Douglas Abdell

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Douglas Abdell

Retrato de Douglas Abdell[1]
Información personal
Nacimiento 16 de marzo de 1947 Ver y modificar los datos en Wikidata (77 años)
Boston (Estados Unidos) Ver y modificar los datos en Wikidata
Residencia Málaga, España
Nacionalidad Estados Unidos
Educación BBAA Universidad de Siracusa
Educado en Universidad de Siracusa Ver y modificar los datos en Wikidata
Información profesional
Área escultura
Años activo 1970-2010

Douglas Abdell nacido en Boston en 1947 es un escultor estadounidense, residente en Málaga, España.

Qurefe Aekyad
en el parque de esculturas Quadrat Bottrop (Galería Moderna)
Bottrop - Alemania.
Pulsar sobre la imagen para ampliar.

Datos biográficos

Nacido en 1947 de padres italo-libaneses.

Abdell nació en Boston, Massachusetts; obtuvo la licenciatura en Bellas Artes en la especialidad de escultura en la Universidad de Siracusa en 1970.
En los últimos 30 años ha basado su trabajo en temas políticos y sociales relacionados con el Mediterráneo realizando obras en piedra, mármol y bronce, obras gráficas y mosaicos, utilizando idioma y simbología Fenicia y Árabe.

Obras de Douglas Abdell

Trabaja con metales, bronce fundido y acero soldado.
Su obra ha sido extensamente mostrada e nivel internacional.

Exposiciones individuales
1971 - Graham Gallery, New York, New York.
1972 - Graham Gallery, New York, New York.
1975 - Andrew Crispo Gallery, New York, New York.
1976 - Sto Mary's College of Maryland, St. Mary's City, Maryland.
1976 - Connecticut College, New London, Connecticut.
1977 - Andrew Crispo Gallery, New York, New York.
1977 - Edwin A. Ulrich Museum of Art, Wichita State University, Wichita, Kansas.
1979 - Andrew Crispo Gallery, New York, New York.
1979/80 - New World Art Center, Miami-Dade Community College, Miami, Florida.
1980 - Sweet Briar College, Sweet Briar, Virginia.
1980 - Washington and Lee University, Lexington, Virginia.
1980 - Davenport Art Gallery, Davenport, Iowa.
1980 - Andrew Crispo Gallery, New York, New York.
1980 - Storm King Art Center, Mountaínville, New York.
1980 - The City of Nashville, Tennessee.
1981 - Dartmouth College, Hanover, New Hampshire.
1981 - Amerika Haus, Berlín, West Germany.
1981 - "Berlín Phoenaes", Mike Steinr Studio Galerie, Berlin, Germany.
1981 - Museum School Gallery, Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, Massachussets.
1982 - "Kraenko-Phoenaes", Andrew Crispo Gallery, New York, New York.
1982 - Mercato del Sale, Milano, Italy.
1983 - Quadrat Museum, Bottrop, West Germany.
1983 - Zero One, Los Angeles, California.
1983 - Gallozzi-La Placa Gallery, New York, New York.
1985 - "Diamond = Mirror Times K", Arco '85, Madrid, Spain.
1985 - "The Intervalist Chair", Fiera Internazionale d' Arte Contemporanea '85, Milano, Italy.
1985 - Spoleto Festival, Charleston, South Carolina.
1989 - "Preview of the Fourth Punic War", Forum Art Fair, Hamburg, Germany.
1989 - Cleto Polcína Arte Moderna, Roma.
1991 - La Quarta Guerra Punica", Galleria Agorá, Palermo, Sicilia, Italy.
1991 - "Liberazione El Tharros", Museo Civico di Gibellina, Sicjlia, Italy.
1991 - Quarta Guerra Punica", Galleria Massimo Riposati, Roma, Italy.
1994 - "Instituto Egipcio de Estudios Islámicos, Madrid, Spain.
1995 - "La unió deIs Estats Fenicis", Pati Llimona, Barcelona, Spain.
1996 - "Abdell Unión de Los Estados Fenicios" Museo Pablo Gargallo, Zaragoza, Spain.
1996 - "La unió deIs Estats Fenicis" Casal de Vespella de Gaiá Catalunya, Pati Llimona, Barcelona, Spain.

