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[[Categoría:Órdenes, condecoraciones y medallas de la Unión Soviética]]
[[Categoría:Condecoraciones de la Unión Soviética]]
[[Categoría:Condecoraciones de la Unión Soviética]]

Revisión del 23:10 18 feb 2010

Las órdenes, condecoraciones y medallas de la Unión Soviética son recompensas de la antigua Unión Soviética que reconocían los esfuerzos y logros, tanto militares como civiles. Algunas de las órdenes, condecoraciones y medallas dejaron de ser concedidas a partir del colapso de la Unión Soviética, mientras otras continúan siendo entregadas por la Federación Rusa. Muchas de ellas fueron heredadas y rediseñadas por la Federación Rusa, tal como sucedió con la transición de Héroe de la Unión Soviética a Héroe de la Federación Rusa. Una amplia variedad de premios y condecoraciones cubren el extenso y diverso periodo de la historia que va desde 1917 a 1991.

Condecoraciones de Héroe

Héroes/Heroínas de la Unión Soviética y Madres Heroínas

Insignia y pasador
Nombre (Español/Ruso/Translit)
Fecha de creación
Número concedido

Medalla "Estrella de oro"
Медаль "Золотая звезда"
Medal "Zolotaya zvezda"

16 de abril de 1934 Concedida a Héroes de la Unión Soviética, el más alto honor con que podía ser reconocido un civil o un militar por logros en la promoción de la paz, en la promición del socialismo, protegiendo la maternidad o por un acto heroico de ayuda a otros.


Medalla de oro "Hoz y martillo"
Золотая медаль "Серп и молот"
Zolotaya medal "Serp i molot"

27 de diciembre de 1938 Concedida a Héroes del Trabajo Socialista.


Orden "Madre Heroína"
Орден "Мать-героиня"
Orden "Mat'-geroinya"

8 de julio de 1944 Esta condecoración era concedida a todas las madres que traían al mundo y criaban a 10 ó más hijos. Se concedía a partir del primer cumpleaños del último niño, a condición de que el resto de hijos (naturales o adoptados) siguiesen vivos. Los hijos que habían fallecido bajo heroicas, militares u honrosas circunstancias también eran contabilizados.

(1 hombre)

Órdenes para personal militar

Insignia y pasador
Nombre (Español/Ruso/Translit)
Fecha de creación
Número concedido

Orden de la Victoria
Орден "Победы"
Orden "Pobedy"

8 de noviembre de 1943 La Orden de la Victoria fue la más alta condecoración militar en las Fuerzas Armadas soviéticas y una de las más excepcionales del mundo, debido al escaso número de receptores. Fue establecida el 8 de noviembre de 1943 y concedida solo a Generales y Mariscales por "operaciones de éxito dentro del marco de uno o varios frentes, con el resultado de un cambio radical en la situación a favor el Ejército Rojo". Hecha de platino, rubís y 150 diamantes, el valor intrínseco de la condecoración es considerable. La insignia representa la torre Spásskaya del Kremlin de Moscú, con el mausoleo de Lenin delante.

Orden de la Bandera Roja
Орден "Крaсного Знамени"
Orden "Krasnogo Znameni"

16 de septiembre de 1918 La Orden de la Bandera Roja reconocía acciones militares. Antes del establecimiento de la Orden de Lenin, la Orden de la Bandera Roja funcionaba como la más alta (y prácticamente única) orden militar de la URSS. La práctica totalidad de los más afamados comandantes soviéticos llegaron a ser Caballeros de la Orden de la Bandera Roja. También fue concedida a personal de la NKVD.

Orden de la Estrella Roja
Орден "Красная Звезда"
Orden "Krasnaya Zvezda"

6 de abril de 1930 La Orden de la Estrella Roja fue concedida a personal de Ejército Rojo y de la Armada por servicio excepcional en la causa de la defensa de la Unión Soviética tanto en la paz como en la guerra. También se otorgaba por 15 años de servicio, antes de la creación de los premios por duración del servicio.

Orden de la Guerra Patria (1ª clase)
Орден Отечественной войны (первой степени)
Orden Otechestvennoi Voiny (Pervoy Stepeni)

20 de mayo de 1942 La Orden de la Guerra Patria fue otorgada a todos los soldados de las Fuerzas Armadas soviéticas, tropas de seguridad y partisanos por actos heroicos durante la Gran Guerra Patriótica. En 1985, durante la conmemoración del 40 aniversario del final de la Gran Guerra Patriótica, se decidió que todos los veteranos supervivientes de la guerra serían agraciados con la Orden de 1ª clase o la de 2ª clase.

