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Jan Tesarik

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Jan Tesarik (nacido el 13 de enero de 1954), es un médico ginecólogo de la República Checa, nacionalizado francés, que consiguió el primer bebé por fecundación in vitro clásica en la República Checa en 1982.[1]


Doctor en Ciencias y Especialista en Ginecología y Medicina de la Reproducción.

Inicia el Programa de Reproducción Asistida en Brno y consigue el primer bebé nacido por FIV clásica en 1982 en la República Checa.

Viaja a Francia donde es contratado por el INSERM para elaborar un programa de investigación en el campo de la reproducción. Allí desarrolla importantes técnicas de laboratorio y descubre interesantes mecanismos de acción en dicho campo.

Posteriormente trabaja en la Unidad de Reproducción del Hospital Americano en París y consigue el primer bebé nacido por ICSI en Francia en el año 1993.

En 1994 logra el primer bebé, a nivel mundial, nacido mediante la microinyección de espermátides de eyaculado, en el ovocito humano.

En 1996, logra en Estambul (Turquía) el nacimiento de los primeros niños mediante la microinyección de espermátides obtenidas del cultivo de biopsias testiculares en hombres azoospérmicos.

En 1997 consigue en Sao Paulo (Brasil) la primera fecundación y el primer embrión obtenido mediante transferencia del núcleo del ovocito de una paciente en el citoplasma del ovocito enucleado de una donante.

Dirige programas junto con el Laboratorio de Eylau en Francia, en hospitales de Italia y en la Universidad de Granada (Departamento de Bioquímica y Biología).

En la actualidad, es Director de la Clínica MAR&Gen en Granada (España). Asesor científico del Hospital Europa de Roma (Italia) y asesor científico del Laboratorio Eylau en París (Francia).

Premios y logros

  • Premio Extraordinario concedido por el gobierno checo al Mérito en Investigación.
  • Autor de más de 300 artículos publicados en revistas internacionales.
  • Autor de más de 70 capítulos de libros.
  • Ponente y conferenciante en multitud de Congresos Internacionales y Mundiales.