Exposiciones colectivas (desde 1983)
1983 - "Famous Show", Gracie Mansion Gallery, New York, New York.
1983 - "Running Show", Running Center, New York, New York.
1983 - "Hot Part Two", Gracie Mansion Gallery, New York, New York.
1983 - "Written Imagry Unleashed" (in the 20th Century), Fine Arts Center of Long Island, Hempstead, Long Island (November 6 thru January 22, 1984).
1983 - "Gracie Mansion Presents", Karnikaze, New York, New York, December.
1983 - "La Scuola di Atene", under supervision of Achille Bonito Oliva, Acireale, Palazzo di Citta, Sicilia, December.
1984 - "Totem, Germans Van Eyck", New York, New York, February.
1984 - "La Scuola di Atene", under supervision of Achille Bonito Oliva, Roma, Palazzo Borghese; -Ferrara, Palazzo dei Dia-manti, March; Malo, Museo Laboratorio, Casablanca, April.
1984 - "The Paper Show", Gallozzi-La Placa Galley, New York, New York.
1984 - "Chill out New York", Kenkelba House, New York, New York, July & August.
1985 - "Bologna Art Fair", Bologna, Italy.
1985 - Group Exhibit, Gallery 67, Bologna, Italy.
1985 - "The Music Show", Gallozzi-La Placa Gallery, New York, New York, November thru December.
1985 - "Uccelli Del Paradiso", Nuove Immagini In Scultura, 11 Ponte, Roma, Italiy, May 23 to Juny 15.
1985 - "Korta-Zaharra" and their video "Transit Motion", Sculpture Exhibition in conjunction with performance, Otto Zutz Club, Barcelona, Spain, October.
1986 - "Savage Thrones", under supervision of Anthony Fawcett & July Winters - "The Ginza Art Space", Tokyo, Japan, April15 to May 10.
1987 - "Erratici Percorsi", Palazzo di Citta, Acireale, Sicilia, from December to January, 1988.
1987 - "Erratici Percorsi", Castello di Collona, Gennazano, Italy, March-April.
1989 - "A.B.O. Ritratti Di Un Nome", Cleto Polina Arte Moderna, Roma, Italiy, February.
1989 - "Artoon", Palazzo Civita del Lavoro, Roma, Italiy, November 25, thru January 15, 1990.
1990 - "Art-Money", under supervision of Achille Bonito Oliva, The Gallery, New York City, New York, November 29 to December 22.
1991 - "Arte, Festival dei Due Mondi", Spoleto, Italy, under supervision of Achille Bonito Oliva, Juny 28 to September 15.
1992 - "Disloccazione dell' Arte", Termoli, Italy, under supervision of Achille Bonito Oliva, Juny 27 to August 31.
1993 - "Outsider", Madrid, Spain, under supervision of Antonio Zaya, December 21 thru January 31, 1994.
1993 - "11 Gran Delubrio l' Arte", Erice, Sicilia, under supervision of Achille Bonito Oliva.

