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Anexo:Graduados honorarios de la Universidad de Princeton

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La Universidad de Princeton ha otorgado los siguientes doctorados honoris causa:[1]

Año Nombre Grado
2015 Mario Vargas Llosa Doctor of Letters
2015 John Paul Stevens Doctor of Laws
2015 Harry Belafonte Doctor of Laws
2015 Deborah Poritz Doctor of Laws
2015 David Billington Doctor of Science
2015 Ann Dunwoody Doctor of Laws
2014 Madeleine K. Albright Doctor of Laws
2014 James M. McPherson Doctor of Humane Letters
2014 James E. West Doctor of Science
2014 Herb Kelleher Doctor of Laws
2014 Fazle Hasan Abed Doctor of Laws
2013 Toni Morrison Doctor of Literature
2013 Shirley M. Tilghman Doctor of Laws
2013 Sakena Yacoobi Doctor of Laws
2013 Lorraine Daston Doctor of Humane Letters
2013 Frank Gehry Doctor of Fine Arts
2013 Francis Collins Doctor of Science
2012 Peter Carril Doctor of Humanities
2012 Karen Uhlenbeck Doctor of Science
2012 Joseph Taylor Jr. Doctor of Science
2012 Joan Wallach Scott Doctor of Humane Letters
2012 Eduardo Padrón Doctor of Laws
2012 Aretha Franklin Doctor of Music
2011 Susan Desmond-Hellmann Doctor of Science
2011 Robert Rawson Jr. Doctor of Laws
2011 Judith Jamison Doctor of Fine Arts
2011 Henry Aaron Doctor of Humanities
2011 Geoffrey Canada Doctor of Laws
2011 Charles Gillispie Doctor of Humane Letters
2010 Ruth Bader Ginsburg Doctor of Laws
2010 Olufunmilayo Olopade Doctor of Science
2010 Edward Taylor Doctor of Science
2010 Drew Gilpin Faust Doctor of Laws
2010 Albie Sachs Doctor of Laws
2009 Ruby Dee Davis Doctor of Fine Arts
2009 Meryl Streep Doctor of Fine Arts
2009 Irvin Glassman Doctor of Science
2009 Ernesto Cortés Jr. Doctor of Laws
2009 Alice L. Waters Doctor of Humanities
2008 Quincy Jones Doctor of Music
2008 Mary-Claire King Doctor of Science
2008 John Waterbury Doctor of Laws
2008 Haruki Murakami Doctor of Letters
2008 George Kateb Doctor of Humane Letters
2007 Twyla Tharp Doctor of Fine Arts
2007 Robert Fagles Doctor of Humane Letters
2007 Norman Augustine Doctor of Laws
2007 Muhammad Ali Doctor of Humanities
2007 LaSalle Leffall Jr. Doctor of Science
2007 Fritz Stern Doctor of Humane Letters
2007 Elizabeth Blackburn Doctor of Science
2006 Seamus Heaney Doctor of Letters
2006 Paul Farmer Doctor of Laws
2006 Mia Hamm Doctor of Humanities
2006 John Bonner Doctor of Science
2006 Freeman Hrabowski III Doctor of Laws
2006 Dolores Huerta Doctor of Laws
2005 Yo-Yo Ma Doctor of Music
2005 Wole Soyinka Doctor of Humane Letters
2005 Vera C. Rubin Doctor of Science
2005 John Clifton Bogle Doctor of Laws
2005 J. Lionel Gossman Doctor of Humanities
2005 Anne d’Harnoncourt Doctor of Laws
2004 Robert P. Moses Doctor of Laws
2004 Pablo Eisenberg Doctor of Laws
2004 Nannerl O. Keohane Doctor of Laws
2004 Edward T. Cone Doctor of Humane Letters
2004 Charles Kuen Kao Doctor of Science
2003 Richard J. Goldstone Doctor of Laws