Principales artículos internacionales

  • Tesarik J., Mendoza Oltras C., Testart J. : Effect of the human cumulus oophorus on movement characteristics of human capacitated spermatozoa. J. Reprod. Fert., 1990, 88, 665-675.
  • Tesarik J., Drahorad J., Testart J., Mendoza C. : Acrosin activation follows its surface exposure and precedes membrane fusion in human sperm acrosome reaction. Development, 1990, 110, 391-400.
  • Mendoza C., Tesarik J. : Effect of follicular fluid on human sperm movement characteristics. Fertil. Steril., 1990, 54, 1135-1139.
  • Tesarik J., Mendoza C., Carreras A. : Expression of D-mannose binding sites in human spermatozoa: comparison of fertile donors and infertile patients. Fertil. Steril., 1991, 56, 113-118.
  • Mendoza C., Carreras A., Moos J., Tesarik J. : Distinction between true acrosome reaction and degenerative acrosome loss by a one-step staining method using Pisum sativum agglutinin. J. Reprod. Fert., 1992, 95, 755-763.
  • Tesarik J., Mendoza C., Moos J., Fénichel P., Fehlmann M. : Progesterone action through aggregation of a receptor on the sperm plasma membrane. FEBS Lett., 1992, 308, 116-120.
  • Tesarik J., Mendoza C., Moos J., Carreras A. : Selective expression of a progesterone receptor on the human sperm surface. Fertil. Steril., 1992, 58, 784-792.
  • Tesarik J., Mendoza C. : Defective function of a nongenomic progesterone receptor as a sole sperm anomaly in infertile patients. Fertil. Steril., 1992, 58, 793-797.
  • Tesarik J., Mendoza C., Carreras A. : Effects of phosphodiesterase inhibitors caffeine and pentoxifylline on spontaneous and stimulus-induced acrosome reactions in human sperm. Fertil. Steril., 1992, 58, 1185-1190.
  • Tesarik J., Carreras A., Mendoza C. : Differential sensitivity of progesterone- and zona pellucida-induced acrosome reactions to pertussis toxin. Mol. Reprod. Dev., 1993, 34, 183-189.
  • Tesarik J., Mendoza C., Carreras A. : Fast acrosome reaction measure: a highly sensitive method for evaluating stimulus-induced acrosome reaction. Fertil. Steril., 1993, 59, 424-430.
  • Tesarik J., Mendoza C. : Insights into the function of a sperm-surface progesterone receptor: evidence of ligand-induced receptor aggregation and the implication of proteolysis. Exp. Cell Res., 1993, 205, 111-117.
  • Tesarik J., Moos J., Mendoza C. : Stimulation of protein tyrosine phosphorylation by a progesterone receptor on the cell surface of human sperm. Endocrinology, 1993, 133, 328-335.
  • Tesarik J., Mendoza C. : Sperm treatment with pentoxifylline improves the fertilizing ability in patients with acrosome reaction insufficiency. Fertil. Steril., 1993, 60, 141-148.
  • Mendoza C., Moos J., Tesarik J. : Progesterone action on the human sperm surface is potentiated by an egg-associated acrosin activator. FEBS Lett., 1993, 326, 149-152.
  • Tesarik J., Mendoza C., Ramirez J.-P., Moos J. : Solubilized zona pellucida competes with a fucosylated neoglycoprotein for binding sites on the human sperm surface. Fertil. Steril., 1993, 60, 344-350.
  • Mendoza C., Tesarik J. : A plasma-membrane progesterone receptor in human sperm is switched on by increasing intracellular free calcium. FEBS Lett., 1993, 330, 57-60.
  • Tesarik J., Mendoza C. : Most living acrosome-reacted spermatozoa do not fuse with the oocyte when inserted into the perivitelline space. Fertil. Steril., 1994, 61, 529-535.
  • Sousa M., Tesarik J. : Ultrastructural analysis of fertilization failure after intracytoplasmic sperm injection. Hum. Reprod., 1994, 9, 2374-2380.
  • Tesarik J., Mendoza C. : Alleviation of acrosome reaction prematurity by sperm treatment with egg yolk. Fertil. Steril., 1995, 63, 153-157.
  • Tesarik J., Mendoza C. : Nongenomic effects of 17-estradiol on maturing human oocytes: Relationship to oocyte developmental potential. J. Clin. Endocrinol. Metab., 1995; 80, 1438-1443.
  • Mendoza C., Soler A., Tesarik J. : Nongenomic steroid action: Independent targeting of a plasma membrane calcium channel and a tyrosine kinase. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun., 1995, 210, 518-523.
  • Tesarik J., Sousa M., Mendoza C. : Sperm-induced calcium oscillations of human oocytes show distinct features in oocyte center and periphery. Mol. Reprod. Dev., 1995, 41, 257-263.
  • Tesarik J., Mendoza C., Testart J. : Viable embryos from injection of round spermatids into oocytes. N. Engl. J. Med., 1995, 333, 525.