1971 - Canaday, John, The New York Times, June 3.
1972 - Goillin, Jane, Art News.
1972 - Munson, Gretchen T., Art News.
1972 - Hancock, Marianne, Arts Magazine.
1976 - Swartz, Carolíne, Douglas Abdell, The Installation of Aepheau-Kryad at the Rose -Art Museum (film).
1977 - Crispo, Andrew J., The Sculpture of Douglas Abdell, catalogue of exhibition, Andrew Crispo Gallery, New York, New York.
1977 - Glueck, Grace, New York Times, February, 4.
1977 - Ellensweig, Allen, Arts Magazine, March, p. 25.
1977 - Resnek, Joshua A , "Sculptor Strives for Heights Through His Works", The Chelsea Record.
1977 - Belden, Dorothy, "Sculptures, Paintings Reach into the Universe", Wichita Eagle and Beacon, August 14, p. 15d.
1978 - Resnek, Joshua A , "Hot Bronze Flows, Hardens: Sculpture is Born", The Chelsea Record, October 2, p. 3.
1978 - Manfredi, Victor, The Grarnmar of Kryad-Lyric as Abdell's Sculptural Ontology, introduction to Kryad Poems by Douglas Abdell, Chelsea Press, Inc.
1979 - Baro, Gene, interview with Douglas Abdell for catalogue Douglas Abdell: Recent Sculpture, 1977-78, Andrew Crispo Gallery, New York, New York.
1979 - Friedberg, Arlene, "An Artist for All Seasons", Boston. Dubois, Rochelle H., rev. of Kryad Poems, Art Voice/Soutr.
1979 - Wood, Wiley L. "Douglas Abdell, Sculpture", Art / World, January 18.
1979 - Baro, Gene, "Douglas Abdell: Sculpture and Drawings, 1973-79", Introduction to catalogue of traveling exhibition Miami-Dade Community College.
1979 - Crispo, Andrew J., Douglas Abdell: Recent Sculpture, 1979, catalogue for the Andrew Crispo Gallery, New York, New York.
1979 - Johnston, Laurie, "Three Abstraction Form Puzzle on Park Avenue", The New World Times, November S, p. l.
1979 - Flynn, Donald, "Sculptor is a Wizard of Odds", Daily News, New York, November S, p. 16.
1980 - Cohen, Ronny H., "Reviews ew York", Artforum, October, p. 76.
1980 - Hieronymus, Clara, "Exhibit of Bronze, Steel Sculptures", The Tennessean, Nashville, October 19, p. lOE.
1981 - Swartz, Carolyn, Heavy Metal on Park Avenue. (A film that documents the event of the installation of three sculptures on Park Avenue).
1981 - Diederichs, F., "Viver Metal Kunst aus Stahl ziert das Amerika-Haus", Berliner Morgenpost, Berlin, April 17.
1981 - Goepfert, Peter-Hans, "Die grafischen Plastiken des Douglas Abdell, Vor dem
1981 - Amerika-Haus bluht es stahlern empor", Berliner Morgenpost, Berlin.
1981 - Ohff, Heinz, "Sculptur und Lautrnalerei, Der Amerikaner Douglas Abdell in zwei Ausstellungen", Der Tagesspiegel, Berlín, June 11, p. 5.
1981 - Martin, Alice, "Display Features Quatryad", Webster Times, August.
1981 - Kowal, David P., "Abdell Sculpture on Exhibit in Webster", The Evening Gazette, Worcester, Massachussets, August 27, p. 14
1981 - Page, Nancy, "Tell me ... People Say to Boston Sculptor", The Wichita Eagle-Beacon, September 20, p. 1c.
1981 - Taylor, Robert, "Sculptors at Opposite Ends of Spectrum", Boston Sunday Globe, December 20, 1981, p. A32.
1982 - Carrega, Ugo, "Douglas Abdell", Flash Art (Italian Edition).
1982 - Moufarrage, Nicholas A , "Another Wave Still More Savagely Than the First: Lower
1982 - "East Side, 1982", Arts Magazine, November, p. 69.
1983 - Loskill, Hans-Jorg, "Flache und Ornament", Westdetusche Allgemeine, February.
1983 - Schmidt, Konrad, "Gemalde wie Teppiche-PIastiken wei Schriftzeichen", RuhrNachrichten, February.
1983 - Moufarrage, NichoIas A., "Famous Show", Flash Art, review of exhibit "The Famous Show", Gracie Mansion Gallery.
1983 - Hot Dog press, Tokyo, Japan, review of exhibit at Zero One Gallery, Los Angeles.
1983 - Bonito Oliva, Achille, La Scuola di Atene (the School of Athens), catalogue for exhibit "La Scuola di Atene".
1983 - Grant, Daniel, "Words, Sacred and Secular", Newsday, November.
1983 - Trombadori, Duccio, "L' Artista nel Sistema", Rinascita, review "La Scuola di Atene", Acireale, Sicilia, December, p. 46.
1984 - Torrealta, Maurizio, "1 Neo-Amanvensi", Frigidaire, January, p. 86.
1984 - Cohen, Ronnie, "Douglas Abdell", Artforum, January review of exhibit at Gallozzi-La Placa Gallery, p. 83.
1984 - Braff, Phillis, "Writing as a Type of Drawing", The New York Times, January 1.
1984 - Barletta, Riccardo, "La Scuola di Atene", review of exhibits, January 4.
1984 - Bramanti, Vinni, "New York Replica 'Made in Italy" (review "La Scuola di Atene"), L'Unita, December 24.