2003 Natalie Zemon Davis Doctor of Humane Letters
2003 Lawrence H. Summers Doctor of Laws
2003 Joan Argetsinger Steitz Doctor of Science
2003 Claude M. Steele Doctor of Humane Letters
2002 Terry Gross Doctor of Humanities
2002 Oprah Gail Winfrey Doctor of Fine Arts
2002 James A. Forbes Jr. Doctor of Divinity
2002 Emily Mann Doctor of Fine Arts
2002 Colin Lucas Doctor of Laws
2002 Cal Ripken Jr. Doctor of Humanities
2002 Bernard Lewis Doctor of Humane Letters
2002 Anthony S. Fauci Doctor of Science
2001 William Felton Russell Doctor of Humanities
2001 Sonia Sotomayor Doctor of Laws
2001 Shelton Jackson Lee Doctor of Fine Arts
2001 Kevin Gover Doctor of Laws
2001 Jane Lubchenco Doctor of Science
2001 Harold T. Shapiro Doctor of Laws
2001 Courtland D. Perkins Doctor of Science
2001 Aaron Lemonick Doctor of Science
2000 Wendy S. Kopp Doctor of Humanities
2000 Val Logsdon Fitch Doctor of Science
2000 Mary F. Lyon Doctor of Science
2000 Mae Jemison Doctor of Humanities
2000 Gordon E. Moore Doctor of Laws
1999 William J. Baumol Doctor of Humane Letters
1999 Phyllis Lambert Doctor of Fine Arts
1999 Oscar Arias Sanchez Doctor of Laws
1999 Kofi Annan Doctor of Laws
1999 Harvey Lichtenstein Doctor of Fine Arts
1999 Harold Varmus Doctor of Science
1999 Gordon Parks Doctor of Fine Arts
1998 Robert E. Kahn Doctor of Science
1998 Matthew J. Perry Jr. Doctor of Laws
1998 Linda Chavez-Thompson Doctor of Laws
1998 John Wilder Tukey Doctor of Science
1998 Howard E. Gardner Doctor of Humane Letters
1998 Athol Fugard Doctor of Letters
1997 Stuart John Saunders Doctor of Laws
1997 Mamphela Aletta Ramphele Doctor of Laws
1997 Larry Doby Doctor of Humanities
1997 James E. Burke Doctor of Laws
1997 Homer A. Thompson Doctor of Humane Letters
1997 Carl E. Schorske Doctor of Humane Letters
1997 Bruce Alberts Doctor of Science
1996 William Jefferson Clinton Doctor of Laws
1996 Toshiko Takaezu Doctor of Fine Arts
1996 Ruth J. Simmons Doctor of Laws
1996 Robert McCredie May Doctor of Science
1996 LeRoy T. Walker Doctor of Law
1996 George A. Miller Doctor of Science
1995 Wynton Marsalis Doctor of Fine Arts
1995 Stanley S. Bergen Jr. Doctor of Laws
1995 Sadako Ogata Doctor of Laws
1995 Robert MacNeil Doctor of Laws
1995 Lawrence Stone Doctor of Humane Letters
1995 John M. Prausnitz Doctor of Science
1995 Clifford James Geertz Doctor of Humane Letters
1994 William Scheide Doctor of Humanities
1994 William Julius Wilson Doctor of Humane Letters
1994 Sheila Widnall Doctor of Science
1994 Lloyd N. Cutler Doctor of Laws
1994 Frederick Wiseman Doctor of Fine Arts
1994 Ansley J. Coale Doctor of Humane Letters
1993 William S. Merwin Doctor of Letters
1993 William O. Baker Doctor of Laws
1993 Sybil Collins Mobley Doctor of Laws
1993 Richard Charles Levin Doctor of Laws
1993 Marian Wright Edelman Doctor of Laws
1993 Kurt Weitzmann Doctor of Humanities
1993 James W. Rouse Doctor of Laws
1993 August Wilson Doctor of Letters
1992 William H. Gray III Doctor of Laws
1992 Mildred S. Dresselhaus Doctor of Science