  • Tesarik J. : Sex chromosome abnormalities after intracytoplasmic sperm injection. Lancet, 1995, 346, 1096.
  • Tesarik J., Carreras A., Mendoza C. : Single cell analysis of tyrosine kinase dependent and independent Ca2+ fluxes in progesterone induced acrosome reaction. Mol. Hum. Reprod., 1996, 2, 225-232.
  • Tesarik J., Mendoza C. : Spermatid injection into human oocytes. I. Laboratory techniques and special features of zygote development. Hum. Reprod., 1996, 11, 772-779.
  • Tesarik J., Mendoza C. : Genomic imprinting abnormalities: a new potential risk of assisted reproduction. Mol. Hum. Reprod., 1996, 2, 295-298.
  • Sousa M., Barros A., Mendoza C., Tesarik J. : Effects of protein kinase C activation and inhibition on sperm-, thimerosal-, and ryanodine-induced calcium responses of human oocytes. Mol. Hum. Reprod., 1996, 2, 699-708.
  • Mendoza C., Tesarik J. : The occurrence and identification of round spermatids in the ejaculate of men with nonobstructive azoospermia. Fertil. Steril., 1996, 66, 826-829.
  • Sousa M., Mendoza C., Barros A., Tesarik J. : Calcium responses of human oocytes after intracytoplasmic injection of leukocytes, spermatocytes and round spermatids. Mol. Hum. Reprod., 1996, 2, 853-857].
  • Mendoza C., Benkhalifa M., Cohen-Bacrie P., Hazout A., Ménézo Y., Tesarik J. : Combined use of proacrosin immunocytochemistry and autosomal DNA in situ hybridization for evaluation of human ejaculated germ cells. Zygote, 1996, 4, 279-283.
  • Tesarik J., Mendoza C. : Direct non-genomic effects of follicular steroids on maturing human oocytes: oestrogen versus androgen antagonism. Hum. Reprod. Update, 1997, 3, 95-100.
  • Amer M., Soliman E., El-Sadek M., Mendoza C., Tesarik J. : Is complete spermiogenesis failure a good indication for spermatid conception? Lancet, 1997, 350, 116.
  • Sousa M., Barros A., Mendoza C., Tesarik J. : Role of Ca2+ oscillations during human preimplantation embryo development. Assist. Reprod. Rev., 1997, 7, 139-150.
  • Tesarik J., Mendoza C. : Phyto-oestrogens and breast cancer [letter]. Lancet, 1998, 351, 138.
  • Tesarik J., Greco E., Mendoza C. : ROSI, instructions for use: 1997 update. Hum. Reprod., 1998, 13, 519-523.
  • Tesarik J., Sousa M., Greco E., Mendoza C. : Spermatids as gametes: indications and limitations. Hum. Reprod., 1998, 13 Suppl. 3, 89-107.
  • Tesarik J., Greco E., Cohen-Bacrie P., Mendoza C. : Germ cell apoptosis in men with complete and incomplete spermiogenesis failure. Mol. Hum. Reprod., 1998, 4, 757-762.
  • Tesarik J., Greco E., Rienzi L., Ubaldi F., Guido M., Cohen-Bacrie P., Mendoza C. : Differentiation of spermatogenic cells during in-vitro culture of testicular biopsy samples from patients with obstructive azoospermia: effect of recombinant follicle stimulating hormone. Hum. Reprod., 1998, 13, 2772-2781.
  • Tesarik J., Balaban B., Isiklar A., Alatas C., Urman B., Aksoy S., Greco E., Mendoza C. : Effect of FSH on spermiogenesis? Fertil. Steril., 1998, 70, 983-984.
  • Tesarik J., Guido M., Mendoza C., Greco E. : Human spermatogenesis in vitro: respective effects of follicle-stimulating hormone and testosterone on meiosis, spermiogenesis, and Sertoli cell apoptosis. J. Clin. Endocrinol. Metab., 1998, 83, 4467-4473.
  • Tesarik J., Mendoza C., Greco E. : Treatment of severe male infertility by micromanipulation-assisted fertilization: news and views. Front. Biosci., 1998, 3, 238-246.
  • Tesarik J., Bahceci M., Özcan C., Greco E., Mendoza C. : Restoration of fertility by in-vitro spermatogenesis. Lancet, 1999, 353, 555-556.
  • Martinez F., Tesarik J., Martin C.-M., Soler A., Mendoza C. : Stimulation of tyrosine phosphorylation by progesterone and its 11-OH derivatives: dissection of a Ca2+-dependent and a Ca2+-independent mechanism. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun., 1999, 255, 23-27.
  • Mendoza C., Cremades N., Ruiz-Requena E., Martinez F., Ortega E., Bernabeu S., Tesarik J. : Relationship between fertilization results after intracytoplasmic sperm injection, and intrafollicular steroid, pituitary hormone and cytokine concentrations. Hum. Reprod., 1999, 14, 628-635.
  • Tesarik J., Garrigosa L., Mendoza C. : Estradiol modulates breast cancer cell apoptosis: a novel nongenomic steroid action relevant to carcinogenesis. Steroids, 1999, 64, 22-27.