1985 - Kortazar, Begonia, Leccese, Pasquale, "Madrid Sotto Le Stelle 1 umeri", Domus, April, p. 79.
1985 - Phase Two: Douglas Abdell, "The misconception of an A" (Reproduction & Text of collaborative Sculpture), Domus, July-August, p. 76.
1985 - Spiegel, OIga, "Review of Arco 85", La Vanguardia, February.
1985 - Abdell, Douglas, ".c4.Klaezt" (reproduction of a drawing), Juliet Art Magazine, October, p. 9.
1985 - Balmas, PaoIo, "Nuove Irnmagini ella Scultura", Segno, June, p.
1985 - Ciavoliello, Giulio, "Douglas Abdell", Interview Juliet Art Magazine, Trieste, Italy, N° 22, October- ovember, 1985, p.15.
1985 - "Juliet Art Magazine", reproductions, N° 23, December '85-January.
1985 - Smith, Nancy, "Abdell's Expressionistic Art Depicts Violence, Terror", The News and Courier, Charle ton, S. e, June 4,1985.
1986 - Korta-Zaharra, "Abdell El Fenicio" (interview with reproductions), Vo (Barcelona, ° 4), pp. 36-41.
1987 - Tosi, Barbara, "Erratici Percorsi", review of exhibit, Flash Art, February-March (Italian edition), p. 52.
1987 - Contarino, Giuseppe, "Erratici Percorsi", review of exhibit, La Sicilia, Catania, December 21.
1987 - Reghini Di Pontremoli, Lidia, "H cielo scolpito da fasci di luce", Avanti, January 17, Roma.
1987 - Poli, Francesco, "Liberta di inventare. La xix rassegna O' Arte di Acireale", Il Manifesto, p. 11, J anuary 2, Roma.
1987 - Conti, Viviana, "H critico che avreste voluto odiare", Il Lavoro, p . 3.
1987 - Petricca, Stefano, "Abdell", Leader, p. 57, January-February, Roma.
1987 - Baudson, Mitchel, "Erratici Percorsi", review of exhibit, Arte Factum, pp. 44-45, Belgium (Antwerpen), April-May.
1988 - Zaya, Octavio, "La Experiencia Transcultural de Douglas Abdell", interview with reproductions, Balcón, Madrid, Spain, July.
1989 - Bonito Oliva, Achille, "La Biga di Abdell", ew Art International, Paris, France, text with reproductions, pp. 84-85, May.
1989 - Gorney, S.P., "Douglas Abdell", Juliet Art Magazine, Trieste, Italy, December, p. 41.
1990 - Gopal, Neena, "Back to the Future", Gulf News, Dubais, U. A. E., February, pp. 20-21.
1991 - Zorpette, Glen, "The Ultirnate Taboo", Art News, New York, March.
1991 - Quatriglio, Giuseppe, "Magico Antico Oriente", Giornale di Sicilia, Palermo, April21, review of exhibit.
1991 - AI-Hayek, Noad, "Es Libanés de raíz ... es un escultor Fenicio ... Abdell, la reencarnación de Anibal. .. 'La Cuarta Guerra Púnica es mi proyecto artístico", An Nahar, Beirut, September.
1993 - Atlántica, Las Palmas, Gran Canaria, Spain, Febrero, pp. 44-47, project and reproductions.
1993 - Santos Sainz, María, "El Arte Periférico de los Desprotegidos", Diario 16, Madrid, Spain, December 30, p. 43.
1994 - Castaño, Adolfo, "Los Outsiders", ABC, Madrid, Spain, January.
1994 - Tablate Miquis, Jesús, "Abdell, Minot e Ira Tierra", Álbum, Madrid, Spain, Winter issue.
1994 - Yosef, Nazmi, "Cuando la Piedra Habla Civilización", Majalat Al Andalus, Madrid, Spain, February.
1994 - Zalzal, Zéna, "Abdell, le Phenicien Magnifique", L'Orient-Le Jour, Beirut, August 25, interview.
1995 - Alvarez, Berta "Un Fenicio Post Moderno, Vogue España" page 60, December.
1996 - Labordeta, Angela "Abdell: El mundo del Arte es Social" Diario 16 (Aragón) Zaragoza, Spain. Page 21, review of exhibit March 1.
1996 - Garcia, Mariano, "El Libanés Abdell propone la Unión de los Estados Fenicios" Heraldo de Aragon, Zaragoza, Spain. Page 45, review of exhibit, March l.
1996 - Boronat, J. "Esposició de L'escultor Libanés Abdell" Diari de Tarragona Tarragona, Catalunya, page 36, March.
1996 - Serra, Catalina, Abdell, el Escultor "Fenicio" presenta sus trabajos en Vespella de Gaiá El Pais Catalunya, Barcelona, page 13, March 9
1996 - Bellmunt¡ Cinas, "El Casal de Vespella de Gaiá, Abre la Programa ció amb Escultures Fenicies" Nov Diari, Tarragona, Catalunya, page 18, March 10.
1996 - Boronat, Joan, "El Casal Cultural Aculluna Mostra d'escultures de artista Libanés Abdell", Diaria de Tarragona, Catalunya, page 31, March lO, review of exhibit.
1996 - Serrano, Carmen, "La Piedra de Calatorao y Sus Lazos con Oriente Medio", El Periódico de Aragon, Zaragoza, Spain, page 46, March 14, review of exhibit.
1996 - El Punto de Las Artes, Madrid, Spain, "Abdell, Unión de los Estados Fenicios", page 19, March 15, review of exhibit in the Museo Pablo Gargallo, Zaragoza, Spain.
1996 - Azpeitia, Angel, "Museo Pablo Gargallo, Abdell", Heraldo de Aragon, Zaragoza, Spain, page 4, Artes y Letras, March.