Orden de la Guerra Patria (2ª clase)
Орден Отечественной войны (второй степени)
Orden Otechestvennoi Voiny (Vtoroy Stepeni)

20 de mayo de 1942 Véase Orden de la Guerra Patria (1ª clase)

Orden de Alejandro Nevski
Орден Александра Невского
Orden Aleksandra Nevskogo

29 de julio de 1942 A oficiales del ejército por actos de valentía y liderazgo decidido.
Archivo:Order of suvorov medal 1st class.jpg

Orden de Suvorov (1ª clase)
Орден Суворова (первой степени)
Orden Suvorova (Pervoy Stepeni)

29 de julio de 1942 La 1ª clase de la orden era concedida a comandantes del ejército por dirección excepcional de operaciones de combate.

Orden de Suvorov (2ª clase)
Орден Суворова (второй степени)
Orden Suvorova (Vtoroy Stepeni)

29 de julio de 1942 La 2ª clase se concedía a comandantes de cuerpos de ejército, divisiones y brigadas por victorias decisivas sobre enemigos numéricamente superiores.

Orden de Suvorov (3ª clase)
Орден Суворова (третьей степени)
Orden Suvorova (Tret'ej Stepeni)

4 de febrero de 1943 La 3ª clase era otorgada a comandantes de regimiento, sus jefes de estado mayor, y comandantes de batallón y compañía por liderazgo extraordinario a la cabeza de una batalla victoriosa.

Orden de Kutuzov (1ª clase)
Орден Кутузова (первой степени)
Orden Kutuzova (Pervoj Stepeni)

29 de julio de 1942 La Orden de Kutuzov de 1ª clase fue creada para recompensar a los comandantes de los frentes y ejércitos por evadirse con habilidad de ataques enemigos y contraatacar exitosamente.

Orden de Kutuzov (2ª clase)
Орден Кутузова (второй степени)
Orden Kutuzova (Vtoroj Stepeni)

29 de julio de 1942 La Orden de Kutuzov de 2ª clase fue creada para recompensar a los comandantes de los cuerpos de ejército, divisiones y brigadas por evadirse con habilidad de ataques enemigos y contraatacar exitosamente.

Orden de Kutuzov (3ª clase)
Орден Кутузова (третьей степени)
Orden Kutuzova (Tret'ej Stepeni)

8 de febrero de 1943 La Orden de Kutuzov de 3ª clase fue creada para recompensar a los comandantes, a sus jefes de estado mayor, jefes de batallón y de compañía por evadirse con habilidad de ataques enemigos y contraatacar exitosamente.

Orden de Bogdan Khmelnitsky (1ª clase)
Орден Богдана Хмельницкого (первой степени)
Orden Bogdana Khmel'nitskogo (Pervoj Stepeni)

10 de octubre de 1943 La 1ª clase era concedida a los comandantes de frente o del ejército por la dirección exitosa de operaciones de combate que supusieron la liberación de una región o un pueblo, causando fuertes bajas al enemigo.
Archivo:Order khmelnitsky2.jpg

Orden de Bogdan Khmelnitsky (2ª clase)
Орден Богдана Хмельницкого (второй степени)
Orden Bogdana Khmel'nitskogo (Vtoroj Stepeni)

10 de octubre de 1943 La 2ª clase era concedida a los comandantes de cuerpos, divisiones, brigadas o batallones por destrucción de la línea defensiva del enemigo o una incursión en la retaguardia del enemigo.
Archivo:Order khmelnitsky3.jpg

Orden de Bogdan Khmelnitsky (3ª clase)
Орден Богдана Хмельницкого (третьей степени)
Orden Bogdana Khmel'nitskogo (Tret'ej Stepeni)

10 de octubre de 1943 La 3ª clase era otorgada a oficiles, comandantes partisanos, sargentos, cabos o soldados del Ejército Rojo y unidades partisanas por valor excepcional e ingenio conducentes a una victoria en batalla.

Orden de la Gloria (1ª clase)
Орден Славы (первой степени)
Orden Slavy (Pervoy Stepeni)

8 de noviembre de 1943 La Orden de la Gloria, con un diseño muy similar a la zarista Orden de San Jorge, era otorgada a suboficiales y soldados de las Fuerzas Armadas, así como a tenientes segundos (alféreces) de la Fuerza Aérea, por actos de valentía ante el enemigo. Una persona recibía inicialmente la 3ª clase y podía ser ascendido a los grados superiores por otras acciones de valentía.

Orden de la Gloria (2ª clase)
Орден Славы (второй степени)
Orden Slavy(Vtoroy Stepeni)

8 de noviembre de 1943 Véase Orden de la Gloria (1ª clase).

Orden de la Gloria (3ª clase)
Орден Славы (третьей степени)
Orden Slavy (Tret'ey Stepeni)

8 de noviembre de 1943 Véase Orden de la Gloria (1ª clase).

