text' ).text( '.' ); // Start loading
// Get the list of template names and prepend the namespace
var templates = ProveIt.getOption( 'templates' ) ? ProveIt.getOption( 'templates' ) : [],
formattedNamespaces = mw.config.get( 'wgFormattedNamespaces' ),
templateNamespace = formattedNamespaces[ 10 ],
titles = [];
templates.forEach( function ( templateName ) {
titles.push( templateNamespace + ':' + templateName );
} );
// Get the template data
var api = new mw.Api();
api.get( {
titles: titles.join( '|' ),
action: 'templatedata',
redirects: true,
includeMissingTitles: true,
format: 'json',
formatversion: 2
} ).done( function ( data ) {
$( '#proveit-logo-text' ).text( '..' ); // Still loading
// Extract and set the template data
var templateData, templateTitle, templateName;
for ( var id in data.pages ) {
templateData = data.pages[ id ];
if ( 'missing' in templateData ) {
templateTitle = templateData.title;
templateName = templateTitle.substring( templateTitle.indexOf( ':' ) + 1 ); // Remove the namespace
ProveIt.templateData[ templateName ] = templateData;
// Get all the redirects to the citaton templates
api.get( {
titles: titles.join( '|' ),
action: 'query',
prop: 'redirects',
rdlimit: 'max',
rdnamespace: 10,
format: 'json',
formatversion: 2
} ).done( function ( data ) {
$( '#proveit-logo-text' ).text( '...' ); // Still loading
// Map the redirects to the cannonical names
var redirects, redirectTitle, redirectName;
data.query.pages.forEach( function ( templateData ) {
templateTitle = templateData.title;
templateName = templateTitle.substring( templateTitle.indexOf( ':' ) + 1 ); // Remove the namespace
if ( 'redirects' in templateData ) {
redirects = templateData.redirects;
redirects.forEach( function ( redirect ) {
redirectTitle = redirect.title;
redirectName = redirectTitle.substring( redirectTitle.indexOf( ':' ) + 1 ); // Remove the namespace
ProveIt.templateData[ redirectName ] = templateName;
} );
} );
// Get the latest English messages
$.get( '//', function ( data ) {
var englishMessages = JSON.parse( ProveIt.decodeBase64( data ) );
delete englishMessages[ '@metadata' ];
// Get the latest translations to the preferred user language
var userLanguage = mw.config.get( 'wgUserLanguage' );
$.get( '//' + userLanguage + '.json?format=text' ).always( function ( data, status ) {
$( '#proveit-logo-text' ).text( 'ProveIt' ); // Finish loading
var translatedMessages = {};
if ( status === 'success' ) {
translatedMessages = JSON.parse( ProveIt.decodeBase64( data ) );
delete translatedMessages[ '@metadata' ];
// Merge and set the messages
var messages = $.extend( {}, englishMessages, translatedMessages );
mw.messages.set( messages );
// Finally, build the list
} );
} );
} );
} );
* Build the reference list and add it to the GUI
buildList: function () {
var $list = $( '<ol>' ).attr( 'id', 'proveit-list' ),
$item, $span, $link;
// Build a list item for each reference
var wikitext = ProveIt.getWikitext(),
references = ProveIt.getReferences( wikitext );
references.forEach( function ( reference, index ) {
$item = $( '<li>' ).addClass( 'proveit-item' );
$item.on( 'click', reference, function ( event ) {
var reference =;
ProveIt.highlight( reference );
ProveIt.buildForm( reference );
} );
// Add the number
$span = $( '<span>' ).addClass( 'proveit-number' ).text( index + 1 );
$item.append( $span );
// Add the arrow and letters
$link = $( '<a>' ).addClass( 'proveit-arrow' ).text( '↑' );
$link.on( 'click', reference, ProveIt.highlight );
$item.append( $link );
// Add the letters
if ( reference.citations.length ) {
$link = $( '<a>' ).addClass( 'proveit-letter' ).text( 'a' );
$link.on( 'click', reference, ProveIt.highlight );
$item.append( $link );
reference.citations.forEach( function ( citation, i ) {
var letter = String.fromCharCode( 98 + i ); // 97 is the ASCII code for 'b'
$link = $( '<a>' ).addClass( 'proveit-letter' ).text( letter );
$link.on( 'click', citation, ProveIt.highlight );
$item.append( $link );
} );
// Add the reference template, if any
if ( ) {
$span = $( '<span>' ).addClass( 'proveit-template' ).text( );
$item.append( $span );
// Add the reference snippet
$item.append( reference.snippet );
// Add to the list
$list.append( $item );
} );
// Build a list item for each template
// First remove the references from the wikitext to avoid matching the templates again
references.forEach( function ( reference ) {
wikitext = wikitext.replace( reference.wikitext, '' );
} );
var templates = ProveIt.getTemplates( wikitext );