Libros y catálogos de exposiciones
- The Schenectady Museum, Schenectady, New York, 1971 Exhibition by Artists of the Mohawk-Hudson Region, 1971.
- University Art Gallery, State University of ew York at Albany, 1971, Ten Artists of the Mohawk-Hudson Region, preface by Donald Mochon.
- City of Boston, Mayors office of Cultural Affairs, Festival Bostonian, foreword by Mayor Kevin Whits, 1976.
-.Andrew Crispo Gallery, The Sculpture of Douglas Abdell, 1972-76, statements by Douglas Abdell, text by Andrew J. Crispo, 1977.
- City of Boston, Mayors office of Cultural Affairs, Festival Bostonian Retrospective, introduction by Elizabeth Cook.
- Root Art Center, Hamilton College, Clinton, New York, Art' 77: A Selection of Works by Contemporary Artists from New York Galleries, introduction by Dennis Lucas, 1977.
- Root Art Center, Hamilton College, Clinton, New York, This is Art Today: An Exhibition of Works by Living Artists, foreword by Carter Rand, 1977.
- Indianapolis Museum of Art, Indianapolis, Idiana, Paintmg and Sculpture Today, 1978, introduction by Robert A. Yassin, 1978.
- Chelsea Press Inc. Kryad Poems by Douglas Abdell, introduction "The Grammar of Kryad-Li;ic as Abdell's Sculptural Ontology", by Victor Bartolo Manfredi.
- Networks, Published by Rochelle Dubois, Vulce et decorum est pro Anais testari, Barry Donald Jones, 1978.
- Andrew Crispo Gallery, Recent Sculpture, 1977-78, published at the occasion of a one-man exhibition, interview with the artist by Gene Barro, 1979.
- Syracuse University College of Visual and Performing rts, Syracuse, New York, Syracuse Univ. Alumni Exhibit, foreword by Dean August 1. Freundlich, introduction by Raphael Soyer, 1979.
- Miami-Dade Community College, Miami, Florida, Douglas Abdell, Sculpture and Drawings, 1973-79, foreword by Gene Barro, 1979.
- Andrew Crispo Gallery, Douglas Abdell Recent Sculpture, 1979, with text and quotation of Douglas Abdell, 1979.
- Nassau Country Museum, Sculpture at Sands Point, An ARE.A Project introduction by PhyIlis Braff, 1980 (Port Washington, Long Island).
- ARE.A, Sculpture on Shoreline Si tes, Roosevelt and Wards Island, New York, introduction by Dorothea M. Silverman, introduction by Rol' Moyer, 1980-8l.
- Miami-Dade Cornmunity College, The Gallery-North Campus, Small Sculpture, introduction by Renee Landes, 1980(Miarni, Florida).
- Tennessee Performing Arts Center, Abdell; Sculpture and Drawings, Nashville, Tennessee, 1980.
- Dartmouth College, Hanover, N. H., Douglas Abdell, Sculpture & Drawings from the Aekyad series, introduction by Arthur R Blumenthal, 1981.
- Douglas Abdell, Berlin Phoenaes, (published at the occasion of Mike Steiner Studio Gallery Berlin Exhibition, 1981), introduction by Richard Kostelanetz, statement by Douglas Abdell.
- Amerika Haus Berlin, Douglas Abdell Neue Skulpturen, catalogue for exhibit at Amerika Haus Berlin, exhibition May, June, July, introduction by Robert Milton, introduction by Robert Kudielka and text by Addison Parks, 1981.
- Miarni-Dade Cornmunity College, The Spirit of Paper, June 3 to July 29th, 1982, introduction by Addison Parks, reprod. p. 7.
- Centro Di della Edifimi, Firenze, La Scuola di Atene, under the supervision of Achille Bonito Oliva, catalogue of exhibition with essay, December, 1983.