Order Of Ushakov (1st Class)
Орден Ушакова (первой степени)
Orden Ushakova (Pervoj Stepeni)

3 March 1944 Awarded to naval officers for outstanding achievements in planning and conducting naval operations and for victories in combat resulting from such operations. 47

Order Of Ushakov (2nd Class)
Орден Ушакова (второй степени)
Orden Ushakova (Vtoroj Stepeni)

3 March 1944 Awarded to naval officers for excellent direction and successful planning of a sea battle against a numerically superior enemy that results in the annihilation of many forces. 198

Order Of Nakhimov (1st Class)
Орден "Нахимова" (первой степени)
Orden "Nakhimova" (Pervoj Stepeni)

3 March 1944 Awarded to naval officers for outstanding planning and execution of operations. 80

Order Of Nakhimov (2nd Class)
Орден "Нахимова" (второй степени)
Orden "Nakhimova" (Vtoroj Stepeni)

3 March 1944 Awarded to naval officers for outstanding planning and execution of operations. 467

Order For Service To The Homeland In The Armed Forces (1st Class)
Орден "За службу Родине в Вооружённых Силах" (первой степени)
Orden "Za Sluzhbu Rodine v Vooruzhennykh Silakh" (Pervoj Stepeni)

28 October 1974 This order was awarded for exemplary service in the armed forces, both during a war and during peacetime. A recipient was first awarded a 3rd class order, then if further deeds were made, the second and the first class. Like the civilian Order of Labour Glory upon which it is modeled, it gave a certain number of material benefits to their owners. 13

Order For Service To The Homeland In The Armed Forces (2nd Class)
Орден "За службу Родине в Вооружённых Силах" (второй степени)
Orden "Za Sluzhbu Rodine v Vooruzhennykh Silakh" (Vtoroj Stepeni)

28 October 1974 This order was awarded for exemplary service in the armed forces, both during a war and during peacetime. A recipient was first awarded a 3rd class order, then if further deeds were made, the second and the first class. Like the civilian Order Of Labour Glory upon which it is modeled, it gave a certain number of material benefits to their owners. 589

Order For Service To The Homeland In The Armed Forces (3rd Class)
Орден "За службу Родине в Вооружённых Силах" (третьей степени)
Orden "Za Sluzhbu Rodine v Vooruzhennykh Silakh" (Tret'ej Stepeni)

28 October 1974 This order was awarded for exemplary service in the armed forces, both during a war and during peacetime. A recipient was first awarded a 3rd class order, then if further deeds were made, the second and the first class. Like the civilian Order Of Labour Glory upon which it is modeled, it gave a certain number of material benefits to their owners. 69,576

Órdenes para personal militar y civil

Badge And Ribbon Name (English/Russian/Translit) Creation Date Description Number Awarded
Archivo:Order of Lenin.jpg

Order Of Lenin
Орден Ленина
Orden Lenina

6 April 1930 Order of Lenin was the highest civil decoration. Given to both civilians and soldiers for outstanding service to the motherland in defence, strengthening peace and strengthening labour. From 1930-1934 made of silver, 1934-1936 made of gold and from 1936-1991 made of platinum. 462,184

Order Of Friendship Of Peoples
Орден Дружбы Народов
Orden Druzhby Narodov

17 October 1972 This order was awarded to persons, organizations, enterprises, military units, as well as administrative subdivisions of the USSR for "accomplishments in strengthening of inter-race and international friendship and cooperation, for economical, political, scientific, military and cultural development of the Soviet Union". 77,719

Órdenes para personal civil

Badge And Ribbon Name (English/Russian/Translit) Creation Date Description Number Awarded

Order Of The Red Banner Of Labour
Орден "Трудового Красного Знамени"
Orden "Trudovogo Krasnogo Znameni"

28 December 1920 This order was established as the civilian counterpart of the military Order of the Red Banner and was awarded for exceptional working achievements. 1,259,942

Order Of The Badge Of Honour
Орден "Знак Почета"
Orden "Znak Pocheta"

25 November 1935 This order conferred on citizens of the USSR for "outstanding achievements in production, scientific research and social, cultural and other forms of social activity". It was replaced on 28 December 1988 by the Order Of Honour, with an almost identical appearance. 1,574,368

Order Of Maternal Glory (1st Class)

8 July 1944 This decoration was awarded to all mothers bearing and raising 9 children. It was awarded upon the first birthday of the last child, provided that eight other children (natural or adopted) remained alive. Children who had perished under heroic, military or other respectful circumstances were also counted. 881,070

Order Of Maternal Glory (2nd Class)

8 July 1944 This decoration was awarded to all mothers bearing and raising 8 children. It was awarded upon the first birthday of the last child, provided that seven other children (natural or adopted) remained alive. Children who had perished under heroic, military or other respectful circumstances were also counted. 1,697,223

Order Of Maternal Glory (3rd Class)

8 July 1944 This decoration was awarded to all mothers bearing and raising 7 children. It was awarded upon the first birthday of the last child, provided that six other children (natural or adopted) remained alive. Children who had perished under heroic, military or other respectful circumstances were also counted. 3,083,328

Order Of The October Revolution
Орден "Октябрьской Революции"
Orden "Oktyabr'skoj Revolyutsii"