  • Tesarik J., Bahceci M., Özcan C., Greco E., Mendoza C. : In-vitro spermatogenesis. Lancet, 1999, 353, 1708.
  • Tesarik J., Mendoza C. : In vitro fertilization by intracytoplasmic sperm injection. BioEssays, 1999, 21, 791-801.
  • Tesarik J., Mendoza C., Greco E. : In vitro culture facilitates the selection of healthy spermatids for assisted reproduction. Fertil. Steril., 1999, 72, 809-813.
  • Tesarik J., Nagy Z.P., Mendoza, C., Greco E. : Chemically and mechanically induced membrane fusion: non-activating methods for nuclear transfer in mature human oocytes. Hum. Reprod., 2000, 15, 1149-1154.
  • Tesarik J., Balaban B., Isiklar A., Alatas C., Urman B., Aksoy S., Mendoza C., Greco E. : In-vitro spermatogenesis resumption in men with maturation arrest: relationship with in-vivo blocking stage and serum FSH. Hum. Reprod., 2000, 15, 1350-1354.
  • Tesarik J., Mendoza C., Anniballo R., Greco E. : In-vitro differentiation of germ cells from frozen testicular biopsy specimens. Hum. Reprod., 2000, 15, 1713-1716.
  • Tesarik J., Mendoza C., Greco E. : In-vitro maturation of immature human male germ cells. Mol. Cell. Endocrinol., 2000, 166, 45-50.
  • Tesarik J., Mendoza C., Greco E. : The effect of FSH on male germ cell survival and differentiation in vitro is mimicked by pentoxifylline but not insulin. Mol. Hum. Reprod., 2000, 6, 877-881.
  • Tesarik J., Cruz-Navarro N., Moreno E., Canete M.T., Mendoza C. : Birth of healthy twins after fertilization with in vitro cultured spermatids from a patient with massive in vivo apoptosis of postmeiotic germ cells. Fertil. Steril., 2000, 74, 1044-1046.
  • Tesarik J., Mendoza C., Greco E. : Immature germ cell conception - in vitro germ cell manipulation. Baillière Clin. Endocrinol. Metab., 2000, 14, 437-452.
  • Tesarik J., Mendoza C., Greco E. : The activity (calcium oscillator?) responsible for human oocyte activation after injection with round spermatids is associated with spermatid nuclei. Fertil. Steril., 2000, 74, 1245-1247.
  • Tesarik J., Nagy Z.P., Sousa M., Mendoza C., Abdelmassih R. : Fertilizable oocytes reconstructed from patient’s somatic cell nuclei and donor ooplasts. Reprod. Biomed. Online, 2001, 2, 160-164 (online webpaper 2001/063).
  • Rienzi L., Greco E, Ubaldi F., Iacobelli M., Martinez F., Tesarik J. : Laser-assisted intracytoplasmic sperm injection. Fertil. Steril., 2001, 76, 1045-1047.
  • Greco E., Rienzi L., Ubaldi F., Tesarik J. : Klinefelter’s syndrome and assisted reproduction. Fertil. Steril., 2001, 76, 1068-1069.
  • Tesarik J., Greco E., Mendoza C. : Assisted reproduction with in-vitro-cultured testicular spermatozoa in cases of severe germ cell apoptosis: a pilot study. Hum. Reprod., 2001, 16, 2640-2645.
  • Tesarik J., Mendoza C., Greco E. : Paternal effects acting during the first cell cycle of human preimplantation development after ICSI. Hum. Reprod., 2002, 17, 184-189.
  • Tesarik J., Nagy P., Abdelmassih, R., Greco E., Mendoza C. : Pharmacological concentrations of follicle-stimulating hormone and testosterone improve the efficacy of in vitro germ cell differentiation in men with maturation arrest. Fertil. Steril., 2002, 77, 245-251.
  • Mendoza C., Ruiz-Requena E., Ortega E., Cremades N., Martinez F., Bernabeu R., Greco E., Tesarik J. : Follicular fluid markers of oocyte developmental potential. Hum. Reprod., 2002, 17, 1017-1022.
  • Martinez F., Rienzi L., Iacobelli M., Ubaldi F., Mendoza C., Greco E., Tesarik J. : Caspase activity in preimplantation human embryos is not associated with apoptosis. Hum. Reprod., 2002, 17, 1584-1590.
  • Tesarik J., Martinez F., Rienzi L., Iacobelli M., Ubaldi F., Mendoza C., Greco E. In-vitro effects of FSH and testosterone withdrawal on caspase activation and DNA fragmentation in different cell types of human seminiferous epithelium. Hum. Reprod., 2002, 17, 1811-1819.
  • Tesarik J. : Reproductive semi-cloning respecting biparental embryo origin: Embryos from syngamy between a gamete and a haploidized somatic cell. Hum. Reprod., 2002, 17, 1933-1937.
  • Tesarik J., Rienzi L., Ubaldi F., Mendoza C., Greco E. : Use of a modified intracytoplasmic sperm injection technique to overcome sperm-borne and oocyte-borne oocyte activation failures. Fertil. Steril., 2002, 78, 619-624.


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