1992 Martin Schwarzschild Doctor of Science
1992 Guido Calabresi Doctor of Laws
1992 Eliot Wigginton Doctor of Humanities
1992 Bernice Johnson Reagon Doctor of Fine Arts
1991 Neil L. Rudenstine Doctor of Laws
1991 Milton B. Babbitt Doctor of Music
1991 Martin Scorsese Doctor of Fine Arts
1991 James P. Comer Doctor of Humanities
1991 James A. Baker III Doctor of Laws
1991 Gary S. Becker Doctor of Humane Letters
1991 Frank Press Doctor of Laws
1991 Donna E. Shalala Doctor of Laws
1991 Christiane Nusslein-Volhard Doctor of Science
1990 Robert Charles Tucker Doctor of Humane Letters
1990 P. Roy Vagelos Doctor of Laws
1990 Meg Greenfield Doctor of Laws
1990 F. Sherwood Rowland Doctor of Science
1990 Ella Fitzgerald Doctor of Music
1990 Dorothy I. Height Doctor of Laws
1989 Robert Henry Dicke Doctor of Science
1989 John Thomas Walker Doctor of Divinity
1989 Emily Townsend Vermeule Doctor of Humane Letters
1989 Doris Lessing Doctor of Letters
1989 Constance Baker Motley Doctor of Laws
1989 C. Everett Koop Doctor of Laws
1988 W. Arthur Lewis Doctor of Humane Letters
1988 Nino Pirrotta Doctor of Humane Letters
1988 Matthew Stanley Meselson Doctor of Science
1988 Mario Soares Doctor of Laws
1988 Johnetta Betsch Cole Doctor of Laws
1988 Eudora Welty Doctor of Literature
1987 William G. Bowen Doctor of Laws
1987 Laurance S. Rockefeller Doctor of Humanities
1987 John Rawls Doctor of Humane Letters
1987 John Lewis Doctor of Laws
1987 Jane E. Brody Doctor of Humanities
1987 Durant W. Robertson Jr. Doctor of Humane Letters
1986 William Joseph Brennan Jr. Doctor of Laws
1986 John Archibald Wheeler Doctor of Science
1986 Herbert S. Bailey Jr. Doctor of Laws
1986 Cathleen Synge Morawetz Doctor of Science
1986 Benno C. Schmidt Jr. Doctor of Laws
1986 Arthur Mitchell Doctor of Fine Arts
1985 Theodor Seuss Geisel Doctor of Fine Arts
1985 Saburo Okita Doctor of Laws
1985 Phillip Samuel Hughes Doctor of Laws
1985 Millicent Fenwick Doctor of Laws
1985 Lloyd G. Richards Doctor of Fine Arts
1985 David R. Paton Doctor of Science
1985 Alonzo Church Doctor of Science
1984 Rawleigh Warner Jr. Doctor of Laws
1984 Maurice Sendak Doctor of Fine Arts
1984 Mary P. McPherson Doctor of Laws
1984 Lyman Spitzer Jr. Doctor of Science
1984 George W. Ball Doctor of Laws
1984 Frank P. Stella Doctor of Fine Arts
1984 Alonzo A. Crim Doctor of Laws
1983 Wolfgang K. H. Panofsky Doctor of Science
1983 William W. Bradley Doctor of Laws
1983 Robert Venturi Doctor of Fine Arts
1983 Kathleen Coburn Doctor of Humane Letters
1983 Gregory Vlastos Doctor of Humane Letters
1983 Charles L. Brown Doctor of Laws
1983 A. Leon Higginbotham Jr. Doctor of Laws
1982 Stephen W. Hawking Doctor of Science
1982 Rensselaer W. Lee Doctor of Human Letters
1982 Paul A. Volker Doctor of Laws
1982 Harold W. McGraw Jr. Doctor of Laws
1982 Hanna Holborn Gray Doctor of Laws
1982 Ellen Stewart Doctor of Fine Arts
1982 Arthur Ashe Doctor of Humanities
1981 Stephen G. Kurtz Doctor of Laws