templates.forEach( function ( template ) {
$item = $( '<li>' ).addClass( 'proveit-item' );
$item.on( 'click', template, function ( event ) {
var template =;
ProveIt.highlight( template );
ProveIt.buildForm( template );
} );
$link = $( '<a>' ).addClass( 'proveit-arrow' ).text( '↓' );
$link.on( 'click', template, ProveIt.highlight );
$item.append( $link );
// Add the template name
$span = $( '<span>' ).addClass( 'proveit-template' ).text( );
$item.append( $span );
// Add the template snippet
$item.append( template.snippet );
// Add to the list
$list.append( $item );
} );
if ( references.length || templates.length ) {
// Add the list to the GUI and make sure we're at the top
$( '#proveit-body' ).html( $list ).scrollTop( 0 );
} else {
var $div = $( '<div>' ).attr( 'id', 'proveit-no-references-message' ).text( ProveIt.getMessage( 'no-references' ) );
$( '#proveit-body' ).html( $div );
// Build the footer
var $footer = $( '#proveit-footer' );
if ( references.length || templates.length ) {
var $normalizeButton = $( '<button>' ).attr( 'id', 'proveit-normalize-button' ).text( ProveIt.getMessage( 'normalize-button' ) );
$footer.append( $normalizeButton );
$normalizeButton.on( 'click', function () {
$( this ).remove();
mw.notify( ProveIt.getMessage( 'normalize-message' ) );
setTimeout( function () {
references.forEach( function ( reference ) {
ProveIt.buildForm( reference ); // There's no current way to avoid going through the interface, but the user doesn't notice
ProveIt.update( reference );
} );
templates.forEach( function ( template ) {
ProveIt.buildForm( template );
ProveIt.update( template );
} );
}, 100 );
} );
var $filterReferences = $( '<input>' ).attr( 'placeholder', ProveIt.getMessage( 'filter-references' ) );
$footer.prepend( $filterReferences );
$filterReferences.on( 'keyup', function () {
var filter = $( this ).val().toLowerCase();
$( 'li', $list ).show().filter( function () {
return $( this ).text().toLowerCase().indexOf( filter ) === -1;
} ).hide();
} );
// Build the header
var $header = $( '#proveit-header' ),
$addReferenceButton = $( '<button>' ).text( ProveIt.getMessage( 'add-reference-button' ) ).addClass( 'progressive' ),
$addBibliographyButton = $( '<button>' ).text( ProveIt.getMessage( 'add-bibliography-button' ) );
$( 'button', $header ).remove();
$header.prepend( $addReferenceButton, $addBibliographyButton );
// Bind events
$addReferenceButton.on( 'click', function () {
var templateName = mw.cookie.get( 'proveit-last-template' ), // Remember the last choice
wikitext = templateName ? '<ref>{{' + templateName + '}}</ref>' : '<ref></ref>',
reference = new ProveIt.Reference( wikitext );
ProveIt.buildForm( reference );
} );
$addBibliographyButton.on( 'click', function () {
var templateName = mw.cookie.get( 'proveit-last-template' ), // Remember the last choice
wikitext = templateName ? '{{' + templateName + '}}' : '',
template = new ProveIt.Template( wikitext );
ProveIt.buildForm( template );
} );
* Build the form and add it to the GUI
* @param {ProveIt.Reference|ProveIt.Template} object Reference or Template object to fill the form
buildForm: function ( object ) {
var $form = $( '<div>' ).attr( 'id', 'proveit-form' ); // Yea it's not a <form>, for easier styling
// Add the form to the GUI and make sure we're at the top
$( '#proveit-body' ).html( $form ).scrollTop( 0 );
// Build the header
var $header = $( '#proveit-header' ),
$backButton = $( '<button>' ).text( ProveIt.getMessage( 'back-button' ) );
$( 'button', $header ).remove();
$header.prepend( $backButton );
$backButton.on( 'click', ProveIt.buildList );
// Build the footer
var $footer = $( '#proveit-footer' ),
$insertButton = $( '<button>' ).attr( 'id', 'proveit-insert-button' ).text( ProveIt.getMessage( 'insert-button' ) ).on( 'click', object, ProveIt.insert ).addClass( 'progressive' ),
$updateButton = $( '<button>' ).attr( 'id', 'proveit-update-button' ).text( ProveIt.getMessage( 'update-button' ) ).on( 'click', object, ProveIt.update ).addClass( 'progressive' ),
$removeButton = $( '<button>' ).attr( 'id', 'proveit-remove-button' ).text( ProveIt.getMessage( 'remove-button' ) ).on( 'click', object, ProveIt.remove );
// Add the Insert button or the Remove and Update buttons
if ( ProveIt.getWikitext().indexOf( object.wikitext ) === -1 ) {
$footer.append( $insertButton );
} else {
$footer.append( $removeButton, $updateButton );
// Add the relevant fields and buttons
if ( object instanceof ProveIt.Reference ) {
