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¿no debería estar en el wikcionario?--FAR 14:13 20 mar, 2005 (CET)

El origen de la nombre Mulato puede ser tambien Muladí -- Tolemy 15:22 6 sep, 2005 (CEST)

I think the topic of muwallad vs mula as the ancestor of the term Mulatto is interesting There is a term used to refer to stubborn and/or small mules male or female which is muleto.

The Dictionary of the Royal Academy of Spain defines Mulatos as... mulato, ta. (De mulo, en el sentido de híbrido, aplicado primero a cualquier mestizo). 1. adj. Dicho de una persona: Que ha nacido de negra y blanco, o al contrario. U. t. c. s. 2. adj. De color moreno. 3. adj. Que es moreno en su línea. 4. m. y f. ant. muleto. translation: mulato, ta. (Of a mule, in the sense of a hybrid, applied first to any mestizo, mixed person). 1, adjective. Said of a person: That has been born of a black and a white. 2, adjective. Of brown color. 3, adjective. That he has brown in his line. 4. masculine and feminine previously muleto.

muleto. 1. m. Mulo niño, de poca edad o cerril.

Translation: muleto. 1. m. small mule, of little age or stubborn.

Muwalladeen does apply to people of mixed ancestry, but specifically to chidren of Arabs to non-Arab mothers. But the adoption of the term to Spanish, Muladi', was applied to the Christians who converted to Islam.

The claim that the Spanish coining of "muladi" -- referring to individuals of mixed ancestry -- from the Arabic muwallad, and being so close in form to "mulato," istaking a written text and assuming a phonetic similarity. The similarity is not as obvious when reading it out loud. The term was Moo-lah-dÍ with the stress on the i. This contrasts with mulato pronounced Moo-lÁh-toh. That stress difference is obvious in the plural writting too. Muladíes, Moo-lah-dÍ-es or if you really want to get technical Mullawad being singular, it would have been closer to Mula as Muladi comes from the plural mullawadeen. Considering the fact that Mulato and Muladí were contemporaneous in use there is still the question of how would the division in spelling and pronounciation have occured.

A few questions can be asked to help solve the riddle. What are the oldest texts using each term? Do you see a similar term in other romance languages? Mulatto does exist in Italian. I posed the same questions to the foremost authority on the Spanish language in Spain, La Real Academia Española.

"The term MULATO is documented in our diachronic data bank in 1549, whereas MULADÍ (From Mullawadí) does not appear until the half of the XVIII century , according to Corominas (in our data bank CORDE there are no examples until 1902). (A search of the word muladí reveals that its earliest occurrence in the Academia Usual is in the 1884 edition.) Therefore, it is not possible to derive MULATO from MULADÍ. On the other hand, the suffix - ato is found in the DRAE with several meanings, among them the one of ' animal young ': fawn cervato, wild boar jabato, and Mule mulato. The term would have been used by comparison of the hybrid generation of the mulato with the one of the mule. Receive a warm greeting. -- Department of Spanish ABRADES."

Mulato was never an abstraction of the hybrid quality of mules. Fortunately, Real Academia Española (RAE) allows free access to its database. This can be found at

Muladí first appears in DRAE's 1884 edition. I do not think that this reflected the actual period of coinage (or anything close to it). How could muladí be coined three to four hundred years after the Arab period in Spain? If so, the parent word (muwalladin or some variant) must have been in common usage in Spanish up to this point. But we do not see this. Common usage could not pull an Arabic word out of thin air to serve as model. If instead muladí was an academic creation (in the last 100 years or so), this would be common knowledge. Yet it is not. If Real Academia Española does not know of it, how could it have been? So I still have to believe that muladí was coined even centuries before mulato. The latter became current nearly 100 years after the Arabs were expelled from Spain. This definitely makes it possible for mulato to be derived from muladí, though that is not the position of Professor Labrador. Professor Labrador's position was that "mulato" had an "analogous etymology to muladí."

The explanation for the late occurrence of muladí in Spanish dictionaries is not hard to find. Both muladí and mulato would have originated not in Christian Spain, but among Christians living under Islamic rule - the "mozarabes" (practicing Christians and Arabic speaking Christians), and later the "muladíes" (Christians converted to Islam). However, the fortunes of the muladíes had waned probably since the 11th century. And with their community their name fell into obscurity. But not before giving rise to mulato. The "mulatos" on the other hand became a conspicuous group with the growth of slavery in Christian society. With the expulsion of the Arabs in the late 15th century, and the re-assimilation of the "mozarabes" (Arabicized Christians), the word mulato would have easily filtered into Christian Spain. By then the word muladí would have had no currency, the community it referred to having long ago lost its significance. When 300 or so years later muladí appeared, it was not a new coinage, but merely a resurrection.

Also, searching for "mulatos" (plural) we can see without even pulling up the entire document that the word "mestizos" occurs alongside "mulatos" in a document dated 1560 by a Francisco Cervantes de Salazar. The document where "mulato" occurs with no mention of "mestizos" is dated over a range, 1549-1603, making 1549 a tentative date; whereas that in which "mulatos" occurs with "mestizos" is dated singly at 1560 - a relatively negligible eleven year difference (at best). (Actually, "mestizo" also occurs in the document dated 1549-1603, just not in the portion revealed when "mulato" is searched. But when "mestizo" is searched one can confirm that one result corresponds in year, date range, author, and title. However, since the first document is dated over such a wide range, conceivably the two words could have differed in time written by over 50 years.)

We must therefore say that mulato always referred to the black-white mixed and not, as the Academia Usual maintains, that in its general sense of hybrid (in comparison to mules). This conclusion is important. It means that mulato was never an abstraction of the hybrid quality of mules. To be an abstraction it would have had to be applied to the universal class of mixed individuals. That means mulato is unrelated to muleto: there is no evidence that it was an abstract notion.

En el artículo tendría que aparecer su situación legal, los tratos que recibía, etc, en fin, un poco de historia.

¿Andrés Montes no es lo suficientemente popular para añadirle a la lista de mulatos famosos?

Este artículo necesita urgentemente una revisión de contenido y sobretodo de lenguaje, el cual recuerda en ocasiones algo entre un Spanglish forzado a parecer español o simplemente un español pobrísimo.

"Término anticuado mulato"[editar]

¿Por qué es un término anticuado "mulato"? En wikipedia en inglés hasta se dan datos genéticos, y por tanto es un hecho empírico la persona nacida con la mezcla de dos razas o "etnias" lejanas. Se cree que existieron decenas de "especies" humanas en la antigüedad, y ahora no se quiere aceptar que existen subtipos divergentes entre humanos, que es el primer paso para la especiación. Absurdo. -- (discusión) 02:36 30 sep 2016 (UTC)[responder]

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