31 October 1967 Created for the 50th anniversary of the October Revolution, this order was awarded to individuals or groups for services furthering communism or the state or in enhancing the defences of the Soviet Union. 106,462

Order Of Labour Glory (1st Class)
Орден "Трудовой Славы" (первой степени)
Orden "Trudovoj Slavy" (Pervoj Stepeni)

18 January 1974 Closely modeled on the Order of Glory, this order was meant to be its civilian counterpart, awarded for exceptional labour achievements. In the same way as the Order of Glory, it was divided in three classes (the highest being the 1st class), with a person initially received the third degree, and subsequently promoted to higher degrees for further achievements. It also gave a certain number of material benefits to their owners, such as an increased pension raises and free public transport. 952

Order Of Labour Glory (2nd Class)
Орден "Трудовой Славы" (второй степени)
Orden "Trudovoj Slavy" (Vtoroj Stepeni)

18 January 1974 Closely modeled on the Order of Glory, this order was meant to be its civilian counterpart, awarded for exceptional labour achievements. In the same way as the Order of Glory, it was divided in three classes (the highest being the 1st class), with a person initially received the third degree, and subsequently promoted to higher degrees for further achievements. It also gave a certain number of material benefits to their owners, such as an increased pension raises and free public transport. 45,197

Order Of Labour Glory (3rd Class)
Орден "Трудовой Славы" (третьей степени)
Orden "Trudovoj Slavy" (Tret'ej Stepeni)

18 January 1974 Closely modeled on the Order of Glory, this order was meant to be its civilian counterpart, awarded for exceptional labour achievements. In the same way as the Order of Glory, it was divided in three classes (the highest being the 1st class), with a person initially received the third degree, and subsequently promoted to higher degrees for further achievements. It also gave a certain number of material benefits to their owners, such as an increased pension raises and free public transport. 637,816

Order For Personal Courage
Орден "За Личное Мужество"
Orden "Za Lichnoe Muzhestvo"

28 December 1988 This decoration could be awarded to any USSR citizen showing outstanding courage and bravery during life-saving, keeping of public order and safeguard of State property, as well as for fighting crime, environmental catastrophes and other exceptional events. 529

Medallas militares


Badge And Ribbon Name (English/Russian/Translit) Creation Date Description Number Awarded

For Valour
Медаль "За Отвагу"
Medal' "Za Otvagu"

17 October 1938 The Medal for Valour was the highest military medal that could be awarded to a soldier for bravery on the field of battle. The tank pictured it's a T-35 and the planes bore strong reassemblance to was awarded for "acts of bravery during a battle, during the defence of the state borders or during military duties associated with risk for life." 4,569,893

For Combat Merits
Медаль "За боевые заслуги"
Medal' "Za Boevye Zaslugi"

17 October 1938 This military medal awarded for "combat action resulting in a military success", "courageous defence of the state borders", or "successful military and political training and preparation". Also awarded for 10 years of service prior to the creation of the long service awards. 5,210,078

To Partisan Of The Patriotic War (1st Class)

22 February 1943 Awarded to partisans and partisan movement organizers for courage and valour against occupying troops during the Great Patriotic War. 56,883

To Partisan Of The Patriotic War (2nd Class)

22 February 1943 Awarded to partisans and partisan movement organizers for courage and valour against occupying troops during the Great Patriotic War. 70,992

Ushakov Medal
Медаль Ушакова
Medal' "Ushakova"

3 March 1944 This medal was awarded to fleet officers and soldiers, both during war and peacetime, for courage and bravery during military operations, state borders patrol, and military duties with life risk. Note that the "peacetime" part results from a modification of the status in 1980 (before that, the medal used to be awarded only during wars). 15,641

Nakhimov Medal
Медаль Нахимова
Medal' "Nakhimova"

3 March 1944 Awarded to those in Naval Service for valour and gallantry during sea battles and to for those not in naval service who with efficient and resourceful actions at the risk of their lives, contributed to the successful outcome of combat missions involving Soviet Naval Forces. 14,020

Distinguished Service In Guarding The State Border
Медаль "за отличие в охране Государственной границы СССР"
Medal' "Za Otlichie V Okhrane Gosudarstvennoj Granitsy SSSR"

13 July 1950 Awarded to K.G.B. Border Troops personnel for military or other actions displaying excellence in guarding the Soviet borders. c. 67,000

For Preservation Of Public Order

1 November 1950 Awarded to members of the Ministry of Internal Affairs (MVD) and its Internal Troops for aiding in preserving public order. c. 47,000

Distinguished Military Service (1st Class)

28 October 1974 Awarded to all military personnel for Distinguished Service. c. 20,000

Distinguished Military Service (2nd Class)

28 October 1974 Awarded to all military personnel for Distinguished Service. c. 120,000

For Strengthening Combat Co-Operation

25 May 1979 Awarded to service personnel who strengthened the military co-operation of the forces of the Warsaw Pact nations. c. 20,000

Long service medals

Badge And Ribbon Name (English/Russian/Translit) Creation Date Description Number Awarded