1981 Marcel Marceau Doctor of Fine Arts
1981 Flora Lewis Doctor of Laws
1981 E. Bright Wilson Doctor of Science
1981 Donald F. McHenry Doctor of Laws
1981 Claiborne Pell Doctor of Laws
1981 Charles S. Singleton Doctor of Humane Letters
1980 Ruth Patrick Doctor of Science
1980 Joseph R. Strayer Doctor of Humane Letters
1980 James Earl Jones Doctor of Fine Arts
1980 Harold H. Helm Doctor of Laws
1980 Enrique Tierno Galvan Doctor of Humane Letters
1980 Chou Pei-Yuan Doctor of Laws
1979 Tom Bradley Doctor of Laws
1979 Joseph Papp Doctor of Fine Arts
1979 Eunice Kennedy Shriver Doctor of Humane Letters
1979 Elizabeth Bishop Doctor of Letters
1979 Carl G. Hempel Doctor of Humane Letters
1979 Andrew Jackson Goodpaster Doctor of Laws
1978 William Thorp Doctor of Letters
1978 Vernon E. Jordan Jr. Doctor of Laws
1978 Rosalyn S. Yalow Doctor of Science
1978 Nani Ardeshir Palkhivala Doctor of Laws
1978 Harrison A. Williams Jr. Doctor of Laws
1978 A. Bartlett Giamatti Doctor of Laws
1977 P. J. Conkwright Doctor of Fine Arts
1977 Joseph Lane Kirkland Doctor of Laws
1977 Howard R. Swearer Doctor of Laws
1977 Henry DeW. Smyth Doctor of Science
1977 Bethany Beardslee Doctor of Music
1977 Barbara Jordan Doctor of Laws
1977 Adolph W. Schmidt Doctor of Laws
1976 Serese Khama Doctor of Laws
1976 Mstislav Rostropovitch Doctor of Music
1976 Lewis Thomas Doctor of Science
1976 Justine Wise Polier Doctor of Laws
1976 Gerson D. Cohen Doctor of Divinity
1976 Eugene P. Wigner Doctor of Science
1976 Arthur M. Wood Doctor of Laws
1975 Simone Veil Doctor of Laws
1975 Roy D. Hudson Doctor of Laws
1975 Peter W. Rodino Jr. Doctor of Laws
1975 Kurt Godel Doctor of Science
1975 Jean Labatut Doctor of Humanities
1974 Walsh McDermott Doctor of Science
1974 Freeman J. Dyson Doctor of Science
1974 Frank M. Johnson Jr. Doctor of Laws
1974 Father Georges Florovsky Doctor of Divinity
1974 Elizabeth Jane MacCormack Doctor of Laws
1974 Bennett Lester Carter Doctor of Humanities
1974 Alpheus Thomas Mason Doctor of Laws
1974 Alex A. Kwapong Doctor of Laws
1973 Richard J. Sullivan Doctor of Laws
1973 Millard Meiss Doctor of Letters
1973 Masao Maruyama Doctor of Letters
1973 Joan Ganz Cooney Doctor of Humane Letters
1973 J. Douglas Brown Doctor of Laws
1973 George Pratt Shultz Doctor of Laws
1973 Eleanor Holmes Norton Doctor of Laws
1972 Roger Huntington Sessions Doctor of Music
1972 Robert Francis Goheen Doctor of Laws
1972 John Hope Franklin Doctor of Letters
1972 Hannah Arendt Doctor of Letters
1972 Elisabeth Luce Moore Doctor of Laws
1972 Alvin Ailey Doctor of Fine Arts
1971 Nancy Hanks Doctor of Humane Letters
1971 Kenneth Bancroft Clarke Doctor of Science
1971 John George Kemeny Doctor of Laws
1971 Derek Curtis Bok Doctor of Laws
1971 C. Vann Woodward Doctor of Letters
1970 Walter Lippmann Doctor of Laws
1970 Walter E. Washington Doctor of Laws
1970 Russell E. Train Doctor of Laws
1970 Paul N. Ylvisaker Doctor of Laws
1970 Jacob D. Beam Doctor of Laws
1970 Gordon A. Craig Doctor of Letters