- Abbeville Press, New York A Landscape for Modern Sculpture (Storm King Art Center), text by John Beardsley, photos by David Finn, 1985, pp. 41, 93, 94, 95.
- Il Ponte, Rome, Birds of Paradise (New Image Sculpture), catalogue for exhibit, May 23-June 15, 1985, p. 3.
- Abdell, Douglas, "Diamond = Mirror Times K", catalogue for exhibit Arco '85, Madrid, Spain (including essays, drawings and reproductions), 1985.
- Abdell, Douglas "The Intervalist's Chair" , catalogue for exhibit Fiera Internazionale d' Arte Contempanea '85, Milano, Italy (including essays, drawings and reproductions).
- Anthony Fawcett & Jane Withers, Savage Thrones, catalogue for exhibit at the Ginza Art Space, Tokyo, Japan, 1986.
- Nuove edizioni Gabriele Mazzota, Milano, Erratici Percorsi, under the supervision of Achille Bonito Oliva, catalogue of exhibition with essay, 1987.
- Prentice Hall Press, New York, Manhattan's Outdoor Sculpture, Michelle Cohen & Margot Gayle, pp. 247, 159, 260, 1988.
- Nuova Prearo Editore, Milano, Italy, AB.O. Ritratti di un Nome, catalogue of exhibition, february, 1989.d Corporation, Los Angeles. California / Denver, Colorado, february, 1989.d Corporation, Los Angeles. California / Denver, Colorado.
- Cleto Polcina Edizioni, Abdell, Preview of The Fourth Punic War, catalogue for exhibition Forum Art Fair, Hamburg, West Germany, essay by Achille Bonito Oliva, September, 1989.
- Centro d' Arte e di Cultura Agorá, Palermo, Sicilia, catalogue for the exhibitions La Quarta Guerra Punica and Liberazione 1991 a Tharros, Gibellina, Sicilia, under supervision of Achille Bonito Oliva, April, 1991.
- Edizioni Carte Segrete, Roma, catalogue for the exhibition La Quarta Guerra Punica under supervision of Achille Bonito Oliva, Galleria Massimo Riposati, Roma, Italy, April, 1991.
- Edizioni Carte Segrete, Roma, catalogue for the exhibition Arie, 34° Festival Dei Due Mondi, Spoleto, Italy, under supervision of Achille Bonito Oliva, 1991.
- Leonardo-De Luca Editori S.R.l., Roma, Italy, Cosi, lo Stato dell' Arte, by Achille Bonito Oliva, 1991.
- Umberto Sala Editori, Pescara, ltaly, catalogue for the exhibition Dis-locazione Dell' Arte, under supervision of Achille Bonito Oliva, 1992.
- Edizioni Carte Segrete, Roma, ltaly, Propaganda Arte, by Achille Bonito Oliva, 1992.
- Instituto Egipcio de Estudios Islámicos, Madrid, Spain, Abdell, poem by Antonio Zaya and letter from Jean Daniel, catalogue for the exhibition, November 1993.
- Edizioni Carte Segrete, Roma, ltaly, Il Gran Delubrio, L' Arte, catalogue for the exhibition, under supervision of Achille Bonito Oliva, 1993.
- G. Tránsitos, Madrid, Spain, Outsider, catalogue for the exhibition, under supervision of Antonio Zaya, December.
- "La Unió deIs Estats Fenicis", catalogue for the exhibition La unió deIs Estats fenicis, in the Pati Llimona, Barceloné, November 1995, lmder supervision of Achille Bonito Oliva, with essays by Achille Bonito Oliva and Joan Abelló.
- Museo Pablo Gargallo, Zaragoza, Spain. "Abdell Unión de los Estados Fenicios", catalogue for the exhibition, with essays by Luisa Fernanda Rudi Úbeda, Juan Bolea Fernadez-Pujol, Maria Cristina Gil Imaz, Achille Bonito Oliva, February, 1996.
- María del Mar García Tijeras. "Las huellas de la personalidad en la escritura" Arte y Naturaleza. Marzo 2003.
- Joan Abelló Juanpere. "Abdell, M=AGUA" Arte y Naturaleza Marzo 2005.

