Cyril BUTTAY - plotted using gnuplot, source file available by email: cyril DOT buttay AT free DOT fr
This plot represents the specific resistance of MOSFETs versus their breakdown voltage. The dots are the values estimated from the datasheets of the following manufacturers: International Rectifier, ST Microelectronics, Infineon. Only the transistors in D2PAK package have been considered, with an estimated 30 mm² die size.
The "ideal" curve is the specific resistance of a single silicon layer that can withstand the given breakdown voltage. Its equation is Rdson=5.93.10-9.Vbr2.5, and comes from B. JAYANT BALIGA, "Power semiconductor devices", PWS publishing company, 1996
set xlabel "Breakdown Voltage (V)"
set format y '%3.1s %c'#{/Symbol W}'
set format x "%3.0s %cV"
set logscale xy
output file name
set output "bv_rdson.eps"
plot [10:2000][100e-6:10] 5.93e-9*(x**2.5) ls 3 title 'Ideal MOSFET',\
'mos_data.txt' using 1:($2*0.3) ls 2 with points title 'Commercially available MOSFETs (estimated specific resistance)'
gnuplot expects to find the data in a file named 'mos_data.txt'. As mentioned above, the data comes from various manufacturers, but I forgot to write down the corresponding devices reference numbers...
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The "ideal" curve on previous figures was plotted using the following equation: 1.63e-8.Vbr^2.5. However, this equation is for P-devices (see B.J.Baliga "power semiconductor devices", PWS , ISBN 0-534-94098-6, 1995 p 373). For N devices, the constant is 5
Cyril BUTTAY - plotted using gnuplot, source file available by email: cyril DOT buttay AT free DOT fr This plot represents the specific resistance of MOSFETs versus their breakdown voltage. The dots are the values estimated from the datasheets of the fol