1970 Coretta Scott King Doctor of Humanities
1970 Bob Dylan Doctor of Music
1970 Arthur Kornburg Doctor of Science
1969 Russell W. Baker Doctor of Humane Letters
1969 Robert C. Wood Doctor of Laws
1969 Leon H. Sullivan Doctor of Divinity
1969 James E. Allen Jr. Doctor of Laws
1969 Frank Thompson Jr. Doctor of Laws
1969 Erich von Kahler Doctor of Letters
1969 Donald F. Hornig Doctor of Science
1969 Charles W. Yost Doctor of Laws
1969 Charles E. Shain Doctor of Laws
1968 Thomas P. F. Hoving Doctor of Humanities
1968 Marianne Craig Moore Doctor of Letters
1968 John M. Doar Doctor of Laws
1968 John Elbridge Hines Doctor of Divinity
1968 John Bardeen Doctor of Science
1968 Harold K. Hochschild Doctor of Letters
1968 Harold Howe II Doctor of Laws
1968 Arthur J. Goldburg Doctor of Laws
1967 Yi Pyongdo Doctor of Letters
1967 William Herbert Hudnut Jr. Doctor of Divinity
1967 Whitney Moore Young Jr. Doctor of Laws
1967 Richard Joseph Hughes Doctor of Laws
1967 Michael James Lighthill Doctor of Science
1967 James Isbell Armstrong Doctor of Laws
1967 Jacob Viner Doctor of Letters
1967 Elliot Cook Carter Jr. Doctor of Music
1967 Clifford Philip Case Doctor of Laws
1966 Robert Oppenheimer Doctor of Science
1966 Philip Khuri Hitti Doctor of Letters
1966 Otto Eckstein Doctor of Laws
1966 Northrop Frye Doctor of Humane Letters
1966 Nicholas DeBelleville Katzenbach Doctor of Laws
1966 John W. Gardner Doctor of Laws
1966 John Coleman Bennett Doctor of Divinity
1966 Charles Scribner Jr. Master of Arts
1966 Charles Conrad Jr. Master of Arts
1965 Hugh Foot Doctor of Laws
1965 Kenneth Onwuka Dike Doctor of Laws
1965 Hugh Taylor Doctor of Science
1965 Hugh L. Dryden Doctor of Science
1965 Henry Richardson Labouisse Doctor of Laws
1965 Gerard John Campbell, S.J. Doctor of Laws
1965 George Seferis Doctor of Letters
1965 Archibald MacLeish Doctor of Letters
1965 Andrew Wyeth Doctor of Fine Arts
1965 Adrian S. Fisher Doctor of Laws
1964 William McChesney Martin Jr. Doctor of Laws
1964 Kingman Brewster Jr. Doctor of Laws
1964 James A. Perkins Doctor of Laws
1964 Ibrahim Madkour Doctor of Letters
1964 Frederick Seitz Doctor of Science
1964 Francis C. Wood Doctor of Science
1964 Ellsworth Tompkins Doctor of Letters
1964 Christian A. Herter Doctor of Laws
1964 Bernard M. W. Knox Doctor of Letters
1963 Thurgood Marshall Doctor of Laws
1963 Solomon Lefschetz Doctor of Science
1963 Robert S. MacNamara Doctor of Laws
1963 John D. Verdery Doctor of Letters
1963 Frank W. Notestein Doctor of Science
1963 Chintaman Dwarkanath Deshmukh Doctor of Laws
1963 Arthur Carl Lichtenberger Doctor of Divinity
1963 Americo Castro Doctor of Letters
1963 Alberto Lleras Camargo Doctor of Laws
1962 U. Thant Doctor of Laws
1962 Roger W. Jones Doctor of Laws
1962 James M. Hester Doctor of Laws
1962 J. Irwin Miller Doctor of Laws
1962 Henry H. Callard Doctor of Letters
1962 H. Freeman Matthews Doctor of Laws
1962 George B. Kistiakowsky Doctor of Science
1962 Franklin C. Fry Doctor of Divinity