For Excellent Service (Third class)
За Безупречную Службу (Третьей степени)

25 January 1958 Awarded for 10 years of good service.

Excellent Service (Second class)
За Безупречную Службу (Второй степени)

25 January 1958 Awarded for 15 years good service.

Excellent Service (First class)
За Безупречную Службу (Первой степени)

25 January 1958 Awarded for 20 years good service.

Veteran Of The Soviet Armed Forces

25 May 1976 For 25 Years military service. c. 880,000

Medallas de campaña

Medallas de campañas defensivas de la Gran Guerra Patriótica

Badge And Ribbon Name (English/Russian/Translit) Creation Date Description Number Awarded

For The Defence Of Leningrad
За оборону Ленинграда
Za oboronu Leningrada

22 December 1942 Awarded to all Soviet military and civilians who participated in the defence of Leningrad between 8 September 1941 and 27 January 1944. c. 1,496,000

For The Defence Of Odessa
За оборону Одессы
Za oboronu Odessy

22 December 1942 Awarded to all Soviet military and civilians who participated in the defence of Odessa between 10 August and 16 October 1941. c. 38,000

For The Defence Of Sevastopol
За оборону Севастополя
Za oboronu Sevastopolya

22 December 1942 Awarded to all Soviet military and civilians who participated in the defence of Sevastopol between 5 November 1941 and 4 July 1942. 52,540

For The Defence Of Stalingrad
За оборону Сталинграда
Za oboronu Stalingrada

22 December 1942 Awarded to all Soviet military and civilians who participated in the defence of Stalingrad between 12 July and 19 November 1942. 759,560

For The Defence Of Moscow
За оборону Москвы
Za oboronu Moskvy

1 May 1944 Awarded to all Soviet military and civilians who participated in the defence of Moscow between 19 October 1941 and 25 January 1942. 1,028,600

For The Defence Of The Caucasus
За оборону Кавказа
Za oboronu Kavkaza

1 May 1944 Awarded to all Soviet military and civilians who participated in the defence of the Caucasus region between July 1942 and 9 October 1943. c. 870,000

For The Defence Of The Soviet Transarctic
За оборону Советского Заполярья
Za oboronu Sovestkogo Zapoliarya

5 December 1944 Awarded to all Soviet military and civilians who participated in the defence of the Soviet Transarctic regions between 25 June 1941 and 19 September 1944. 353,240

For The Defence Of Kiev
За оборону Киева
Za oboronu Kieva

21 June 1961 Awarded to all Soviet military and civilians who participated in the defence of Kiev between 7 July and 26 September 1941. 107,540

Medallas de campañas ofensivas de la Gran Guerra Patriótica

Badge And Ribbon Name (English/Russian/Translit) Creation Date Description Number Awarded

For the Capture of Berlin
За взятие Берлина
Za vsyatie Berlina

9 June 1945 Awarded to Soviet service personnel who took part in the capture of Berlin from 22 April and 2 May 1945 c. 1,100,000

For the Capture of Budapest
За взятие Будапешта
Za vsyatie Budapeshta

9 June 1945 Awarded to Soviet service personnel who took part in the capture of Budapest which fell on 13 February 1945. 362,050

For the Capture of Königsberg
За взятие Кенигсберга
Za vsyatie Kenigsberga

9 June 1945 Awarded to Soviet service personnel who took part in the capture of Königsberg between 23 January and 10 April 1945. c. 760,000

For the Liberation of Prague
За освобождение Праги
Za osvobozhdenie Pragi

9 June 1945 Awarded to Soviet service personnel who took part in the liberation of Prague between the 3 May and 9 May 1945. 400,070

For the Capture of Vienna
За взятие Вены
Za vzyatie Veny

9 June 1945 Awarded to Soviet service personnel who took part in the capture of Vienna between 16 March and 13 April 1945 277,380


For the Liberation of Warsaw
За освобождение Варшавы
Za osvobozhdenie Warshavy

9 June 1945 Awarded to Soviet service personnel who took part in the liberation of Warsaw between the 14th and 17 January 1945. 701,700

For the Liberation of Belgrade
За освобождение Белграда
Za osvobozhdenie Belgrada

21 June 1961 Awarded to Soviet service personnel who took part in the liberation of Belgrade between 29 September and 22 October 1944. c. 70,000

For the Victory Over Germany
За победу над Германией
Za pobedu nad Germaniej

9 May 1945 Awarded to Soviet service personnel who were on active service during The Great Patriotic War (Military service of 3 months or civil service of 6 months). 14,933,000

For the Victory Over Japan
За победу над Японией
Za pobedu nad Yaponiej

30 September 1945 Awarded to Soviet service personnel of the 1st and 2nd Far East Transbaikal Fronts, Pacific Fleet and Amur River Flotilla who were active between 8 August and 23 August 1945. c. 1,831,000

Medallas civiles

Badge And Ribbon Name (English/Russian/Translit) Creation Date Description Number Awarded

