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Usuario:Plinio Cayo Cilesio/MINURCAT

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La Misión de las Naciones Unidas para la Pacificación en la República Centroafricana y Chad (en inglés: United Nations Mission in the Central African Republic and Chad (MINURCAT)) fué una misión pacificadora dentro del marco de las desiciones del Consejo de Seguridad de las Naciones Unidas llevada a cabo desde el 25 de Septiembre del año 2007 para proveer a la población de dichas naciones una fuerza multidimensional con más de 350 policías y personal militar a la Zona oeste del Chad y la región noreste de Centroafrica[1]

La misión básicamente surgió como una respuesta a los conflictos provocados por la situación de los más de 230,000 refugiados de la región sudsudanesa del Darfur que continuaban emigrando al límite oeste con Chad y a la frontera noreste con la República de África Central. Rebeldes armados provenientes de Sudán dieron contínuamente ataques cerca de la mencionada frontera Sudanesa, poniendo en peligro a los habitantes locales y a los refugiados del Darfur por igual.


This followed on from a resolution in July 2007 sending UNAMID into the region[2]​ and a resolution in August 2006 sending UNMIS there,[3]​ the Secretary-General drafted a report outlining the shape of the mission he thought should be sent there,[4]​ as well as received assurance from the European Union of its contribution of troops.[5]

Although the EUFOR Tchad/RCA was originally scheduled to deploy in November 2007, it was delayed until February by a lack of equipment. It reached its Initial Operational Capability on 15 March 2008 and was replaced by UN forces under the same MINURCAT mandate on 15 March 2009. The latest resolution to concern the MINURCAT mandate, Security Council Resolution 1913, extended the stationing of the mission until 15 May 2010 allowing further discussions with the Chadian government which asked for the mandate not be renewed. A further extension was done until the end of 2010.

Fuerza desplegada[editar]

Personal militar[editar]

Para 2010, cerca de 5,200 militares y de personal de la policiía así como 25 oficiales de alto mando de las naciones de Bangladesh, Benin, Burkina Faso, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Egypt, Ethiopia, Ghana, Ireland, Kenya, Mali, Mongolia, Namibia, Nepal, Nigeria, Norway, Pakistan, Poland, Russia, Rwanda, Senegal, Serbia, Sri Lanka, Togo, Tunisia and United States.

Personal policial[editar]

As of 2010, there were 300 police officers from Benin, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Côte d'Ivoire, Egypt, Finland, France, Guinea, Jordan, Madagascar, Mali, Niger, Rwanda, Senegal, Turkey and Yemen.

Participación Europea en la misión[editar]

The EU forces mission EUFOR Tchad/RCA operated under the auspices and in the framework of MINURCAT in Chad and the Central African Republic as authorized in late 2007. The deployment of up to 3,700 troops began in February 2008. Contributors included (with number of troops committed):[6]

  • Bandera de Albania Albania - 63 troops from Commando Regiment [7]
  • Bandera de Francia France – half of the full contingent[8]
  • Bandera de Irlanda Ireland – 411 troops[9]
  • Bandera de Polonia Poland – 350 troops[10]
  • Bandera de Suecia Sweden – 200 troops[11]
  • Bandera de Austria Austria – 160 troops[12]
  • Bandera de Rumania Romania – 120 troops[13]
  • Bandera de Bélgica Belgium – 100 troops[14][15]
  • Bandera de España Spain – 80 troops[16]
  • Bandera de Finlandia Finland – 40 troops[17]
  • Bandera de los Países Bajos Netherlands - 60 Marines[18]

According to the Brussels-based news agency “Panapress”[15]​, a number of non-EU countries also expressed interest in providing logistic or personnel support to the EUFOR mission.

Their mandate included “to take all necessary measures, within its capabilities and its area of operation in eastern Chad and the north-eastern Central African Republic”[1]​ to protect civilians, facilitate delivery of humanitarian aid, and ensure the safety of UN personnel. The EU operation commander, General Patrick Nash, announced on 5 November[19]​ that this force will be 3,700 troops strong. The military operation was approved by the Council of the European Union on 15 October[6]​.

Enlaces externos[editar]


  1. a b Consejo de Seguridad de las Naciones Unidas Resolución 1778. S/RES/1778(2007) página 3. 25 September 2007. Consultado el 2007-09-27.
  2. Consejo de Seguridad de las Naciones Unidas Resolución 1769. S/RES/1769(2007) 31 July 2007. Consultado el 2007-09-27.
  3. Consejo de Seguridad de las Naciones Unidas Resolución 1706. S/RES/1706(2006) 31 August 2006. Consultado el 2007-09-27.
  4. Consejo de Seguridad de las Naciones Unidas Documento 488. S/2007/488 (2007) Consultado el 2007-09-27.
  5. Consejo de Seguridad de las Naciones Unidas Documento 560. S/2007/560 21 September 2007. Consultado el 2007-09-27.
  6. a b UN monitoring website HDPT Central African Republic, accessed 14 November 2007
  7. Albanian MoD website, accessed 22 February 2010
  8. Associated Press, accessed 17 October 2007
  9. [1],
  10. Panapress, accessed 13 November 2007
  11. Reuters, accessed 18 October 2007
  12. IHT, accessed 6 November 2007
  13. Panapress, accessed 13 November 2007
  14. Associated Press - no numbers specified, accessed 14 November 2007
  15. a b Panapress - specifying 100 troops, accessed 13 November 2007
  16. El Pais, accessed 6 November 2007
  17. Finnish News Agency, accessed 5 October 2007
  18. Reuters, accessed 2 November 2007
  19. The Times article on 4,300 troop deployment instead of 3,000, accessed 14 November 2007