1962 Donald R. Young Doctor of Laws
1962 Claude E. Shannon Doctor of Science
1962 Ben Shahn Doctor of Fine Arts
1961 William Herbert Hudnut Doctor of Divinity
1961 William Ackerman Buell Doctor of Letters
1961 Theodore Marting Hesburgh Doctor of Laws
1961 Mary Ingraham Bunting Doctor of Laws
1961 John Heysnam Gibbon Doctor of Science
1961 John Albert Wilson Doctor of Letters
1961 Herbert Feis Doctor of Letters
1961 Henry Cabot Lodge Doctor of Laws
1961 Hamilton Fish Armstrong Doctor of Letters
1961 G. Evelyn Hutchinson Doctor of Science
1961 Douglas Dillon Doctor of Laws
1961 Dean Rusk Doctor of Laws
1960 Supachai Vanij-Vadhana Doctor of Laws
1960 Sinclair Hamilton Doctor of Humane Letters
1960 Millicent C. McIntosh Doctor of Laws
1960 Livingston T. Merchant Doctor of Laws
1960 Laurance P. Roberts Master of Fine Arts
1960 John Cobb Cooper Doctor of Laws
1960 John B. Coburn Doctor of Divinity
1960 James S. McDonnell Jr. Doctor of Laws
1960 James I. McCord Doctor of Divinity
1960 James H. Douglas Jr. Doctor of Laws
1960 Eugene R. Black Doctor of Laws
1960 David K. E. Bruce Doctor of Laws
1959 Mervin J. Kelly Doctor of Engineering
1959 Mason W. Gross Doctor of Laws
1959 Marian Anderson Doctor of Humanities
1959 Marcus A. Spencer Doctor of Divinity
1959 John G. Diefenbaker Doctor of Laws
1959 Jean Monnet Doctor of Laws
1959 James Gilluly Doctor of Science
1959 Gilbert Chinard Doctor of Letters
1959 E. Laurence Springer Doctor of Letters
1959 Cleveland E. Dodge Doctor of Philanthropy
1959 Clarke Kerr Doctor of Laws
1958 William Clyde Friday Doctor of Laws
1958 Tsung-Dao Lee Doctor of Science
1958 Pendleton Herring Doctor of Laws
1958 Maurice Pate Doctor of Philanthropy
1958 John Nash Douglas Bush Doctor of Letters
1958 John Crocker Doctor of Divinity
1958 Frederick Clifton Grant Doctor of Letters
1958 Devereux C. Josephs Doctor of Laws
1958 Datus Clifford Smith Jr. Master of Arts
1958 Chien Shiung Wu Doctor of Science
1958 Chen Ning Yang Doctor of Science
1957 Thomas Marc Parrott Doctor of Letters
1957 Robert Lowry Calhoun Doctor of Divinity
1957 Paul Joseph Sachs Doctor of Letters
1957 Oswald Veblen Doctor of Science
1957 George Walbridge Perkins Doctor of Laws
1957 Frank Whittenmore Abrams Doctor of Laws
1957 Fairfield Osborn Doctor of Science
1957 F. Cyril James Doctor of Laws
1957 Edward Chase Kirkland Doctor of Letters
1957 Allen Welsh Dulles Doctor of Laws
1956 Rajkumari Amrit Kaur Doctor of Laws
1956 Peter Kenneth Emmons Doctor of Divinity
1956 Lester Bowles Pearson Doctor of Laws
1956 Henry Townley Heald Doctor of Laws
1956 Henry Eyring Doctor of Science
1956 Helen Hayes Doctor of Fine Arts
1956 Edmund Wilson Doctor of Letters
1956 Arthur Lehman Goodhart Doctor of Laws
1956 Aaron Copland Doctor of Music
1955 Theodore Cuyler Speers Doctor of Divinity
1955 Otto Edward Neugebauer Doctor of Science
1955 Matthew Page Gaffney Doctor of Letters
1955 Katherine Elizabeth McBride Doctor of Laws
1955 John Marshall Harlan Doctor of Laws