Medal For Labour Valour
За трудовую доблесть
Za trudovuyu doblest'

27 December 1938 Awarded to labourers who heroically dedicated themselves towards the building of a socialist society or have demonstrated a complete understanding of machinery/equipment to provide a high level of efficiency or for significant contributions in culture/science/manufacturing. 1,825,100

Medal For Distinguished Labour
За трудовое отличие
Za trudovoe otlichie

27 December 1938 Awarded to labourers who distinguished themselves with high production rates or for development of culture/science/manufacturing. 2,146,400


Heroic Labour During The Great Patriotic War

6 June 1945 Awarded to all Soviet industrial workers for a term of one year or longer of labour during The Great Patriotic War. (6 months for disabled military veterans/professional school graduates/the retired who returned to work to aid.) 16,096,750

Excellence In Maintaining Public Order

1 November 1950 Awarded to all service personnel of the militsiya for courage shown during the liquidation of criminal groups and arrest of criminal or for excellence in organising and coordinating militia in combating crime or for selfless acts during the prevention of hooliganism/alcoholism/theft. c. 27,000

For The Rescue Of The Drowning
За спасение утопающих
Za spasenie utopayushchikh

16 February 1957 Awarded to any person (Soviet or not) for courage, bravery and selflessness whilst rescuing a person/people from water or for outstanding vigilance and resourcefulness preventing drowning or for excellence in organising of rescue operations in Soviet waters or of Soviet citizens. c. 27,000

For Courage During Fire

30 October 1957 Awarded all Soviet citizens for courage and bravery in extinguishing fires or saving lives/state or private property from fire or for preventing explosions and fires. c. 32,000

Veteran Of Labour
ветеран труда

18 January 1974 Awarded to all workers (Military or Civilian) at Retirement. c. 39,197,100

Campañas de desarrollo y restauración

Badge And Ribbon Name (English/Russian/Translit) Creation Date Description Number Awarded

Restoration Of The Donbass Coal Mines

10 September 1947 Awarded to the Soviet supervisors and machine operators of the Donbass (most of the work was done by prisoners of war). 129 large coal pits, 889 smaller coal pits and 300 mine heads were rebuilt or constructed. 700 lifting machines were also made operative. 46,350

Restoration Of The Black Metallurgic Enterprises Of The South

18 May 1948 Awarded to Soviet workers of outstanding performance in restoring the Black Metallurgic Enterprises of the Soviet Union which were destroyed during the Great Patriotic War. 13 blast furnaces, 49 open furnaces, 29 finishing mills and 68 coke-oven batteries were restored to effective or outstanding production rates. 68,710

Development Of The Virgin Lands

20 October 1956 Awarded to all Soviet workers who helped cultivate 36,000,000 hectares of previously uncultivated lands in Kazakhstan, Siberia, the Urals, the Volga area and the northern Caucasus for two solid years from 1954-1956. c. 1,300,000

Construction Of The Baikul-Amur Railway

8 October 1976 Awarded to workers on the Baikul-Amur Railway (BAM) for 2 years outstanding service between 1974 and 1984. c. 69,000

Development Of The Non-Black Earth Regions Of The Soviet Union

30 September 1977 Awarded for 3 years outstanding service in developing Soviet agriculture. c. 55,000

Development Of The Petrochemical Complex Of Western Siberia

28 July 1978 Awarded for 3 years outstanding service in the Petrochemical Complex Of Western Siberia. c. 38,000

Medallas a la maternidad

Badge And Ribbon Name (English/Russian/Translit) Creation Date Description Number Awarded

Motherhood Medal (1st Class)

8 July 1944 This decoration was awarded to all mothers bearing and raising 6 children. It was awarded upon the first birthday of the last child, provided that five other children (natural or adopted) remained alive. Children who had perished under heroic, military, or other respectful circumstances were also counted. c. 4,000,000

Motherhood Medal (2nd Class)

8 July 1944 This decoration was awarded to all mothers bearing and raising 5 children. It was awarded upon the first birthday of the last child, provided that four other children (natural or adopted) remained alive. Children who had perished under heroic, military, or other respectful circumstances were also counted. c. 8,000,000

Medallas conmemorativas

Años desde la creación de las Fuerzas Armadas Soviéticas

Badge And Ribbon Name (English/Russian/Translit) Creation Date Description Number Awarded

20 Years Since The Creation Of The Worker's And Peasants' Red Army

24 January 1938 Awarded to Commanders of the Soviet Army and Navy for 20 years of service and also all who were decorated with the Order of the Red Banner during the Civil War. (To be returned upon death.) 37,504