ProveIt.buildReferenceFields( object );
ProveIt.buildTemplateFields( object.template );
} else {
ProveIt.buildTemplateFields( object );
* Build the reference fields and add them to the form
* @param {ProveIt.Reference} reference Reference object to fill the fields
buildReferenceFields: function ( reference ) {
var $fields = $( '<div>' ).attr( 'id', 'proveit-reference-fields' ),
$label, $input, $div;
// Add the reference name field
$label = $( '<label>' ).text( ProveIt.getMessage( 'reference-name-label' ) );
$input = $( '<input>' ).attr( 'id', 'proveit-reference-name' ).val( );
$div = $( '<div>' ).append( $label, $input );
$fields.append( $div );
// Add the reference group field
$label = $( '<label>' ).text( ProveIt.getMessage( 'reference-group-label' ) );
$input = $( '<input>' ).attr( 'id', 'proveit-reference-group' ).val( );
$div = $( '<div>' ).append( $label, $input );
$fields.append( $div );
// Add the reference content field
$label = $( '<label>' ).text( ProveIt.getMessage( 'reference-content-label' ) );
$input = $( '<textarea>' ).attr( 'id', 'proveit-reference-content' ).val( reference.content );
$div = $( '<div>' ).append( $label, $input );
$fields.append( $div );
// When the reference content changes, update the template fields
$input.on( 'change', function () {
var content = $( this ).val(),
dummy = new ProveIt.Reference( '<ref>' + content + '</ref>' );
ProveIt.buildTemplateFields( dummy.template );
} );
// Add the fields to the form
$( '#proveit-reference-fields' ).remove();
$( '#proveit-form' ).prepend( $fields );
// Add the footer buttons
var $buttons = $( '<span>' ).attr( 'id', 'proveit-reference-buttons' ),
$citeButton = $( '<button>' ).attr( 'id', 'proveit-cite-button' ).text( ProveIt.getMessage( 'cite-button' ) ).on( 'click', reference, reference.cite );
$buttons.append( $citeButton );
$( '#proveit-reference-buttons' ).remove();
$( '#proveit-footer' ).prepend( $buttons );
* Build the fields for the template parameters and add them to the reference form
* @param {ProveIt.Template} template Template object to fill the fields, if any
buildTemplateFields: function ( template ) {
var $fields = $( '<div>' ).attr( 'id', 'proveit-template-fields' ),
$label, $input, $option, $button, $div;
// Add the template select menu
$label = $( '<label>' ).text( ProveIt.getMessage( 'reference-template-label' ) );
$input = $( '<select>' ).attr( 'id', 'proveit-template-select' );
$div = $( '<div>' ).append( $label, $input );
$fields.append( $div );
// Add the empty option
$option = $( '<option>' ).text( ProveIt.getMessage( 'no-template' ) ).val( '' );
$input.append( $option );
// Add an option for each template
var templateNames = Object.keys( ProveIt.templateData ).sort();
templateNames.forEach( function ( templateName ) {
if ( typeof ProveIt.templateData[ templateName ] === 'string' ) {
$option = $( '<option>' ).text( templateName ).val( templateName );
if ( === templateName ) {
$option.prop( 'selected', true );
$input.append( $option );
} );
// When the template select changes, update the template fields
$input.on( 'change', template, function ( event ) {
var template =; = $( this ).val(); = template.getData();
template.params = template.getParams();
template.paramOrder = template.getParamOrder();
mw.cookie.set( 'proveit-last-template', ); // Remember the new choice
ProveIt.buildTemplateFields( template );
} );
if ( 'maps' in && 'citoid' in ) {
// Add the Citoid field
$button = $( '<button>' ).text( ProveIt.getMessage( 'citoid-load' ) );
$label = $( '<label>' ).text( ProveIt.getMessage( 'citoid-label' ) ).attr( 'data-tooltip', ProveIt.getMessage( 'citoid-tooltip' ) );
$input = $( '<input>' ).attr( 'placeholder', ProveIt.getMessage( 'citoid-placeholder' ) );
$div = $( '<div>' ).append( $button, $label, $input );
$fields.append( $div );
// When the Citoid button is clicked, try to extract the reference data automatically via the Citoid service
$button.on( 'click', function () {
var $button = $( this ),
query = $button.siblings( 'input' ).val();
// We need a query
if ( !query ) {
// Show the loading message
$button.text( ProveIt.getMessage( 'citoid-loading' ) ).prop( 'disabled', true );
// Get the data
var contentLanguage = mw.config.get( 'wgContentLanguage' );
$.get( '//' + contentLanguage + '' + encodeURIComponent( query ) ).done( function ( data ) {
// Recursive helper function
function setParamValue( paramName, paramValue ) {
if ( typeof paramName === 'string' && typeof paramValue === 'string' ) {