1955 Henry Allen Moe Doctor of Letters
1955 Gaylord P. Harnwell Doctor of Laws
1955 Francis Henry Taylor Doctor of Fine Arts
1955 Edward Pulling Doctor of Letters
1955 Dumond Clarke Doctor of Philanthropy
1954 William Eves III Master of Arts
1954 William Campbell Kerr Doctor of Philanthropy
1954 Nathan Marsh Pusey Doctor of Laws
1954 Henry Norris Russel Doctor of Science
1954 G. Bromley Oxnam Doctor of Divinity
1954 Eivind Josef Berggrav Doctor of Divinity
1954 Edward Samuel Corwin Doctor of Laws
1954 Edgar Odell Lovett Doctor of Laws
1954 Charles Rufus Morey Doctor of Laws
1954 Arthur T. Vanderbilt Doctor of Laws
1954 Adlai Ewing Stevenson Doctor of Laws
1953 Rhea McCurdy Ewing Doctor of Philanthropy
1953 Paul Johannes Tillich Doctor of Letters
1953 Lillian Moller Gilbreth Doctor of Engineering
1953 Joshua Lockwood Logan Master of Arts
1953 John Jay McCloy Doctor of Laws
1953 Ira Sprague Bowen Doctor of Science
1953 Grayson Louis Kirk Doctor of Laws
1953 Charles Sackett Sydnor Doctor of Letters
1953 Angus Dun Doctor of Divinity
1952 Robert Abercrombie Lovett Doctor of Laws
1952 Luther Pfahler Eisenhart Doctor of Science
1952 Louis Webster Jones Doctor of Laws
1952 Leonard Dupree White Doctor of Laws
1952 Frank Charles Laubach Doctor of Philanthropy
1952 Eugene Carson Blake Doctor of Divinity
1952 Charles Malik Doctor of Letters
1952 Charles Allen Thomas Doctor of Science
1952 Carl Otto Von Kienbusch Master of Arts
1952 Augustus Noble Hand Doctor of Laws
1951 Walter W. Stuart Doctor of Letters
1951 Simon Smith Kuznets Doctor of Science
1951 Samuel McCrea Cavert Doctor of Divinity
1951 Ralph Johnson Bunche Doctor of Laws
1951 Harold Raymond Medina Doctor of Laws
1951 Grenville Clark Doctor of Laws
1951 George Packer Berry Doctor of Science
1951 Charles Grosvenor Osgood Doctor of Letters
1950 William Edward Lunt Doctor of Letters
1950 William Adolph Visserlt Hooft Doctor of Divinity
1950 Alexander George Montagu Cadogan Doctor of Law
1950 Percy Williams Bridgman Doctor of Science
1950 Harold E. Stassen Doctor of Laws
1950 Frank Pace Jr. Master of Arts
1950 Alfonso Reyes Doctor of Letters
1950 Alexander Clinton Zabriskie Doctor of Divinity
1950 A. Whitney Griswold Doctor of Laws
1949 Thomas Guthrie Speers Doctor of Divinity
1949 Oliver Franks Doctor of Laws
1949 Henri Bonnet Doctor of Laws
1949 Frederick Sherwood Dunn Doctor of Laws
1949 Everette Lee DeGolyer Doctor of Engineering
1949 Dwight Woodbridge Edwards Doctor of Philanthropy
1949 Chambers Jack MacKenzie Doctor of Science
1949 Alfred Hamilton Barr Jr. Doctor of Letters
1948 Walter Ewing Hope Doctor of Laws
1948 Tertius van Dyke Doctor of Divinity
1948 Samuel Andres Stouffer Doctor of Science
1948 Raymond Blaine Fosdick Doctor of Laws
1948 Philip Edward Smith Doctor of Science
1948 Omar Nelson Bradley Doctor of Laws
1948 Louis Booker Wright Doctor of Literature
1948 Katherine Cornell Doctor of Fine Arts
1948 John Baillie Doctor of Divinity
1948 Eleanor Cross Marquand Master of Arts