30 Years Since The Creation Of The Soviet Army And Navy

18 February 1948 Awarded to everyone serving in the military of the Soviet Union 23 February 1948 3,710,920

40 Years Since The Creation Of The Soviet Armed Forces

18 December 1957 Awarded to everyone serving in the military of the Soviet Union 23 February 1958 820,080

50 Years Since The Creation Of The Soviet Armed Forces

26 December 1967 Awarded to
  • all marshals, generals, officers, cadets, and volunteer enlisted men serving in the military of the Soviet Union and in Soviet state security organs.
  • All servicemen placed into the reserve or retired after twenty or more years in uniform
  • All those awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union or all three classes of the Order of Glory
  • All combat veterans, including Civil War and World War II partisans
  • all those awarded an order or medal for individual service, bravery or achievement regardless of length of service.
    23 February 1968
  • 9,527,270

    60 Years Since The Creation Of The Soviet Armed Forces

    28 January 1978 Awarded to
  • all marshals, generals, officers, and volunteer enlisted men serving in the military of the Soviet Union and in Soviet state security organs.
  • All servicemen placed into the reserve or retired after twenty or more years in uniform
  • All those awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union or all three classes of the Order of Glory
  • All combat veterans, including Civil War and World War II partisans
  • all those awarded an order or medal for individual service, bravery or achievement regardless of length of service.
    23 February 1978
  • 10,723,340

    70 Years Since The Creation Of The Soviet Armed Forces

    28 January 1988 Awarded to
  • all marshals, generals, officers, cadets, and volunteer enlisted men serving in the military of the Soviet Union and in Soviet state security organs.
  • All servicemen placed into the reserve or retired after twenty or more years in uniform
  • All those awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union or all three classes of the Order of Glory
  • All combat veterans, including Civil War and World War II partisans
  • all those awarded an order or medal for individual service, bravery or achievement regardless of length of service.
    23 February 1988
  • 9,842,160

    Conmemoración de la victoria en la Gran Guerra Patriótica

    Badge And Ribbon Name (English/Russian/Translit) Creation Date Description Number Awarded

    20 Years Of Victory In The Great Patriotic War
    20 Лет Победы в Великой Отечественной Войне
    20 Let Pobedy v Velikoj Otechestvennoj Vojne

    7 May 1965 Awarded to all surviving participants of the Great Patriotic War. 16,399,550

    30 Years Of Victory In The Great Patriotic War
    30 Лет Победы в Великой Отечественной Войне
    30 Let Pobedy v Velikoj Otechestvennoj Vojne

    25 April 1975 Awarded to all surviving participants of the Great Patriotic War. 14,259,560

    40 Years Of Victory In The Great Patriotic War
    40 Лет Победы в Великой Отечественной Войне
    40 Let Pobedy v Velikoj Otechestvennoj Vojne

    12 April 1985 Awarded to all surviving participants of the Great Patriotic War. 11,268,980

    Otras medallas conmemorativas

    Badge And Ribbon Name (English/Russian/Translit) Creation Date Description Number Awarded

    800th Anniversary Of Moscow

    20 September 1947 Awarded to all citizens who participated in the restoration and reconstruction of Moscow. With Citizenship of Moscow of five years or more. Also awarded to all surviving holders of the Medal for the Defence of Moscow. c. 1,730,000

    250th Anniversary Of Leningrad

    16 May 1957 Awarded to all citizens who participated in the restoration and reconstruction of Leningrad. With Citizenship of Leningrad of five years or more. Also awarded to all surviving holders of the Medal for the Defence of Leningrad. c. 1,440,000

    50th Anniversary Of The Soviet Militia

    21 November 1967 Awarded to all members of the Soviet militsiya serving on 21 November 1967 c. 250,000

    100th Birthday Of Vladimir Lenin*

    5 November 1969 Awarded to all persons in state service on the occasion of Lenin's 100th Birthday, April 1970. (There are three different versions of this medal: a military version, a civilian version and a "for non-Soviet citizens" version.) 9,000,000 workers / 2,000,000 military personnel / 5000 members of foreign delegations

    50th Anniversary Of The Soviet Armenian Republic*


    1500th Anniversary Of Kiev

    10 May 1982 Awarded to all citizens of Kiev who had lived there at least 10 years. Also awarded to all surviving holders of the Medal for the Defence of Kiev. c. 700,000

    Insignias civiles de toda la Unión

    Badge And Ribbon Name (English/Russian/Translit) Creation Date Description Number Awarded

    Winner of the Socialist Competition

    Awarded for winning the socialist competition.

    Blood Donor (1st Class)

    Донор СССР(первой степени)

    For donating blood.

    Blood Donor (2nd Class)

    Донор СССР(второй степени)

    For donating blood.

    Blood Donor (3rd Class)

    Донор СССР(третьей степени)

    For donating blood.

    Distinguished Test Pilot Of The Soviet Union

    14 August 1958 Awarded To Soviet Military And Civilian Test Pilots For Distinguished Service To The Soviet Union.

    Distinguished Test Navigator Of The Soviet Union

    14 August 1958 Awarded To Soviet Military And Civilian Test Navigators For Distinguished Service To The Soviet Union.

    Pilot Cosmonaut Of The Soviet Union
    Лётчик-космонавт СССР
    Lyotchik-kosmonavt SSSR

    14 April 1961 Awarded To Soviet Cosmonauts. 56

    Distinguished Military Pilot Of The Soviet Union

    26 January 1965 Awarded to Soviet military pilots for distinguished service to the military aviation of the Soviet Union.