$( '.proveit-template-param [name="' + paramName + '"]' ).val( paramValue );
} else if ( paramName instanceof Array && paramValue instanceof Array ) {
for ( var i in paramName ) {
setParamValue( paramName[ i ], paramValue[ i ] );
// Fill the template fields
var citoidMap =,
citoidData = data[ 0 ],
paramName, paramValue;
for ( var citoidKey in citoidData ) {
paramName = citoidMap[ citoidKey ];
paramValue = citoidData[ citoidKey ];
setParamValue( paramName, paramValue );
// Reset the button
$button.text( ProveIt.getMessage( 'citoid-load' ) ).prop( 'disabled', false );
// Update the reference content too
if ( $( '#proveit-reference-content' ).length ) {
var content = $( '#proveit-reference-content' ).val(),
dummy = new ProveIt.Reference( '<ref>' + content + '</ref>' );
content = dummy.buildContent();
$( '#proveit-reference-content' ).val( content );
// @todo For some reason this isn't firing
} ).fail( function () {
$button.text( ProveIt.getMessage( 'citoid-error' ) );
setTimeout( function () {
$button.text( ProveIt.getMessage( 'citoid-load' ) ).prop( 'disabled', false );
}, 3000 );
} );
} );
// Add a field for each parameter
var userLanguage = mw.config.get( 'wgUserLanguage' ),
contentLanguage = mw.config.get( 'wgContentLanguage' ),
paramData, labelText, labelTooltip, inputValue, inputPlaceholder;
template.paramOrder.forEach( function ( inputName ) {
// Reset defaults
paramData = {
label: null,
description: null,
required: false,
suggested: false,
deprecated: false
labelText = inputName;
labelTooltip = null;
inputValue = null;
inputPlaceholder = null;
// Override with template data
if ( 'params' in && inputName in ) {
paramData =[ inputName ];
if ( paramData.label ) {
if ( userLanguage in paramData.label ) {
labelText = paramData.label[ userLanguage ];
} else if ( contentLanguage in paramData.label ) {
labelText = paramData.label[ contentLanguage ];
if ( paramData.description ) {
if ( userLanguage in paramData.description ) {
labelTooltip = paramData.description[ userLanguage ];
} else if ( contentLanguage in paramData.description ) {
labelTooltip = paramData.description[ contentLanguage ];
// Extract the parameter value
if ( inputName in template.params ) {
inputValue = template.params[ inputName ];
} else if ( paramData.aliases ) {
paramData.aliases.forEach( function ( paramAlias ) {
if ( paramAlias in template.params ) {
inputValue = template.params[ paramAlias ];
} );
// Build the label, input and div
$label = $( '<label>' ).text( labelText );
if ( labelTooltip ) {
$label.attr( 'data-tooltip', labelTooltip );
$input = paramData.type === 'content' ? $( '<textarea>' ) : $( '<input>' );
$input.val( inputValue ).attr( {
name: inputName,
placeholder: inputPlaceholder
} );
$div = $( '<div>' ).addClass( 'proveit-template-param' ).append( $label, $input );
// If the parameter is of the page type, search the wiki
if ( paramData.type === 'wiki-page-name' ) {
$input.attr( 'list', inputName + '-list' );
var $list = $( '<datalist>' ).attr( 'id', inputName + '-list' );
$div.prepend( $list );
$input.on( 'keyup', function () {
var search = $( this ).val();
new mw.Api().get( {
action: 'opensearch',
search: search,
limit: 5,
redirects: 'resolve',
format: 'json',
formatversion: 2
} ).done( function ( data ) {
var titles = data[ 1 ];
titles.forEach( function ( title ) {
var $option = $( '<option>' ).val( title );
$list.append( $option );
} );
} );
} );
// If the parameter is of the date type, add the Today button
if ( paramData.type === 'date' ) {
$button = $( '<button>' ).text( ProveIt.getMessage( 'today-button' ) );
$div.prepend( $button );
$button.on( 'click', $input, function ( event ) {
var input =,
date = new Date(),
yyyy = date.getFullYear(),
mm = ( '0' + ( date.getMonth() + 1 ) ).slice( -2 ),
dd = ( '0' + date.getDate() ).slice( -2 );
input.val( yyyy + '-' + mm + '-' + dd );
} );
// Mark the div according to the parameter status
if ( paramData.required ) {
$div.addClass( 'proveit-required' );
} else if ( paramData.suggested ) {
$div.addClass( 'proveit-suggested' );
} else if ( paramData.deprecated ) {
$div.addClass( 'proveit-deprecated' );
} else {
$div.addClass( 'proveit-optional' );
// Hide all optional and deprecated parameters, unless they are filled
if ( !inputValue && ( $div.hasClass( 'proveit-optional' ) || $div.hasClass( 'proveit-deprecated' ) ) ) {
// Add the div to the table
$fields.append( $div );
} );
// Some reference templates may have no template data
if ( ! || 'notemplatedata' in ) {