Obras en museos y colecciones públicas
• Atlantic Richifield Corporation, Los Angeles, California / Denver, Colorado.
• Connecticut College, New London, Connecticut.
• Corcoran Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C.
• Davenport Art Gallery, Davenport, Iowa.
• Evans-Tibbs CoHection, Washington, D.C.
• H. J. Heinz Co., Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
• H. H. Thyssen-Bornemisza Collection, Lugano, Switzerland.
• Founders Equity Corporation, New York, New York.
• University of otre Dame, Notre Dame, Indiana.
• St. Mary's College of Maryland, St. Mary's City, Maryland.
• Wells, Rich, and Greene Corporation, New York, New York.
• Ulrich Museum of Art, Wichita State University, Waltham, Massachussets.
• The Outdoor Sculpture Collection, City of New York, New York.
• Brooklyn Museum, Brooklyn, New York.
• Storm King Art Center, Mountainville, New York.
• Fogg Art Museum, Harward University, Cambridge, Massachussets.
• Revlon Incorporated, ew York, New York.
• Mc Nay Art Institute, San Antonio, Texas.
• Hood Museum of Art, Darthmouth College, Hanover, New Hampshire.
• Hofstra University, Hempstead, New York.
• Wichita Art Museum, Wichita, Kansas.
• Quadrat Museum, Bottrop, West Germany.
• Gibbes Art Gallery, Charleston, South Carolina.
• Museo Casablanca, Malo, Italy.
• Mississipi Museum of Art, Jackson, Mississipi.
• Museo Casablanca, Malo, Italy.
• Mississipi Museum of Art, Jackson, Mississipi.
• Spencer Museum of Art, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas.
• Kansas State University, Manhattan, Kansas.
• Tabor College, Hillsboro, Kansas.
• Instituto Egipcio de Estudios Islámicos, Madrid, Spain.
• Museo Civico di Gibellina, Sicilia, Italy.
• Stanford University, Stanford California.


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