    Distinguished Military Navigator Of The Soviet Union

    26 January 1965 Awarded to Soviet military aviation navigators for distinguished service to the military aviation of the Soviet Union.

    Distinguished Pilot Of The Soviet Union

    30 September 1965 Awarded to Soviet civilian pilots for distinguished service to the civil aviation of the Soviet Union.

    Distinguished Navigator Of The Soviet Union

    30 September 1965 Awarded to Soviet civilian aviation navigators for distinguished service to the civil aviation of the Soviet Union.

    Inventor Of The Soviet Union
    Изобретатель СССР
    Izobretatel' SSSR

    1981 Awarded for innovative proposals.

    Honoured Blood Donor Of The Soviet Union

    Awarded to Soviet blood donors.

    Condecoraciones deportivas de toda la Unión

    Badge And Ribbon Name (English/Russian/Translit) Creation Date Description Number Awarded

    Champion of the USSR (1st class)
    Чемпион СССР (первой степени)

    Awarded to champions of the Soviet Union

    Champion of the USSR (2nd class)
    Чемпион СССР (второй степени)

    Awarded to champions of the Soviet Union

    Champion of the USSR (3rd class)
    Чемпион СССР (третьей степени)

    Awarded to champions of the Soviet Union

    Record-breaker of the USSR
    Рекордсмен СССР

    Awarded to record-breakers of the Soviet Union

    For the best acsension
    За лучшее восхождение

    Awarded for the best acsension

    Insignias militares

    Badge And Ribbon Name (English/Russian/Translit) Creation Date Description Number Awarded

    Excellence In The Workers' And Peasants' Red Army

    Issued to Red Army personnel for excellence before the force was renamed after the Great Patriotic War.

    10th Anniversary Of The O.G.P.U.

    1927 Issued to members of the Soviet Political Police.

    Battle of Lake Khasan

    1939 Issued to service personnel who took part in the Battle of Lake Khasan against Japanese forces.

    Excellent Propagandist Of The M.V.D.

    Awarded to M.V.D. personnel for excellent work in propaganda promoting the works of the M.V.D. using various art forms and media.

    Excellence In The D.O.S.A.A.F.

    Issued to D.O.S.A.A.F. personnel for excellence in supporting the armed forces.

    50th Anniversary Of The D.O.S.A.A.F.

    Honoured Worker Of The Labour Ministry

    Insignias a la excelencia de la Gran Guerra Patriótica

    Badge And Ribbon Name (English/Russian/Translit) Creation Date Description Number Awarded

    Excellent Artillery Personnel

    21 May 1942

    Excellent Sniper

    21 May 1942

    Excellent Tank Crew Personnel

    21 May 1942

    Excellent Machinegunner

    21 May 1942

    Excellent Mortar Specialist

    21 May 1942

    Excellent Submariner

    21 May 1942

    Excellent Torpedo Specialist

    21 May 1942

    Excellent Cook

    21 May 1942

    Excellent Combat Engineer

    21 May 1942

    Excellent Medic

    21 May 1942

    Excellent Reconnaissance Scout

    21 May 1942

    Excellent Antiaircraft Gunner

    21 May 1942

    Excellent Driver

    21 May 1942

    Excellent Tractor Driver

    21 May 1942

    Excellent Fire Fighter

    21 May 1942

    Excellent Railway Troop

    21 May 1942

    Excellent Signaler

    21 May 1942

    Excellent Pontoon Bridge Engineer

    21 May 1942

    Excellent Baker

    21 May 1942

    Excellent Road Worker

    21 May 1942

    Excellent Marksmanship

    21 May 1942

    Excellent Land Mine Specialist

    21 May 1942

    Excellence In The Air Force


    Insignias locales

    Badge And Ribbon Name (English/Russian/Translit) Creation Date Description Number Awarded

    Excellence in socialist competition in gold and platinum mining

    Awarded to workers in the gold and platinum mining industries for excellent labour.

    Premios de la Liga Comunista de Jóvenes Leninistas

    Badge And Ribbon Name (English/Russian/Translit) Creation Date Description Number Awarded

    For Environmental Protection

    За защиту окружающей среды

    Issued by the Leninist Young Communist League Of The Soviet Union.

    Note: Several Soviet decorations were worn in full, so a ribbon bar was not created. However, since the fall of the USSR, some medals have had ribbon bars created for them. An asterisk, *, denotes these medals. Awards not showing a ribbon are worn in full at all times.

    Véase también


    • Paul D. McDaniel, Paul J. Schmitt (1997) The Comprehensive Guide to Soviet Orders and Medals. ISBN 0-9656289-0-6

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