$div = $( '<div>' ).attr( 'id', 'proveit-no-template-data-message' ).text( ProveIt.getMessage( 'no-template-data' ) );
$fields.append( $div );
// Add the fields to the form
$( '#proveit-template-fields' ).remove();
$( '#proveit-form' ).append( $fields );
// Add the footer buttons
var $buttons = $( '<span>' ).attr( 'id', 'proveit-template-buttons' ),
$filterFields = $( '<input>' ).attr( 'placeholder', ProveIt.getMessage( 'filter-fields' ) ),
$showAllButton = $( '<button>' ).attr( 'id', 'proveit-show-all-button' ).text( ProveIt.getMessage( 'show-all-button' ) );
if ( template.paramOrder.length ) {
$buttons.append( $filterFields );
if ( $( '.proveit-required, .proveit-suggested' ).length && $( '.proveit-deprecated, .proveit-optional' ).length ) {
$buttons.append( $showAllButton );
} else {
$( '.proveit-deprecated, .proveit-optional' ).show();
$( '#proveit-template-buttons' ).remove();
$( '#proveit-footer' ).prepend( $buttons );
// Bind events
$showAllButton.on( 'click', function () {
$( '.proveit-deprecated, .proveit-optional' ).show();
$( this ).remove();
} );
$filterFields.on( 'keyup', function () {
var filter = $( this ).val().toLowerCase();
$( 'div', $fields ).show().filter( function () {
return $( this ).text().toLowerCase().indexOf( filter ) === -1;
} ).hide();
$( '#proveit-show-all-button' ).remove();
} );
// When a template parameter changes, update the reference content
if ( $( '#proveit-reference-content' ).length ) {
$( 'select, input, textarea', '#proveit-template-fields' ).on( 'change', function () {
var content = $( '#proveit-reference-content' ).val(),
dummy = new ProveIt.Reference( '<ref>' + content + '</ref>' );
content = dummy.buildContent();
$( '#proveit-reference-content' ).val( content );
} );
* Parse the given wikitext in search for references and return an array of Reference objects
* @param {string} wikitext
* @return {ProveIt.Reference[]} Array of Reference objects
getReferences: function ( wikitext ) {
var references = [],
matches = wikitext.match( /<\s*ref[^>]*>[^<]*<\s*\/\s*ref\s*>/ig );
if ( matches ) {
matches.forEach( function ( match ) {
var reference = new ProveIt.Reference( match );
references.push( reference );
} );
return references;
* Parse the given wikitext in search for templates and return an array of Template objects
* @param {string} wikitext
* @return {ProveIt.Template[]} Array of Template objects
getTemplates: function ( wikitext ) {
var templates = [],
templateName, templateRegex, templateMatch, templateWikitext, templateStart, templateEnd, templateDepth, template;
for ( templateName in ProveIt.templateData ) {
templateRegex = new RegExp( '{{\\s*' + templateName + '\\s*[|}]', 'ig' );
while ( ( templateMatch = templateRegex.exec( wikitext ) ) !== null ) {
templateWikitext = templateMatch[ 0 ];
templateStart = templateMatch.index;
// Figure out the templateEnd by searching for the closing "}}"
// knowing that there may be subtemplates, like so:
// {{Cite book |title=Foo |year={{BC|123}} |author=Bar}}
templateEnd = wikitext.length;
templateDepth = 0;
for ( var i = templateStart; i < templateEnd; i++ ) {
if ( wikitext[ i ] + wikitext[ i + 1 ] === '{{' ) {
i++; // We speed up the loop to avoid multiple matches when two or more templates are found together
} else if ( wikitext[ i ] + wikitext[ i + 1 ] === '}}' ) {
if ( templateDepth === 0 ) {
templateEnd = i + 1;
templateWikitext = wikitext.substring( templateStart, templateEnd );
template = new ProveIt.Template( templateWikitext );
templates.push( template );
return templates;
* Add the ProveIt revision tag
addTag: function () {
var tag = ProveIt.getOption( 'tag' );
if ( !tag ) {
return; // No tag defined
switch ( ProveIt.getEditor() ) {
case 'core':
case 'wikieditor':
case 'codemirror':
if ( $( '#wpChangeTags' ).length > 0 ) {
return; // Don't add it twice
var $tagInput = $( '<input>' ).attr( {
id: 'wpChangeTags',
type: 'hidden',
name: 'wpChangeTags',
value: tag
} );
$( '#editform' ).prepend( $tagInput );
case '2017': = function () {
return tag;
* Add the ProveIt edit summary
addSummary: function () {
var proveitSummary = ProveIt.getOption( 'summary' );
if ( !proveitSummary ) {
return; // No summary defined
switch ( ProveIt.getEditor() ) {
case 'core':
case 'wikieditor':
case 'codemirror':
var $summaryTextarea = $( '#wpSummary' ),
summary = $summaryTextarea.val();
if ( summary.indexOf( proveitSummary ) > -1 ) {
return; // Don't add it twice
if ( summary ) {
summary += ( summary.substr( -3 ) === '*/ ' ? '' : '- ' ) + proveitSummary;
