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Resultados de la Wikipedia en inglés.

  • it apart, the hemp fiber being undamaged.[citation needed] For fine plasterer's sand-work, special sands are used, such as silver sand, which is used…
    62 kB (10 469 palabras) - 21:08 27 ago 2024
  • plaster has been sprayed on the wall or ceiling, it is laid off with a wide spatula, typically 40 cm wide. This can be mounted on a pole for finishing the…
    3 kB (531 palabras) - 20:59 20 sep 2022
  • mixture of plaster and marble dust, which is applied in thin layers using a spatula or trowel. The technique involves applying multiple layers of the plaster…
    18 kB (2213 palabras) - 07:03 29 oct 2024