} else {
summary = proveitSummary;
$summaryTextarea.val( summary );
case '2017':
$( document ).on( 'focus', '.ve-ui-mwSaveDialog-summary textarea', function () {
var $summaryTextarea = $( this ),
summary = $summaryTextarea.val();
if ( summary.indexOf( proveitSummary ) > -1 ) {
return; // Don't add it twice
if ( summary ) {
summary += ( summary.substr( -3 ) === '*/ ' ? '' : '- ' ) + proveitSummary;
} else {
summary = proveitSummary;
$summaryTextarea.val( summary );
} );
* Insert the given object in the wikitext
* @param {jQuery.Event|ProveIt.Reference|ProveIt.Template|ProveIt.Citation} object Reference, template or citation, or a jQuery event containing one
insert: function ( object ) {
if ( object instanceof $.Event ) {
object =;
var wikitext = object.buildWikitext();
if ( object instanceof ProveIt.Citation ) {
object.index = $( '#wpTextbox1' ).textSelection( 'getCaretPosition' );
$( '#wpTextbox1' ).textSelection( 'encapsulateSelection', {
peri: wikitext,
replace: true
} );
if ( object instanceof ProveIt.Reference ) {
var reference = new ProveIt.Reference( wikitext );
ProveIt.buildForm( reference ); // Changes the Insert button for Update
if ( object instanceof ProveIt.Template ) {
var template = new ProveIt.Template( wikitext );
ProveIt.buildForm( template ); // Changes the Insert button for Update
* Update the given object in the wikitext
* @param {jQuery.Event|ProveIt.Reference|ProveIt.Template|ProveIt.Citation} object Reference, template or citation, or a jQuery event containing one
update: function ( object ) {
if ( object instanceof $.Event ) {
object =;
var wikitext = object.buildWikitext();
// If the object is a reference, update the citations too
if ( object instanceof ProveIt.Reference ) {
object.citations.forEach( function ( citation ) {
ProveIt.update( citation );
} );
ProveIt.replace( object.wikitext, wikitext );
object.wikitext = wikitext;
ProveIt.highlight( object );
* Remove the given object from the wikitext
* @param {jQuery.Event|ProveIt.Reference|ProveIt.Template|ProveIt.Citation} object Reference, template or citation, or a jQuery event containing one
remove: function ( object ) {
if ( object instanceof $.Event ) {
object =;
// If the object is a reference, remove the citations too
if ( object instanceof ProveIt.Reference && object.citations.length && confirm( ProveIt.getMessage( 'confirm-remove' ) ) ) {
object.citations.forEach( function ( citation ) {
ProveIt.remove( citation );
} );
ProveIt.replace( object.wikitext, '' );
* Highlight the given object in the wikitext
* @param {jQuery.Event|ProveIt.Reference|ProveIt.Template|ProveIt.Citation} object Reference, template or citation, or a jQuery event containing one
highlight: function ( object ) {
if ( object instanceof $.Event ) {
object =;
var wikitext = ProveIt.getWikitext(),
index = wikitext.indexOf( object.wikitext );
// Make sure we're highlighting the right occurrence
if ( object.index ) {
index = wikitext.indexOf( object.wikitext, object.index );
$( '#wpTextbox1' )
// Focus for wikieditor
.trigger( 'focus' )
.textSelection( 'setSelection', {
start: index,
end: index + object.wikitext.length
} )
.textSelection( 'scrollToCaretPosition' );
* Helper function to search and replace a string in the editor (first match only)
* @param {string} search String to search
* @param {string} replace Replacement string
replace: function ( search, replace ) {
var wikitext = ProveIt.getWikitext(),
start = wikitext.indexOf( search );
if ( start !== -1 ) {
$( '#wpTextbox1' )
.textSelection( 'setSelection', {
start: start,
end: start + search.length
} )
.textSelection( 'replaceSelection', replace );
* Helper function to decode base64 strings
* @param {string} string Base64 encoded string
* @return {string} Decoded string
decodeBase64: function ( string ) {
return decodeURIComponent( window.atob( string ).split( '' ).map( function ( character ) {
return '%' + ( '00' + character.charCodeAt( 0 ).toString( 16 ) ).slice( -2 );
} ).join( '' ) );
* Citation class
* @class
* @param {string} wikitext Citation wikitext
* @param {number} index Citation index in the page wikitext
Citation: function ( wikitext, index ) {
* Citation wikitext
this.wikitext = wikitext;
* Citation index in the page wikitext
this.index = index;
* Get the name out of the wikitext
* @return {string} citation name
this.getName = function () {
var match = this.wikitext.match( /<\s*ref[^n]*name\s*=\s*["']?([^"'>]+)["']?[^>]*>/i );
if ( match ) {
return match[ 1 ];
* Get the group out of the wikitext
* @return {string} citation group
this.getGroup = function () {
var match = this.wikitext.match( /<\s*ref[^g]*group\s*=\s*["']?([^"'>]+)["']?[^>]*>/i );
if ( match ) {
return match[ 1 ];
* Build the wikitext out of the form
* @return {string} citation wikitext
this.buildWikitext = function () {
var name = $( '#proveit-reference-name' ).val(),
group = $( '#proveit-reference-group' ).val(),
wikitext = '<ref';
if ( name ) {
wikitext += ' name="' + name + '"';
if ( group ) {
wikitext += ' group="' + group + '"';
wikitext += ' />';
return wikitext;
* Set the properties
*/ = this.getName(); = this.getGroup();
* Template class
* @class
* @param {string} wikitext Template wikitext
Template: function ( wikitext ) {
* Template wikitext
this.wikitext = wikitext;
* Extract the normalized template name from the reference wikitext
* @return {string} normalized template name
this.getName = function () {
var name = '',
regex, index;
for ( var templateName in ProveIt.templateData ) {
regex = new RegExp( '{{\\s*' + templateName + '\\s*[|}]', 'i' );
index = regex );
if ( index > -1 ) {
name = templateName;
if ( typeof ProveIt.templateData[ name ] === 'string' ) {
name = ProveIt.templateData[ name ];
return name;
* Extract the normalized template parameters from the reference wikitext
* A complex template wikitext may be:
* {{Cite book
* |anonymous parameter
* |param1 = value
* |param2 =
* |param3 = [[Some|link]]
* |param4 = {{Subtemplate |anon |param=value}}
* }}
* @return {Object} Map from parameter name to parameter value
this.getParams = function () {
var params = {};
// Remove the outer braces and split by pipe
// knowing that we may match pipes inside complex titles, wikilinks or subtemplates, like so:
// {{Cite book |title=Some|Title |author=[[Foo|Bar]] |year={{AD|123}} }}
var paramArray = this.wikitext.substring( 2, this.wikitext.length - 2 ).split( '|' );
// Drop the template name
var paramString, linkDepth = 0, subtemplateDepth = 0, indexOfEqual, paramNumber = 0, paramName, paramValue;
for ( var i = 0; i < paramArray.length; i++ ) {
paramString = paramArray[ i ].trim();
// If we're inside a link or subtemplate, don't disturb it
if ( linkDepth || subtemplateDepth ) {
params[ paramName ] += '|' + paramString;
if ( paramString.indexOf( ']]' ) > -1 ) {
if ( paramString.indexOf( '}}' ) > -1 ) {
// If we reach this point and there's no equal sign, it's an anonymous parameter
indexOfEqual = paramString.indexOf( '=' );
if ( indexOfEqual === -1 ) {
paramName = paramNumber;
paramValue = paramString;
params[ paramName ] = paramValue;
paramName = paramString.substring( 0, indexOfEqual ).trim();
paramValue = paramString.substring( indexOfEqual + 1 ).trim();
// Check if there's an unclosed link or subtemplate
if ( paramValue.indexOf( '[[' ) > -1 && paramValue.indexOf( ']]' ) === -1 ) {
if ( paramValue.indexOf( '{{' ) > -1 && paramValue.indexOf( '}}' ) === -1 ) {
// Normalize the parameter name
if ( && 'params' in && !( paramName in ) ) {
var paramAliases;
for ( var param in ) {
paramAliases =[ param ].aliases;
if ( paramAliases.indexOf( paramName ) !== -1 ) {
paramName = param;
params[ paramName ] = paramValue;
return params;
* Get the template data for this template
* @return {Object} Template data
this.getData = function () {
var data = {};
if ( in ProveIt.templateData ) {
data = ProveIt.templateData[ ];
return data;
* Get the parameter order for this template
* @return {Array}
this.getParamOrder = function () {
var paramOrder = [];
if ( 'paramOrder' in ) {
paramOrder =;
} else if ( 'params' in ) {
paramOrder = Object.keys( );
var paramNames = Object.keys( this.params );
paramOrder = paramOrder.concat( paramNames );
paramOrder = paramOrder.filter( function ( item, index ) {
return paramOrder.indexOf( item ) === index; // Remove duplicates
} );
return paramOrder;
* Get the snippet for this reference
* @return {string} Snippet for this reference
this.getSnippet = function () {
for ( var param in this.params ) {
if ( 'params' in && param in &&[ param ].required &&[ param ].type === 'string' ) {
return this.params[ param ];
if ( this.wikitext.length > 100 ) {
return this.wikitext.substring( 0, 100 ).trim() + '...';
return this.wikitext;
* Build the template wikitext out of the template form
* @return {string} template wikitext
this.buildWikitext = function () {
var templateWikitext = '',
templateName = $( '#proveit-template-select' ).val();
if ( templateName ) {
var paramName,
templateWikitext = '{{' + templateName;
$( 'input, textarea', '.proveit-template-param' ).each( function () {
paramName = $( this ).attr( 'name' );
paramValue = $( this ).val();
if ( paramName && paramValue ) {
templateWikitext += ( && === 'block' ) ? '\r\n| ' : ' |';
templateWikitext += $.isNumeric( paramName ) ? paramValue : paramName + '=' + paramValue;
} );
if ( && === 'block' ) {
templateWikitext += '\r\n}}';
} else {
templateWikitext += '}}';
return templateWikitext;
* Set the properties
*/ = this.getName(); = this.getData();
this.params = this.getParams();
this.paramOrder = this.getParamOrder();
this.snippet = this.getSnippet();
* Reference class
* @class
* @param {string} wikitext Reference wikitext
* @param {number} index Reference index
Reference: function ( wikitext, index ) {
* Reference wikitext
this.wikitext = wikitext;
* Reference index
this.index = index;
* Insert a <ref> for this reference
* @param {jQuery.Event} event
this.cite = function ( event ) {
var reference =,
name = $( '#proveit-reference-name' ).val();
if ( !name ) {
name = reference.snippet;
name = name.replace( '"', '' );
name = name.substring( 0, 30 ).trim() + '...';
$( '#proveit-reference-name' ).val( name );
var citationWikitext = '<ref name="' + + '" ' + ( ? ' group="' + + '"' : '' ) + ' />',
citation = new ProveIt.Citation( citationWikitext );
// Insert the citation first, update the reference name, and highlight the citation again
ProveIt.insert( citation );
ProveIt.update( reference );
ProveIt.highlight( citation );
* Get the snippet for this reference
* @return {string} snippet of this reference
this.getSnippet = function () {
if ( this.template.snippet ) {
return this.template.snippet;
if ( this.content.length > 100 ) {
return this.content.substring( 0, 100 ).trim() + '...';
return this.content;
* Get the content out of the reference wikitext
* @return {string} reference content
this.getContent = function () {
var match = this.wikitext.match( />([\s\S]*)<\s*\/\s*ref\s*>/i );
return match[ 1 ];
* Get the name out of the wikitext
* @return {string} New reference
this.getName = function () {
var match = this.wikitext.match( /<\s*ref[^n]*name\s*=\s*["']?([^"'>]+)["']?[^>]*>/i );
if ( match ) {
return match[ 1 ];
* Get the group out of the wikitext
* @return {string} New reference
this.getGroup = function () {
var match = this.wikitext.match( /<\s*ref[^g]*group\s*=\s*["']?([^"'>]+)["']?[^>]*>/i );
if ( match ) {
return match[ 1 ];
* Get the reference template
* @return {ProveIt.Template} Reference template
this.getTemplate = function () {
var template = new ProveIt.Template( '' ),
templates = ProveIt.getTemplates( this.wikitext );
if ( templates.length ) {
template = templates[ 0 ];
return template;
* Get all the citations to this reference
* @return {ProveIt.Citation[]} Array of Citation objects
this.getCitations = function () {
var citations = [],
wikitext = ProveIt.getWikitext(),
citationRegex = /<ref[^/]*\/>/ig,
citationMatch, citationWikitext, citationIndex, citationNameMatch, citationName, citation;
while ( ( citationMatch = citationRegex.exec( wikitext ) ) !== null ) {
citationWikitext = citationMatch[ 0 ];
citationIndex = citationMatch.index;
citationNameMatch = citationWikitext.match( /name\s*=\s*["']?([^"'>]+)["']?/i );
if ( citationNameMatch ) {
citationName = citationNameMatch[ 1 ];
if ( citationName === ) {
citation = new ProveIt.Citation( citationWikitext, citationIndex );
citations.push( citation );
return citations;
* Build the wikitext out of the form
* @return {string} Reference wikitext
this.buildWikitext = function () {
var name = $( '#proveit-reference-name' ).val(),
group = $( '#proveit-reference-group' ).val(),
content = this.buildContent(),
wikitext = '<ref';
if ( name ) {
wikitext += ' name="' + name + '"';
if ( group ) {
wikitext += ' group="' + group + '"';
wikitext += '>' + content + '</ref>';
return wikitext;
* Build the content out of the form
* @return {string} Reference content
this.buildContent = function () {
var content = $( '#proveit-reference-content' ).val(),
dummy = new ProveIt.Reference( '<ref>' + content + '</ref>' );
content = content.replace( dummy.template.wikitext, this.template.buildWikitext() );
content = content.trim();
return content;
* Set the properties
*/ = this.getName(); = this.getGroup();
this.content = this.getContent();
this.template = this.getTemplate();
this.snippet = this.getSnippet();
this.citations = this.getCitations();
mw.loader.using( [
], ProveIt.init );